
dàn shuǐ hé
  • fresh water
  1. 冰川就像是冰冻的淡水河

    Glaciers are like rivers of frozen fresh water

  2. 阮昆河是爱荷华州的西面中部一条宽阔的淡水河。

    The raccoon is a wide , fresh-water River in west-central iowa .

  3. 这条河的长度是淡水河的十倍。

    The river is ten times the length of the Tamsui River .

  4. 淡水河码头和库场建设对水生生物的影响

    The Effect Study on Aquatic of the Building of Dangerous Goods and Storehouses

  5. 黄埔港淡水河危险品码头和库场环境影响评价

    An Environmental Impact Assessment on the Wharf and Warehouse for Dangerous Goods in Danshui River , Huangpu Harbor

  6. 它被列为世界第三大淡水河,仅次于南美的亚马逊河以及非洲的尼罗河。

    It is the third longest river in the world after the Amazon in South America and the Nile in Africa .

  7. 位于基隆河与淡水河交会处的关渡平原为湿地地形,也是观赏候鸟的绝佳去处。

    Guandu plain , where the Jilong and Danshui Rivers meet , is a wetland and a great place to catch sight of migratory birds .

  8. 由于它的地理位置,你拥有关渡大桥到淡水河出海口的美丽景色。

    Due to its location , you may have an excellent view of Guan-Du Bridge , Mount Guan-Yin , and the Tamsui River and its estuary .

  9. 美洲鳄主要居住在美国东南部的淡水河,湖泊,沼泽和湿地附近,尤其是佛罗里达和路易斯安那。

    American alligators reside nearly exclusively in the freshwater rivers , lakes , swamps , and marshes of the southeastern United States , primarily Florida and Louisiana .

  10. 五股湿地与淡水河沿岸的各个湿地可以串连成一完整的湿地生态环境,提供丰富精彩的解说,可发展生态与人文教育。

    Wugu wetland can be linked with Dam-Shui River coast to be regarded as a completed ecological environment to offer exciting commentary and develop r ecological and humanities education .

  11. 这座冰川是莫雷诺冰河48座冰川之一。莫雷诺冰河也是世界上第3大淡水储备河。

    The glacier is one of48 fed by the southern Patagonian ice field , the world 's third largest reserve of fresh water .

  12. 然而,4000英里长的南美洲河流承载着世界上20%的淡水——比密西西比河、尼罗河和长江的总和还多。

    yet this 4000-mile-long South American river carries about 20 percent of the world 's fresh water-more than the Mississippi , Nile , and Yangtze combined .

  13. 貌似长矛的淡水河鲈。鲑是由海移栖淡水河产卵的。

    Pike-like freshwater perches . Salmon are anadromous .