
  • 网络yingkou port
  1. 辽宁营口港总体规划环境评价实践

    A case study of environmental assessment of Yingkou Port master plan

  2. 这是营口港上市公司可持续融资和发展的必然选择。

    This is a necessary choice of Yingkou port company .

  3. 基于GIS的营口港总体规划生态环境影响分析

    Ecological and Environmental Impact Assessment for Yingkou Harbor Master Plan Based on GIS

  4. 总结出外部环境存在的机会和潜在的威胁,找出其优劣势,在此基础上利用SWOT矩阵,根据营口港实际情况,确定低成本战略是营口港的最优选择。

    It summarizes the opportunity and potential risk to find its advantage and disadvantage . Based on Yin Kou port actuality , it utilizes SWOT matrix to identify low cost strategy as optimization selection .

  5. 营口港向年吞吐亿吨迈进

    Throughput to 100 million tons for Yingkou harbor to stride forward

  6. 东北第二大港&营口港就坐落在这里。

    The city boasts the second biggest port in northeast China .

  7. 营口港:辽宁中部城市最近的出海港

    Yingkou Port Is the Nearest Seaport for the Liaoning Central City Group

  8. 营口港发展规划研究

    The Study on the Development Programming of Yingkou Port

  9. 营口港港口建设投资经济分析

    The Economy Analysis of Investment in Yingkou Port Construction

  10. 营口港重力式码头变形特征离心模型试验研究

    Study on Centrifugal Model Test in Deformation Behaviour of Yingkou Harbor Gravity Wharf

  11. 营口港扩建工程悬浮物对海域环境影响分析

    Impacts of suspended substance from the expansion engineering of Yingkou port on oceanic environment

  12. 营口港计算机网络建设的方法与实现

    Construction of Computer Network at Yingkou Port

  13. 应该是营口港吧。

    It should be Yingkou Port .

  14. 本人现负责集装箱运输市场开发工作,因此选择了《营口港集装箱货运公司市场营销策略研究》这一课题。

    And now I 'm charging the market exploring of the container shipment , so I choose the subject .

  15. 本文采用因子分析法选取相关因素对营口港的竞争力及其竞争优势进行了分析。

    This literacy uses Factor analysis to analyze the competitive power and advantage of Yingkou Port by choosing correlative factors .

  16. 离绥芬河最近的国内港口是辽宁省营口港,距离1300公里。

    The nearest domestic sea port for Suifenhe is the Port of Yingkou in Liaoning , which is 13-hundred kilometers away .

  17. 集装箱运输是当今现代化港口发展的重点,也是国际性港口的重要标志,营口港定位在国际型开放港口,因此把集装箱运输列为战略重点。

    Aiming at building a international port , Yingkou port looks it upon as a strategic important point to develop container shipment .

  18. 在辽宁沿海港口群的四个港口中,大连港和营口港的吞吐量占据主导位置,是辽宁沿海港口群的两大主要港口。

    In Liaoning , there are four coastal ports in the port group , Dalian and Yingkou Port are two major ports .

  19. 在航运领域,营口港集装箱码头同相关航运企业一道成为整个港口供应链体系中的重要节点。

    In the shipping field , YingKou container terminal , with the related shipping enterprise become the important node in the whole YingKou supply chain system .

  20. 营口港位于辽东半岛中部,是我国沿海主要港口之一,为东北地区第二大港口。

    Yingkou harbor located in middle of Liaodong Peninsula is one of coastal and main haven of China and the second port of northeast area of China .

  21. 负债融资对于营口港上市公司的经营有诸多帮助,但同时,负债经营也会为公司带来种种风险。

    Debt financing of Yingkou port has many help of listed companies , but at the same time , debt financing will also bring risks to the company .

  22. 营口港作为辽宁中部城市群出海口,在沈阳经济区建设中必将扮演举足轻重的重要角色。

    Yingkou Port as the access to the sea of central city in Liaoning Group , play an important role in " the Shenyang economic zone " building .

  23. 而且由于与营口港相比,大连港具有陆上运输距离长、费用高的劣势,被分流的集装箱货源逐渐呈上升的趋势。

    And compared with Yingkou Port , Dalian Port has a land transport disadvantage of long distance and high cost , the diversion of container supply is gradually rising .

  24. 本文采用文献资料、实地调查、统计分析和比较分析等研究方法,详细分析了营口港的内部和外部环境。

    This article analyses Yin Kou port internal and external environment in detail by using the investigation method of literature materials , fieldwork , and statistical analysis , compare analysis .

  25. 本文通过对营口港的市场环境进行深入调研和分析,为提高港口竞争力,提高港口对客户服务的质量,提出对港口进行客户细分,并探索出了一种适合的客户细分方法。

    On the basis of deep investigation and analysis of market environment in Yingkou Port , in order to improve competitiveness and the quality of customer service , customer segmentation is put forward .

  26. 在此结论的基础上,结合营口港的实际情况,给出了营口港应该积极与哪些公司建立合作关系,进而提高港口竞争力。

    In this conclusion , based on the combination of the actual situation of Yingkou Port , Yingkou Port should be actively working with a partnership , and to improve competitiveness of our port .

  27. 第三部分对营口港实业公司的绩效管理情况进行了较为详细的介绍和分析,剖析了其存在的问题及原因。

    In the third part the present situation of performance management in Yingkou Port Industry Company is introduced and analysis in details , the problems existed in it and its reasons are taken apart .

  28. 在辽宁沿海港口中,背靠东北的大连港与营口港作为集装箱进出口的重要通道,两港间的竞争越来越激烈。

    In Liaoning coastal ports , Dalian Port and Yingkou Port backed by the northeastern area are the container import and export channel . The competition between the two ports become more and more intense .

  29. 第四十三条香港特别行政区行政长官是香港特别行政区的首长,代表香港特别行政区。东北第二大港&营口港就坐落在这里。

    Article 43 The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be the head of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and shall represent the Region . It is a garden-like port city .

  30. 最后,对营口港十一五期间的投资活动进行了投资效益的预警实证研究,结果表明营口港十一五期间的港口投资活动具有较好的微观效益和宏观效益,预测结果显示无警。

    Finally , making an early warning empirical research on Yingkou Port investment activities during " Eleventh Five-Year " period , which shows that the Yingkou Port investment activities has good micro efficiency and macro efficiency .