
  • 网络ALFIE;Alfi
  1. 战友遇难,阿尔菲自己成了德国人的囚犯。

    His comrades perish , and Alfie becomes a German prisoner of war .

  2. 一项新研究指出,在英国,阿尔菲是最受欢迎的宠物爱称。

    Alfie is the most popular pet name in Britain , according to a new survey .

  3. 长着一张娃娃脸,看起来只有8岁的阿尔菲根本不知道尿布的价钱。

    The baby-faced boy , who looks about eight and doesn 't know the price of nappies .

  4. 阿尔菲还是最受欢迎的狗狗爱称,而在最受欢迎的猫咪爱称中,查理排在第一位。

    Alfie is also the most popular dog name while Charlie topped the poll as the number one name among the cats .

  5. 但阿尔菲成功克服了这点,而且学会了如何在那些羞愧尴尬的时刻中挖掘出幽默。

    But Alfie managed to overcome this , and learned how to find the humour in those moments of shame and embarrassment .

  6. 糖果店门口有两个锡兵,取的是莫莉哥哥阿尔菲和乔治的名字。

    And at the entrance to the shops are two large tin soldiers standing guard named after her two brothers Alfie and George .

  7. 这是他至少能够想到的,因为阿尔菲是一个你能想到的最容易害羞的人,而且他非常害怕被人嘲笑。

    And that was the least he could expect , because Alfie was the most easily embarrassed person you could imagine ; and he greatly feared ridicule .