
  • 网络Alpha magnetic spectrometer;Ams
  1. 该猜想与阿尔法磁谱仪计划中(即AMS计划)得出的最新数据相稳合。

    And that idea matches the latest data generated by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer , or AMS experiment .

  2. 奋进号在这次为时16天的任务中,主要是为国际空间站运送“阿尔法磁谱仪”,这套磁谱仪是精密的侦测仪器,它有助于研究宇宙的形成问题。

    The primary objective of Endeavour 's 16-day mission is to deliver the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer to the International Space Station . The spectrometer , or AMS , is a sophisticated detector that will help researchers study the formation of the universe .

  3. 温度是有效载荷系统设计中的一个重要参数,针对空间粒子探测器阿尔法磁谱仪(AMS),介绍一种基于CAN总线的分布式有效载荷温度测控系统。

    Temperature is an important design parameter for experiments and operation in spacecraft and its payload systems . This paper introduces the CAN bus based distributed temperature measurement and control system for Alpha magnetic spectrometer , a particle physics detector which will be running at international space station .

  4. 目前,阿尔法磁谱仪显示的数据与这些预测相稳合。

    The data from AMS so far match these predictions .

  5. 阿尔法磁谱仪观测到太空中飞行的带电粒子。

    The AMS catches charged particles flying through space .

  6. 正常的天体物理运动会产生一些正电子,但数量不及阿尔法磁谱仪中记录的。

    Normal astrophysical processes create some positrons , but not as many as AMS registered .

  7. 时间将告诉我们:驻扎在太空上的阿尔法磁谱仪是否真的观测到了构成暗物质的直接征象——又或者说,我们仍旧对此一无所知。

    Time will tell if the space-based AMS has indeed seen the first sign of what makes up dark matter - or if we 're still stuck in the dark .

  8. 作为验证热控制系统有效性唯一方法的热真空热平衡试验,是阿尔法磁谱仪在发射之前,由美国国家航空航天局规定的必须实施的唯一系统级的热试验。

    As the only approach to validate the reliability of AMS thermal control system , the thermal vacuum and thermal balance test specified by NASA must be carried out before AMS launched .