
  • 网络predicted values;expectation value;FVC;predictor
  1. 长春市工人肺功能预计值研究

    Study on the Predicted Values of the Workers ' Lung Function in Changchun

  2. 结果经过12个月的治疗,50例支气管哮喘患者呼气峰流速占预计值的百分比从初次的51%,提高到6个月时的71%和12个月时的87%(P<0·01)。

    Results The average PEF in 50 patients increased to 71 % of the predicted values in 6-month and 87 % in 12-month from 51 % in initial visit ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 峰流速仪测定PEF,并计算占预计值的百分比(PEF%)。

    PEF was monitored with peak flowmeter and the percentages of predicting value was calculated ( PEF % ) .

  4. 同时检测其敏感度、特异性、预计值和ROC曲线下面积(AUC)。

    Optimum sensitivity , specificity , predictive values and area under the receiver operating characteristic ( ROC ) curve were evaluated .

  5. 以总呼吸道黏性阻力(R5)≥115%正常预计值作为异常时,其敏感度和特异度则分别为0.61和0.63;

    The sensitivity and specificity were 0.61 and 0.63 when respiratory resistance at 5 Hz ( R5 )≥ 115 % normal predicted was adopted as abnormal ;

  6. PEF达正常预计值人数分别为30人和25人,经统计学处理,P<0.05。

    The number of patients with PEF achieved the normal prediction level in the observation group was 30 , superior to the control group 's 25 ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 以此为基础,导出了地表移动观测站的合理点间距r·其值为H(5t),获得了以离散的地表移动观测值或预计值,恢复其连续性的地表移动变形值的计算公式。

    Based on the sampling theorem , the reasonable distances between two Doints of observation station of ground movement are induced , and the formulae for calculating the continuous movement and deformation are gained on the basis of those dispersed points on ground surface .

  8. 而以电抗(X5)≥110%正常预计值作为异常时,其敏感度和特异度分别为0.84和0.81。

    And the sensitivity and specificity were 0.84 and 0.81 when airway reactance at 5 Hz ( X5 )≥ 110 % normal predicted was adopted as abnormal .

  9. 急性发作期患儿治疗后IL-12水平明显升高,IL-4水平下降,FEV1占预计值的百分比升高(P0.01)。

    The IL-12 levels in the asthma children receiving treatment in the period of onset obviously increased with a fall of the IL-4 level and the percentage of predicted value of the FEV 1 increased ( P0.01 ) .

  10. 发作期ECP水平与PEFR占预计值的百分比(PEFR%)呈显著负相关,T-IgE水平与PBEC计数呈显著正相关。

    Level of ECP correlated negatively with the percentage of PEER in the predicted value at the attack , T-IgE level correlated positively with PBEC counts .

  11. 肺组织病理COPD并肺大疱接受手术治疗患者(免疫组化COPD组)11例,平均年龄(53±7)岁,FEV1占预计值%为(58.3±6.6)%;

    Pathological section of resected lung tissue : The study subjects included 11 patients receiving lung lobectomy for COPD with emphysematous bullae , aged ( 53 ± 7 ) yeas , FEV_1 % predicted ( 58.3 ± 6.6 ) % ;

  12. 观察治疗前后哮喘症状、体征,测定最大呼气峰流速(PEF)及PEF占预计值百分比(PEF%)变化。

    All patients were treated for a week . The symptoms and signs of asthma were observed pre-and post-treatment , and the rate of peak expiratory flow ( PEF ) and PEF % were measured .

  13. 结果治疗12周后,治疗组与对照组相比,治疗组治疗PEFR值占预计值的百分比与对照组相比明显改善(p<0.05),且治疗组的临床症状评分明显优于对照组(p<0.01)。

    Result Compared with the control group , the number of PEFR in the treatment group were improved significantly after 12 weeks of treatment ( p < 0.05 ) .

  14. 结论COPD患者的生活质量较差,影响COPD患者生活质量的主要因素依次为呼吸困难程度、PaO2情况、COPD急性加重频率及FEV1占预计值%。

    [ Conclusion ] The quality of life in COPD patients is poor and the main factors that influence the quality of life are severity of dyspnea , PaO2 , frequency of COPD acute exacerbation and FEV1 % predicted in turn .

  15. 结论MMP9和MMP9/TIMP1比例失衡在COPD的发病机制中起到了一定的作用,并与FEV10%占正常预计值、RV/TLC%呈相关性。

    Conclusion MMP-9 and the imbalanced ratio of MMP-9 : TIMP-1 may not only play a role in the pathogenesis of COPD , but also relate to FEV 1.0 % of prediction and RV / TLC % .

