
jí shuǐ qū
  • drainage/catchment area/basin
  1. 降雨历线资料为上游集水区推估洪水流量历线的重要依据

    Hyetographs are important in estimating stormflow hydrographs from upstream watersheds .

  2. SCS模型在小型集水区降雨径流计算中的应用

    SCS model application on Calculation of small watersheds rain runoff

  3. 根据DEM数据,确定了汤旺河流域的地表水流方向、集水区的划分及水系网络空间分布特征。

    On the base of the DEM , the spatial distribution of flow directions , watershed boundaries and stream networks of Tangwanghe Catchment were studied .

  4. 输移量为坡长大于20m的径流小区或小集水区出口处的拦蓄量。

    Sediment delivery can be gained through measuring the sediment reserving at the exit of runoff plot or small water collection area which slope length is more than 20 meters .

  5. 美国环保组织大自然保护协会(NatureConservancy)在周一表示,只要对仅占中国国土面积6%的集水区的污染加以预防或改善,就能提高73%的国民的饮水质量。

    The Nature Conservancy , a US-based environment group , estimated on Monday that preventing or ameliorating pollution in water catchments that together make up only 6 per cent of China 's land area would improve drinking water quality for 73 per cent of its people .

  6. PRMS模型在该地区应用的确定性系数达到77.8%,通过构建的水文模型,探讨了在小流域和集水区尺度上森林植被变化(森林覆盖率、空间配置)对洪水的影响作用。

    The forest hydrology model has been conceived on the level of small watershed and catchment area .

  7. 采用小集水区技术和定位研究方法,根据连续3a观测所取得的数据,对湖南会同第2代杉木幼林的水量平衡和养分元素的地球化学循环进行了研究。

    Based on the small watershed technique and the located observation method , the data collected in 3 consecutive years were used for analyzing the water balance and nutrients geochemical cycling in the second-rotation Chinese fir plantation .

  8. 台湾泥岩集水区整体生态经营策略之研究

    Study on Whole Ecological Management of Watershed in Taiwan Mudstone Area

  9. 密云水库集水区水源保护林分类及其经营

    Classification and Management of Water Protection Forest in Miyun Reservoir Watershed

  10. 小型集水区降雨径流计算模型研究

    Research on SCS Model of the Small Watershed Rain Runoff Calculating

  11. 密云水库集水区河岸生物工程措施初探

    Discussion on soil bioengineering in riparian zone in Miyun Reservoir watershed

  12. 集水区内不当之农业活动,加速集水区土壤流失及水库水质恶化。

    Improper agricultural activities accelerate soil loss and water pollution .

  13. 泥石流流域集水区面积限值与一级水系数目关系

    Relationship Between First-order Stream Number and Area Threshold for Debris Flow Basin

  14. 应用生态计量方法分析森林集水区之景观变迁

    Application of Ecological Quantitative Methods to Analyze Landscape Change in Forest Watershed

  15. 数值地形模型应用于集水区规划与整治之研究

    Application of Digital Terrain Model for Watershed Planning and Management

  16. 集水区降雨径流晌应的环境同位素实验研究

    Experimental Research on Catchment Runoff Responses Traced by Environmental Isotopes

  17. 北京密云水库集水区刺槐人工林空间结构分析

    Spatial structure of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation in Miyun Reservoir Watershed of Beijing

  18. 森林集水区不同群落生长季节内调节降雨的能力不同。

    Ability of adjusting rainfall was different among different communities .

  19. 小集水区生物多样性工程之设计

    The Design for Biodiversity Engineering Methods in the Small Watershed

  20. 水槽广泛用于测量集水区的经流流量。

    The flumes are used extensively to measure watershed turnoff .

  21. 密云水库集水区水土流失及其防治对策

    Soil erosion in Miyun reservoir watershed and control countermeasures

  22. 水库集水区水土资源合理开发利用模式的研究

    Model Research on Water and Soil Resources Development and Utilization in Reservoir Catchments

  23. 在肯尼亚,该项目把目标放在了维多利亚湖及其周围的集水区。

    In Kenya , the project targets catchments in and around Lake Victoria .

  24. 密云水库集水区生态经济分区研究

    Eco economic Division of Miyun Reservoir Watershed in Beijing

  25. 集水区尺度降雨侵蚀力空间分布对土壤流失的影响

    Effect of spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity on soil loss at catchment scale

  26. 径流与侵蚀的相关性无论是在坡面上还是在集水区都高于降雨因子与侵蚀的相关性。

    Runoff is more important factor than rainfall in both slope and watershed .

  27. 基于集水区法的森林生态系统影响径流研究进展

    Progress in the Effects of Forest Ecosystem on Runoff Based on Forest Catchments

  28. 不同林草系统对集水区水量平衡的影响研究

    Impact of forest and grass ecosystems on the water budget of the catchments

  29. 北京密云水库集水区景观生态分类

    Landscape Ecological Classification in Beijing Miyun Reservoir Catchment

  30. 川中丘陵区土地利用变化的生态环境效应&以中国科学院盐亭紫色土农业生态试验站集水区为例

    Land Use Change and Effects on Eco-environment in Hilly Area of Central Sichuan Basin