
tóu shì
  • headwear;head-dress;tire;topknot;miter;fiara
头饰 [tóu shì]
  • [topknot] 戴在头上或帽上的或作为发饰一部分的装饰品(如丝带打的结、一簇花、羽毛或绒球)

头饰[tóu shì]
  1. NBA乐园商店:为家长和孩子们提供了NBA乐园限量版商品以及一系列NBA场上及潮流服饰、鞋子、头饰以及篮球。

    NBA Playzone Store : Offering an exclusive collection of NBA Playzone merchandise , as well as a wide selection of NBA oncourt and lifestyle apparel , footwear , headwear and basketballs for children and adults .

  2. 在渡边淳弥(JunyaWatanabe)的HyperConstruction时装发布会,我犹如看了一堂精心编排的数学课——用富有弹性的粘接型聚氨酯面料交叠而成的各种几何造型时装,再用橡胶帽以及奇形怪状的头饰来搭配。

    at Junya Watanabe 's " Hyper Construction , " I watched a slowly choreographed maths lesson involving geometric dresses folded in a spongy bonded polyurethane and accessorised with rubber caps and bizarrely shaped headwear .

  3. 她戴了一顶漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也毫不逊色,身着一件非常讲究的刺绣西服马甲。

    She wore a lovely tiara but the groom , not to be outdone , had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat .

  4. 那位舞蹈演员戴着粉色鸵鸟毛制作的头饰。

    The dancer wore a headdress of pink ostrich plumes .

  5. 唐代妇女用剪纸做头饰。

    In the Tang Dynasty women used paper cut as headdress .

  6. closer:close的比较级,接近的“你那位等待中的女士,比你想象得要近。headdress:头巾;头饰feather:羽毛pink:粉红的她的头饰是黑色和粉色的羽毛”。是她。

    Kati : " your lady in waiting is closer than you think , - Isabel : Her headdress is feathers of black and pink . " - Kati : It 's her . -

  7. 杰瑞身穿一件红色超短裙,上面有英国国旗的图案,她还搭配了一顶金色的Halo&Co品牌皇冠头饰。

    Meanwhile , Geri rocked a super-short red dress with Union Jack detailing , which she paired with a Halo & Co gold filigree tiara .

  8. 经常会看见Eminem带各种各样的头饰物件。它们也是为了要弱化矩圆型重点,将注意力集中例如眼睛这些他的脸部较好的特征上。

    Eminem is often seem sporting various headgear that are also designed to de-emphasize his oblong face and focus attention to his best facial features , like his eyes .

  9. 她的头饰是黑色和粉色的羽毛。

    Isabel : Her headdress is feathers of black and pink .

  10. 妇女在正式场合戴的一种嵌有珠宝的冠状头饰。

    A crown-like jewelled headdress worn by women on formal occasions .

  11. 具体来说就是:羽毛头饰、宫廷鞋和小外套。

    To be specific : fascinators , court shoes and coats .

  12. 但我准备做一个蕾丝头饰。

    But I am going to make a headpiece of lace .

  13. 有金子或宝石的花环或带状头饰。

    A chaplet or headband decorated with gold or jewels .

  14. 头饰太重,会痛。

    My headdress is too heavy and it hurts me .

  15. 主教教徒在正式场合戴的一种礼拜式的头饰。

    A liturgical headdress worn by bishops on formal occasions .

  16. 在这张照片里,爸爸和女儿带着相配的头饰

    Another picture shows a dad and his daughter sporting matching hair bows

  17. 用发簪,发夹,头饰带或发卡装饰一下。

    Accessorize with hairpins , hair clips , headbands , or barrettes .

  18. 今天更新了四件中国头饰,希望大家喜欢!

    Today updated four classical Chinese head accessory , hope you like them !

  19. 贵州苗族妇女头饰

    Woman 's Headdress of Miao Nationality in Guizhou Province

  20. 将腰带和围巾按照颜色分类,头饰也要分类放置。

    Sort belts and scarves by color , and classify your hair accessories .

  21. 林、火、大地及天空在内的大自然的五大元素。这些特别的头饰也充分展示了中国的民间艺术及传统文化。

    These special headpieces also display the uniqur folk and culture of China .

  22. 哥们,我看见你戴那头饰的样子了。

    Dude , I saw you in your headgear .

  23. 更多的汤匙和头饰吗这些对我来说分文不值

    What , more spoons and tiaras ? This is worthless to me .

  24. 作为头饰戴着的装饰性的丝带或蝴蝶结。

    Decorative ribbon or bow worn as a headdress .

  25. 女孩之裙子和头饰都是一模一样之。

    Her dress and headgear appear to be identical .

  26. 客家妇女头饰&凉帽的艺术特色

    The Art Special Features of the Cool Hat of Hakka 's Women Headdress

  27. 总结来说,总共有57个解锁头饰供玩家取得。

    In total , there are57 unlockable hats available .

  28. 幻灯机、灯片、录音机、磁带、标牌、头饰等。

    OHP , transparencies , tape recorder , tape , sign boards and headwear .

  29. 其独特的头饰是主要区别。

    Their distinctive headgear is the main difference .

  30. 在另一张照片里,埃莉娅身穿桃色美利奴羊毛连体衣,头戴白色羽毛酋长头饰。

    In another , Aleia wears peach merino overalls and a white-feathered chieftain headdress .