
tóu yūn
  • dizzy;dizziness;giddy;megrim
头晕 [tóu yūn]
  • [dizzy;giddy] [指头脑] 眩晕的感觉

  • 自从那次事故后他总觉得有点头晕

头晕[tóu yūn]
  1. 她觉得头晕、恶心。

    She felt dizzy and nauseous .

  2. 这类人可能会莫名其妙地感到头晕。

    The person may become dizzy for no apparent reason .

  3. 症状有恶心和头晕。

    Symptoms include nausea and giddiness .

  4. 我患有阵发性头晕。

    I suffer from dizzy spells .

  5. 熏香发霉的气味令她感到头晕。

    The musty aroma of incense made her head swim .

  6. “你是否有点儿头晕呢?”他问她。

    ' Are you dizzy at all ? ' he asked her .

  7. 他忽然头晕得厉害。

    He had a dreadful attack of vertigo .

  8. 我感到非常头晕、不舒服。

    I felt all dizzy and strange .

  9. 他意识到自己又开始头晕了,于是走向窗边。

    Conscious that he was becoming light-headed again , he went over to the window .

  10. 他开始一阵阵地头晕。

    He began to get dizzy spells .

  11. 如果你头晕,就会觉得整个房间都旋转起来。

    If you have vertigo it seems as if the whole room is spinning round you

  12. 烟熏得他们头晕。

    The fumes made them woozy .

  13. 道路太颠簸了,她觉得头晕想吐。

    The road was so bumpy that she felt dizzy and nauseated .

  14. 烟雾弥漫的空气使她感到头晕。

    She felt dizzy in the smoky atmosphere .

  15. 你头晕,为什么不放下工作?

    Why don 't you pack in when you feel dizzy ?

  16. 他一上高儿就头晕。

    He always feels dizzy when he climbs to a high place .

  17. 她突然感到头晕,不得不躺下来。

    A fit of dizziness came over her so she had to lie down .

  18. 初感头晕,继又呕吐

    Feel dizzy and then begin to vomit

  19. "我会头晕的,"老鼠说。

    " I would get dizzy " , said the mouse .

  20. 间歇性头晕,眼睛模糊是怎么回事

    Intermittence dizziness , is eye faintness how to return a responsibility ?

  21. 乘旋转木马使你头晕。

    Riding on a carousel makes you feel dizzy .

  22. 我头晕。我头昏脑胀的。

    I feel dizzy.My head is swimming .

  23. 如果你头晕,就会觉得整个房间都旋转起来

    If you have vertigo it seems as if the whole room is spinning round you .

  24. 我感到一阵头晕。

    I feel a dizzy spell .

  25. 你先从上面的梯子下爬到放干草的地方,再握住绳子站在那上面,这时如果往下看你可能会感到害怕和头晕。

    You climbed a ladder to the hayloft . Then , holding the rope , you stood at the edge and looked down , and were scared and dizzy .

  26. 部分阴性病例如在注射时立即出现头晕、面色潮红等症状,应高度怀疑为静脉性ED。

    Dizziness or flushing after ICI may highly regarded as having vascular ED.

  27. 目的探讨分析中老年人的头晕或眩晕与其常规头颅CT平扫所示基底动脉表现的关系。

    Objective To analyze the relation between dizziness or vertigo in aged patients and the basilar artery ( BA ) images on conventional CT .

  28. 结果:术后症状明显改善,头晕缓解60%,视力改善75%,双上肢脉压差减少92.8%,TIA消失100%。

    Results : Symptoms were obviously relieved postoperatively .

  29. TCD对头晕或眩晕患者脑血管病变的分析头部外伤后头痛头晕的经颅多普勒诊断

    Risks of Cerebral Arteries in Dizziness and Vertigo Patients Application of TCD for Post-traumatic Headache and Dizziness

  30. 颈性头晕组患者椎体半失稳率为66.7%,椎体间位移距离(0.20±0.18)cm;

    In dizzy group , the ratio of vertebral semi-unsteady was 66.7 % , the distance of vertebral semi-unsteady was ( 0.20 ± 0.18 ) cm ;