
  • 网络national central university
  1. 陈德怀教授现任台湾中央大学网络学习科技研究所所长。

    Chen is the Director of Science and Technology for Learning and the Chair and Professor of the Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology at the National Central University of Taiwan .

  2. 台湾国立中央大学(NationalCentralUniversity)的研究员对水库蓄水进行了首份详尽的全球评估。

    Researchers at Taiwan 's National Central University carried out the first comprehensive global assessment of water held in reservoirs .

  3. 实行通识教育培养全人警官&台湾中央警察大学通识教育及其启示

    General Education and Holistic Policeman & Enlightenment from the General Education in Taiwan Central Police Univers