  16. 吸100%氧时,A组FEV1占预计值%和PaO2差异有显著性(P<0.01)。B组PaCO2、PaO2差异非常显著(P均<0.01)。

    When patients breathed high concentrated oxygen , compared with breathing air , the differences of FEV 1 % accounting for predicted value and PaO 2 in group A and PaCO 2 and PaO 2 in group B were significant ( P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 小气道功能异常按单纯V50或V25小于预计值的70%判断为异常。

    If the value of 50 or 25 was less than 70 percent of the predicted value the function was considered as abnormal .

  18. 而对照组PEFR上升至正常预计值90%以上仅7例,占23%,变应性鼻炎的有效率仅16·7%。结果:正常(?)

    While only 7 children in the control group ( 23 % of 30 cases ) had the same treatment result and the effective percent was 16.7 % in the allergic rhinitis cases .

  19. 在治疗后第8周,加用孟鲁司特组FEV1改善率和FEV1占预计值的百分数较舒利迭组的提高有显著差异(P<0·05)。

    The improved rate of FEV1 and FEV1 % in the predicted value in the group plus montelukast was significantly higher than that in the group without montelukast at week 4 after treatment ( P < 0.05 ) .

  20. 结果哮喘患儿IOS参数与正常儿童显著不同,以呼吸总阻抗(Zrs)≥115%正常预计值作为肺功能异常时,其对哮喘诊断的敏感度和特异度均为0.68;

    Results The value of IOS parameters between normal and asthmatic children was significantly different . The sensitivity and specificity were all 0.68 when total respiratory impedance ( Zrs )≥ 115 % normal predicted was adopted as abnormality .

  21. 使其通过离散的预计值Wn或Un可计算出主断面上任意点的移动变形值,进而可对地表任意点任意方向的移动变形值进行计算。

    The deformation of an arbitrary point on the principal subsidence profile can be calculated based on the discrete prediction values of Wn or Un . By using this method the deformation and movement of any point in any direction can be calculated .

  22. 从背散射分析可以发现,Y原子有着明显的增强扩散和外扩散效应,Y离子的深度分布已达620nm,远大于LSS理论的预计值。

    Backscattering analysis shows that Y atom enhanced-diffusion and outdiffusion are appeared obviously . The implantation depth reaches 620 nm , it is much greater than calculated value by TRIM program .

  23. 对两组1周内日排痰量及1周后不吸氧情况下的SPO2以及FEV1%预计值进行比较。

    One week later , the daily sputum volume within the first week , the oxygen saturation ( SPO2 ) without oxygen inhalation and the % of predicted value of forced expiratory volume in one second ( FEV1 % ) were compared .

  24. 结果重度组诱导痰前、后FEV1占预计值百分比(FEV1%pred)分别为(60.8±15.8)%和(53.6±15.9)%,有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);

    Results In patients with severe asthma , the percent predicted of FEV_1 ( FEV_1 % pred ) were ( 60.8 ± 15.8 ) % and ( 53.6 ± 15.9 ) % before and after sputum induction , respectively , which were different significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 结果治疗组在皮质激素较快减量过程中的峰值流速(PEFR)始终在预计值的80%以上,皮质激素的维持量明显较对照组小。

    Results In treatment group , peak expiratory flow rate ( PEFR ) remained at 80 % above the predicted value , even the doses of corticosteroid were reduced slight quickly . The maintainance dose of corticosteroid in treatment group was significantly lower than that in control group .

  26. 健康农民肺通气功能预计值公式探讨

    Formula for predicting normal volume of healthy farmers ' lung function

  27. 国外肺通气功能指标预计值在我国北方地区的适用性

    Applicability of Predictive Values for Pulmonary Function for Westerners in Northeast China

  28. 结果表明,预计值满足了系统规定的使用要求。

    The result shows that the reliability index of system has been satisfied .

  29. 同时,本文对一端固支直杆受轴向冲击时的弹性屈曲问题进行了实验研究,测到的临界屈曲时间和理论预计值基本符合,证实了理论模型的合理性。

    The experimental results of buckling time are in good agreement with those predicted theoretically .

  30. 成都地区儿童脉冲振荡肺功能预计值方程式建立

    Establishing a predicted value equation of impulse oscillometry for pulmonary function of children in Chengdu