
  • 网络Zhoushan Port;port of zhoushan
  1. 基于AHP的舟山港原油中转库布局规划浅议

    Probe on the Developing Allocation of Crude Oil Depot in Zhoushan Port by the Way of AHP

  2. 基于ECDIS的舟山港溢油信息系统研制

    Development of Oil Spilled Information System of ZhouShan Harbor Based on ECDIS

  3. 宁波港、舟山港石油类海洋环境的污染与防治

    Oil marine pollution at Port of Ningbo and Zhoushan and pollution prevention

  4. 宁波舟山港港口物流现状与发展对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure Study on Logistics Status of Port Ningbo and Zhoushan

  5. 舟山港海域海洋生物体内主要污染物分析

    Analysis of main pollutants in marine animals in Zhoushan Port sea area

  6. 舟山港潮间带生物体内的细菌学研究。

    Study on bacteriology of intertidal organisms in Zhoushan port .

  7. 发展宁波-舟山港港口物流的思考

    Thought on the Development of Port Logistics in Ningbo-Zhoushan Port

  8. 蒋伟是宁波舟山港集团的工作人员。

    Jiang Wei is with the Ningbo Zhoushan Port Group .

  9. 舟山港是长江流域通向世界的门户

    Zhoushan prot is a gateway of the Yangtze River Valley to the world

  10. 宁波&舟山港宁波港区化学品码头风险评价研究

    Environment Risk Assessment and Risk Management of the Chemical Terminals at Ningbo-zhoushan Port

  11. 宁波舟山港海上搜救资金补偿机制研究

    The Fund Indemnity Mechanism for the Maritime Search and Rescue in Ningbo-Zhoushan Port

  12. 舟山港港口油污应急计划

    Oil Pollution Emergency Plan of the Zhoushan Port

  13. 1987年4月,经国务院批准,舟山港对外开放。

    In April 1987 , granted by China State Council , Zhoushan port opened to foreign country .

  14. 主席参观了世界顶级集装箱码头——宁波舟山港地区。

    The president visited an area of the Ningbo-Zhoushan Port , one of the world 's top container ports .

  15. 舟山港货物吞吐量1996年首次突破1000万吨,进入全国沿海大港行列;

    Port handling capacity of Zhoushan broke 10 million tons firstly in 1996 and rowed into the large port of China .

  16. 宁波舟山港也是中国最繁忙的港口,近250条航线连接着全世界600多个港口。

    It is the busiest port in China , with nearly 250 sea routes linking more than 600 harbors around the world .

  17. 基于宁波舟山港一体化的引航公司战略联盟研究

    A Study on Strategic Alliance between Ningbo Pilot Station and Zhoushan Pilot Station Based on the Integration of Ningbo Port and Zhoushan Port

  18. 最后,从与港口物流耦合的角度出发,为宁波-舟山港发展临港工业产业的发展提出合理的政策建议。

    Finally , this thesis makes some suggestions on the development of port-vicinity industry for Ningbo city and Zhoushan city from the perspective of industry coupling .

  19. 宁波舟山港与中东欧四港集装运输量达到3亿标箱,同比增长37%。

    Last year , Ningbo-Zhoushan port moved 300-million standard containers among the four main ports in central and eastern Europe , a yearly rise of 37 percent .

  20. 舟山港具有作为国内及亚太地区国际航运枢纽港必需的辐射扇形地理条件。

    ZHOUSHAN harbor has radiate sector geographical conditions , which is indispensable to be an international ship hinge harbor in our country , intemation and Asia and Pacific .

  21. 对舟山港受排污水影响的表层海水和潮间带生物体内的细菌数量和种类进行了研究。

    In this paper , the bacterial kinds and quantity of sea water and intertidal organism influenced by discharge of polluted waste water in Zhoushan Port were studied .

  22. 而舟山港则是我国著名的深水海港,有着很多深水航道资源,具备开发国际大港的自然条件。

    Zhoushan Port is a famous port with deep water in China , with many deep navigational water ways and owns natural condition of becoming the port of international grade .

  23. 这也极大地促进了宁波舟山港的发展,该港口是丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的交汇点。

    This has created a boom for the Ningbo Zhoushan Port , which is an intersection for both the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road .

  24. 随着宁波-舟山港吞吐量的迅速增长,虾峙门航道通航能力将面临越来越大的压力。

    Along with the Ningbo-Zhoushan port volume of goods handled rapid growth , the Xiashimen channel will be open to navigation ability to face the more and more tremendous pressure .

  25. 南有浙江的两港(宁波港、舟山港)一体化,北有江苏的沿江开发战略。

    In the south , there is integration of two ports ( Ningbo and Zhoushan ) of Zhejiang , while in the north , thers is Development Along Changjiang strategy of Jiangsu .

  26. 今年上半年,这个港口(2015年与邻近的舟山港合并)的货物吞吐量位居全球第一。

    And in the first half of this year the port ( which merged with the nearby Zhoushan port in 2015 ) handled more tonnes of cargo than anywhere else in the world .

  27. 宁波-舟山港将整合优势,全面发展大宗散货枢纽港和国际集装箱枢纽港,推进两港联合共同发展的以港口、物流及航运为主体的海洋经济,为打造“海洋浙江”发挥积极作用。

    Ningbo port and Zhoushan Port are going to develop the " oceanic economy " mainly covering business of container and bulk-cargo by combining ports , logistics and shipping lines as the leading part .

  28. 这是一个宁波港做大做强的过程,也是舟山港挖掘内涵的过程,更是浙江省提升航运服务、发展物流行业的过程。

    During this course , Ningbo Port is strengthening its power and Zhoushan Port is taking advantage of the potential , furthermore , Zhejiang Province is advancing the shipping service and developing the logistics .

  29. 从世界范围看,2010年全球10大集装箱吞吐量排名中有4个是东北亚地区的港口,包括上海港、釜山港、宁波舟山港和青岛港。

    From a global perspective , there are four ports in this region ranking in the 2010 top 10 global container ports , including Shanghai port , Busan port , Ningbo-Zhoushan port and Qingdao port .

  30. 由于是海岛城市,没有与大陆的公路连接,目前港口的集疏运通道主要是靠水运,这就在相当程度上制约了舟山港的发展。

    As it is an island city , with no highway connection to the mainland , at present time , the harbour transportation is mainly depends on the waterway , which has restricted the Zhoushan port development to a suitable degree .