
  • 网络taichung;Taichung City;Taizhong City
  1. 她曾在纳帕谷的FrenchLaundry等著名餐馆工作,如今她在台湾台中市拥有自己的餐厅——LeMoût,它是罗兰夏朵酒店集团(Relais&Châteaux)的成员。

    The chef , who worked at high-profile restaurants like the French Laundry in Napa Valley , owns Le Mo û t Restaurant in Taichung City , Taiwan , a member of the Relais & Ch â teaux group .

  2. 她曾在纳帕谷的FrenchLaundry等著名餐馆工作,如今她在台湾台中市拥有自己的餐厅LeMo251;t,它是罗兰夏朵酒店集团(RelaisCh226;teaux)的成员。

    The chef , who worked at high-profile restaurants like the French Laundry in Napa Valley , owns Le Mo # 251 ; t Restaurant in Taichung City , Taiwan , a member of the Relais Ch # 226 ; teaux group .

  3. 他对这个城市的市长胡志强说,华西村打算台中市建造一座100米高的镀金宝塔。

    He told the city 's mayor , Jason Hu , that Huaxi intends to build a100-meter gilded pagoda in Taichung .

  4. 一位男子五月九日于台中市一家乐器行拿著最近找回的失窃长笛。

    A man holds the stolen flute which was recently recovered in a musical instrument shop in Greater Taichung City , May9 .

  5. 胡博士于2001年当选为台中市市长,深受市民支持,连任至今。

    He was elected Mayor of Taichung City in2001 and has remained in office ever since with great support from the community .

  6. 台湾市地重划结合水土保持措施探讨&以台中市十期重划区为例

    Combine Urban Land Consolidation With Soil and Water Conservation Methods in Taiwan - A Case for the Tenth Urban Land Consolidation in Taichung City

  7. 根据本研究初步评估结果,2005年县市评比排名前5名分别为:台北市、台北县、台中市、高雄市与新竹市;

    This research shows that the top five cities of2005 competitiveness evaluation are Taipei City , Taipei County , Taichung City , Kaohsiung City , and Hsinchu City ;

  8. 依照台中市西屯与南屯区的习俗,坟墓主人廖焕文在过世后将姓氏改成张。

    Liao , the owner of the grave , changed his surname to Chang after his death as required by the tradition in Greater Taichung 's Situn and Nantun Districts .

  9. 餐饮业者利用报废之糖铁巡道车和原料车作为露天席位。台中县丰原市圆环西路。

    The owner of this restaurant uses a railcar and cane cars as tables . Feng-Yuan , Taichung City .