
yínɡ yǎnɡ zhànɡ ài
  • dystrophy;dystrophia;nutritional
  1. 通过抑制体内MSTN基因可以改善萎缩肌肉的功能,为治疗肌营养障碍或因其他疾病引起的肌消瘦提供新的手段。

    Inhibiting the expression of MSTN gene in vivo can improve muscle atrophy and provide new means for the treatments of muscular dystrophy or other muscle wasting diseases .

  2. “CROS”的正式名称是“反射性交感神经营养障碍”,它是一种终身的系统疾病,表现为灼烧样剧烈疼痛,骨骼皮肤的改变,还有对触摸呈现难以置信的敏感。

    Formally known as " reflex sympathetic dystrophy , " CRPS is a lifelong systemic disease which manifests itself as extreme burning pain , bone and skin changes , and unbelievable sensitivity to touch .

  3. 此外,他的论文语言也充溢着浓厚的情感。不同营养障碍使铃重有不同程度的降低,其中以N、P营养影响最大;

    In addition , the language in his thesis is filled with strong emotion . The effects of N and P were strong .

  4. 不同营养障碍使铃重有不同程度的降低,其中以N、P营养影响最大;实验结果表明:连翘提取物对活性氧具有较强的清除能力。

    The effects of N and P were strong . The results showed that its scavenging effect on activated oxygen was rather strong .

  5. 中国男篮与世界强队攻防能力现状对比研究不同营养障碍使铃重有不同程度的降低,其中以N、P营养影响最大;

    The comparative study and between the Chinese men 's basketball team and the strong teams in world The effects of N and P were strong .

  6. 目的对伴心脏、肝脏损害,瞳孔不等,听力障碍,手足血管舒缩功能及皮肤营养障碍和阳痿等少见症状的重症肌无力(MG)患者的特点进行分析,提出诊断和鉴别诊断的方法。

    Objective To propose a method for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of myasthenia gravis ( MG ) with heart and liver injury , anisocoria , dysaudia , impatience etc.

  7. 抗DM药物的ADR以代谢和营养障碍、神经系统损害、精神紊乱、胃肠系统损害为主,其中除胃肠系统损害主要由阿卡波糖引起外,其余以磺酰脲类占绝大多数;

    Except acarbose causing stomach and intestinal system injured , the rest ADR was mainly caused by sulfonylureas ( SUs ) .

  8. 目的通过检测增殖细胞核抗原(proliferatingcellnuclearantigen,PCNA)在不同外阴组织中的表达情况,了解PCNA的过度表达对外阴非典型增生性营养障碍的早期恶变的判断有无指导意义。

    Objective To investigate the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen ( PCNA ) in vulvar cancer and its precancerous lesions ( vulvar atypical hyperplasia and dystrophies ) .

  9. IUGR的原因很多,但其最主要的病理生理机制是母体-胎儿循环血液灌注不足,造成胎儿的缺血缺氧以及相应的营养障碍。

    The IUGR condition is most commonly caused by inadequate maternal - fetal circulation , with a resultant decrease in fetal blood , oxygen and nutrition supply .

  10. 静脉病皮肤营养障碍与组织氧代谢关系的临床研究

    Dermal nutrients disturbance and tissue oxygen metabolism in venous diseases

  11. 新和县棉田土壤营养障碍与效应研究

    Nutrient Obstacle Factors and Effect of Cotton Field in Xinhe

  12. 菜地土壤营养障碍分析与合理施肥研究

    The Analysis of Nutrition Barrier and Reasonable Fertilization in the Vegetable Field

  13. 宁南地区土壤营养障碍性分析

    Soil Nutrition Barriers in the Southern Area of Ningxia

  14. 正常人视网膜上与遗传性视网膜营养障碍相关基因的检测

    Expression of genetic retinal dysfunction-related genes in human retina

  15. 明显营养障碍或严重中毒症状。

    Obvious malnutrition or severe toxic symptoms .

