
yínɡ yè zhí zhào
  • business license;certificate of business
  1. 法人营业执照、医疗器械经营企业许可证;

    Legal person business license and medical instrument business enterprise permit ;

  2. 我花了整整三个月才拿到营业执照。

    It took me three months to get my business license .

  3. 当地政府给他发了营业执照。

    The local authority chartered him to do business .

  4. 经主管部门核准后,发给营业执照。

    Business licences shall be issued after examination and approval by the Department concerned .

  5. 清仓义卖会是一种不定期举行的出售私人旧物的非正式活动,卖主不需要持有营业执照或缴纳营业税(不过,在某些行政辖区,需要出示售卖许可证)。

    Rummage sale is an informal , irregularly scheduled event for the sale of used goods by private individuals , in which sellers are not required to obtain business licenses3 or collect sales tax ( though , in some jurisdictions4 , a permit may be required ) .

  6. 根据中国法规,外国集团要设立外商独资企业,必须向中国国家工商行政管理总局(StateAdministrationforIndustryandCommerce)申请营业执照。

    Under Chinese regulations , foreign groups that want to set up a WFOE must apply for a business licence from the State Administration For Industry and Commerce .

  7. 8月14日拿到营业执照的第一东方(上海)投资管理公司(firsteastern(shanghai)investmentmanagement)计划接下来一年将募资并投资于地区发展和环保项目。

    First Eastern ( Shanghai ) investment management , which was granted its licence on August 14 , intends to raise funds over the next year for investment in regional development and environmental protection projects .

  8. “Joetheplumber”于本周四称,他还没有营业执照,不过他也不需要,因为现在他给别人打工。

    Joe the Plumber said Thursday he doesn 't have a license and doesn 't need one , because he works for someone else .

  9. 但由于没有营业执照,它们无法合法获取imei号码。

    But as they lack business licences , they are unable to acquire IMEI numbers legally .

  10. 要到中国开展业务,它们就得取得临时营业执照;取得执照后,它们就得遵守中国法律;而按照中国法律,它们就不能把审计工作底稿交给SEC。

    Coming to China to do audits would require them to obtain a temporary practice certificate , which would require them to follow Chinese law , which prohibits them from turning over working papers to the sec .

  11. 在Williams的帮助下,Gardner需要时就住在Glide教堂提供的一间房间里,Gardner不仅完成经纪人培训课程学习,而且一次性通过营业执照考试。

    With Williams ' help and a room supplied by Glide Memorial when he needed it , Gardner not only made it through the brokerage training program , he passed his licensing exam on the first try .

  12. “银行不得不具备营业执照,对于这点的正确性和公平性已达成共识”,Nordea总裁汉斯道尔伯格说道。

    " Banks have to have a licence to operate , which is granted by a common understanding of what is right and fair ," says Hans Dalborg , the chairman of Nordea .

  13. 施工企业营业执照、资质证书复印件。

    Copy of operation license and qualification certificate of construction enterprise .

  14. 有能力获得汽车销售及维修服务营业执照。

    Have the ability to obtain automotive sales and service licenses .

  15. 营业执照以及其他生产、经营资格的证明文件;

    Business licenses and other documents certifying production and management qualifications ;

  16. 必须持有工商行政管理部门核发的营业执照;

    Business license issued by the industrial and commercial management departments .

  17. 司法长官负责监督不给小商小贩发营业执照。

    The sheriff sees that peddlers and salesmen are not given permits .

  18. 关于营业执照什么时间办好,她没留下任何消息。

    She left no message when the work permit would be ready .

  19. 工商营业执照原件及复印件;

    The original and photocopy of its industrial and commercial business license ;

  20. 你有这个商店的营业执照吗?

    Do you have a selling license in the shop ?

  21. 吊销营业执照或者广告经营许可证。

    Revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising operation .

  22. 由于没有营业执照,他被禁止做生意了。

    He was banned from doing business because he had no licence .

  23. 基于电子营业执照的电子商务平台监管研究

    Research of Electronic Business Platform Based on Electronic Trade License

  24. 公司营业执照的正、副本具有相等的法律效力吗?

    Of company business charter , does carbon have equal legal effectiveness ?

  25. 分包单位的营业执照、资质等级证书。

    Business license and qualificartion certificate of subcontracting unit ;

  26. 参展条件:起到《工商营业执照》的相关行业企业。

    Exhibition condition : The enterprise has the Industry and Commercial Business License .

  27. 人们能申请各种用于营业执照的申请表。

    You can apply for various permits or submit applications for business licences .

  28. 《企业法人登记营业执照》。

    The Enterprise Legal Person Registration and Business License ;

  29. 他有营业执照而且卖的是真货。

    It has a licence to trade and is selling genuine Apple products .

  30. 企业法人营业执照性质与功能研究

    Research on the Character and Function of Business License