
  • 网络Zhoushan
  1. 舟山群岛新区建设已纳入国家发展战略之中,海洋经济的发展必将成为拉动舟山经济增长的新动力。

    The new developed area of Zhoushan Islands has been involved in national development strategies and the marine economy will become a new driving force for stimulating the economic growth .

  2. 作为第四个国家级新区的舟山群岛新区,大力发展海洋战略性新兴产业,拓展海洋发展的新空间,加快海洋经济转型升级,是其抢占海洋经济竞争制高点的必然选择。

    As the fourth national new district , it is Zhoushan islands ' inevitable choice to vigorously develop the marine strategic emerging industries , expand the new space of the marine development and speed up the transformation of the marine economy in order to seize the competitive high ground .