  16. 茶园土壤主要营养障碍因子及系列茶树专用肥的研制

    The Major Nutritional Limiting Factors in Tea Soils and Development of Tea Speciality Fertilizer Series

  17. 类固醇诱导的严重真皮萎缩患者发生广泛的皮肤肌小球体病和膜脂肪营养障碍

    Cutaneous myospherulosis and membranous lipodystrophy : Extensive presentation in a patient with severe steroid-induced dermal atrophy

  18. 外阴上皮营养障碍中药治疗前后病理组织学、组织化学、超微结构的对比观察

    Comparative Observation on Pathohistology , Histochemistry and Ultrastructures of Vulvar Dystrophies Before and After Herbal Treatment

  19. 我国南方葡萄设施栽培土壤和营养障碍及其防治对策

    The Soil Obstacle and Nutrition Disorders of Grape Protected Cultivation in South China and the Countermeasures

  20. 对脑卒中后可能出现营养障碍的患者进行营养评估及营养支持,会减少并发症,改善预后。

    Appropriate nutrition evaluation and support for stroke patients with dystrophy may help reduce complications and improve the outcome .

  21. 肥胖病是常见的营养障碍性疾病,其根本原因是能量的正平衡。

    The obesity is a kind of common dystrophic disease which basic reason is positive balance of the energy .

  22. 导致白内障的因素多种多样,例如,老化、遗传、代谢异常、外伤、辐射、中毒和局部营养障碍等。

    For example , ageing , heredity , dysbolism , trauma , radiation , poisoning local nutrition disorders and so on .

  23. 从实践的效果来看,各有利弊,不可一概而论。穴位注射法对患者皮肤营养障碍改善明显;

    On the point of practice , there are both good and bad . point injection is good at improving dystrophy of skin ;

  24. 目的报道一个少见的中国人中心晕轮状黄斑营养障碍家系,通过候选基因突变分析探讨该家系发病的分子遗传学基础。

    Objective To report a large Chinese family with central areolar macular dystrophy and to identify its genetic entity by mutation analysis of candidate genes .

  25. 发展后可出现静息痛及组织坏疽、缺血性神经病变、皮肤色泽改变、皮肤附属器营养障碍、废用性肌萎缩及关节僵硬等症状。

    Following symptoms : rest pain and tissue necrosis , ischemic neuropathy , skin color changes , skin adnexal dystrophy , disuse muscle atrophy and joint stiffness etc.

  26. 表明沟纹舌的形成与患病后机体水电解质平衡失调、营养障碍、免疫及内分泌功能等因素有一定关系。

    It was also showed that the formation of FT has to a certain extent something to do with the electrolyte disturbance in aqueous solution , malnutrition , as well as immunity and endocrinic function of patients .

  27. 近年来发现,全世界作物因缺锌而造成减产的面积最为广泛,缺锌已成为水稻生产中仅次于磷和氮的重要营养障碍因子之一。

    Recently , it was found that the most aboard area decrease of rice output in the word is due to the deficiency of zinc . And zinc deficiency is one of the most important nutrition deficient elements inferior to that of phosphor and nitrogenous .

  28. 脑梗死后远隔部位继发性损害的机制可能与轴突的退行性改变、神经营养障碍、存在神经生长抑制因子、局部脑血流减少、神经递质调节失衡和蛋白合成抑制等因素有关。

    The mechanisms of the secondary damage remote from infarction may be associated with the factors of axonal retrograde degeneration , neurotrophic disturbance , existence of neural growth inhibitory factors , decrease of focal cerebral blood flow , disequilibrium of neurotransmitter adjustment , and inhibition of protein synthesis .

  29. 肥胖症是机体能量摄入和能量消耗失衡而引起的营养代谢障碍性疾病。

    Obesity , which is attributed to the joint actions of energy intake , energy consuming and energy storage , is a nutritional and metabolic disorder .

  30. 感染、电解质紊乱、低蛋白血症及肠道营养摄入障碍等危险因素可以加重老年慢性肾衰竭患者的肾脏功能的恶化,加快病情进展,加速进入肾衰竭终末期。

    Infection , electrolyte disorder , hypoalbuminemia and nutrition intake disorder aggravated the deterioration of renal function , increasing the disease progression , accelerating to enter the end-stage , among senile chronic renal failure patients . 4 .