
jí tǐ wǔ
  • group dancing;formation dancing
  1. 你参加集体舞比赛及理由或你拒绝参加比赛及理由,而不是班长希望大家积极参与。

    The monitor said that our class would join in the group dancing competition to be held by our school and that he wished the whole class to take an active part in it .

  2. 我已经习惯每天去跳集体舞,既简单又轻松。

    I am used to doing group dancing every day , which is simple and relaxing .

  3. 人气颇高的《法制晚报》(LegalEveningNews)撰文称:北京奥运会开幕式上的烟花和集体舞表演明确传达出这样一个信息,属于中国的时代已经到来了。

    The fireworks and mass acrobatics of Beijing delivered a clear message : China 's time has come , declared the Legal Evening News , a popular newspaper .

  4. 学生对校园集体舞中美的认知程度低。

    American students on campus group dance of awareness is low .

  5. 浅析体育集体舞在高校健美操教学中的可行性

    On Feasibility of Physical-Collective-Dance into Calisthenics ' Teaching in College

  6. 提高学生对校园集体舞的学习能力。

    To improve the learning of students on campus group dance ability .

  7. 校园集体舞对中学生心理健康的影响

    The School Dance 's Effects on the Mental Health of Secondary School Students

  8. 经常是代代相传的集体舞。

    They are usually group dances that are taught from one generation to another .

  9. 石家庄市区中小学校园集体舞开展情况的调查分析

    The Diagnosis of Elementary and Middle Schools Campus Group Dance Development in Shijiazhuang City

  10. 校园集体舞乡土特征的提炼与思考

    Folk Features of School Group Dance

  11. 推广教师对校园集体舞的推广前景不乐观。

    Most of the teachers are not optimistic about the future of the campus collective dance .

  12. 第二部分校园集体舞的内涵、特点以及功用进行讨论。

    The second part of the campus group dance of the content , characteristics and functions were discussed .

  13. 在集体舞即将结束时掺和一下,临时说几句台词,在饭馆提一些很可笑的要求。

    Take part in a dance-off , test out cheesy pickup lines , make preposterous requests at restaurants .

  14. 在芭蕾舞演出中,我更喜欢看独舞而不爱看集体舞。

    In a ballet performance . I 'd like to watch a solo rather than a group dance .

  15. 在中等职业学校的体育与健康教育课程中引入校园华尔兹集体舞教学,是实施素质教育的极好途径。

    The introduction of such dance into the physical and health courses is an excellent approach of character education .

  16. 通过研究发现:1.校园集体舞美育价值缺的因素:(1)缺少美的宣传。

    School group dance aesthetic value " missing " factors : ( 1 ) the lack of U.S. propaganda .

  17. 我国部分中小学校园集体舞开展现状和影响因素分析

    The Investigations of the Situation and Influences on the Collective School Dance in Some Primary and Middle Schools in China

  18. 水中庄严集体舞瞬间变成了数百尾蝠鲼间互相碰撞的自由舞。

    The stately dance in the milky waters turns into a free-for-all , with hundreds of mantas bumping into each other .

  19. 由于对学生健康以及肥胖问题的担忧,有关部门才考虑把集体舞引入学校。

    The idea of introducing it in schools was inspired primarily by worries over poor health and rising obesity among students .

  20. 从中小学集体舞的开展论高校开设体育舞蹈的必要性

    The Necessity of Setting up Sport Dance in University from the Development of Group Dance in Primary and ? Secondary School

  21. 目前,第一套校园集体舞不利于全面普及开展。

    Currently , the first set of universal access to campus is not conducive to carry out group dance . 2 .

  22. 襄樊市初中推广第一套中小学校园集体舞的现状调查与研究

    The Investigation and Analysis of Current Extension of the First Set of the Primary and Middle School Campus Collective Dance in Xiangfan

  23. 集体舞活动中培养幼儿的时空推理能力

    How to Cultivate Children s Space-time Reasoning Ability in Collective Dance ; Development of school group dance at junior school in China

  24. 校园集体舞已于2007年9月起在全国中小学校园内广泛的推行。

    Campus group dance was in September 2007 in primary and secondary schools in the country since the implementation of a wide range .

  25. 学校可根据自身情况,分班级、分阶段地开展校园集体舞,让学生都能参与跳校园集体舞。

    The school can develop campus group dance by streaming class and step . Every student can take part in campus group dance .

  26. 学生较喜爱这项运动,教师也认为有校园集体舞对学生有他独特的作用,有推广的价值。

    Students love the sport more , teachers think students on campus group dance on his unique role in the value of a promotion .

  27. 他说,患有胃病和神经系统疾病的父母因为受不了晚上集体舞的吵闹已经搬出去了。

    He says his parents , who suffer stomach and nerve problems , moved out because they couldn 't stand the nightly dance parties .

  28. 中国有一个引发争议的新群体:在公园和广场跳集体舞的中老年退休者。

    In China , there is a new group stirring up controversy : middle-aged and retired city dwellers dancing together in parks and squares .

  29. 各中小学只有积极发挥这些有利因素,避免不利因素,才能真正把校园集体舞推广与发展起来。

    Primary and secondary schools because of these advantages only active play , to avoid disadvantage to truly promote and develop the campus group dance .

  30. 校园集体舞是引进具有艺术特色的体育活动形式,是向学生进行审美教育的重要形式。

    Group dance is the introduction of school sports activities with the form of artistic features , aesthetic education to the students the importance of form .