
fá mù
  • logging;cutting;felling;lumbering;woodcutting;felling operation
伐木 [fá mù]
  • [woodcutting;lumbering] 采伐林木

伐木[fá mù]
  1. 在一些实例中,当地人已经成为狐狸养殖者,在那些地区这些人是很忙碌的,他们通过捕鱼,种植,伐木给狐狸补充食物。

    In some instances natives have become fox breeders , and where private parties are so engaged they have supplemented their fox breeding by fishing , farming , or lumbering .

  2. 农民和牧羊人往往是他诗歌的主人公或叙事者,而修墙、摘苹果、伐木等农活则成为他观察大千世界的窗口。

    Farmers and shepherds are always the protagonists or narrators of the poems . Farm work like fence mending , apple picking , and lumbering becomes the window for him to observe the boundless universe .

  3. 玻利维亚政府批准了在2200万公顷土地上的伐木特许权。

    The Bolivian government has granted logging concessions covering 22 million hectares .

  4. 他们说伐木工人正在毁坏雨林,践踏土著居民的权利。

    They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives

  5. 伐木工人说由于木材销量下降,他们的工作恐不复存在。

    The loggers say their jobs are faced with extinction because of declining timber sales .

  6. 伐木公司可能要在年底前把森林的一处中心地带留出来。

    Logging companies would have to leave a central area of the forest before the end of the year .

  7. 伐木丁丁。

    Clang , clang goes the woodman 's axe .

  8. 伐木工人在山腰上踩出了一条小路。

    Woodmen trod a path on the mountainside .

  9. 大学生们暑假里在森林里伐木。

    The college students spent their summer logging in the wood .

  10. 许多早年的美国伐木人穿鹿皮衣服。

    Many early American woodsmen wore buckskin clothing .

  11. 伐木工人瞄准大树。

    Woodcutters targeted big trees .

  12. 有一天,有一个伐木者来到这片森林。

    One day a wood-cutter came to the forest .

  13. 他们以伐木为生。

    They log for a living .

  14. 那些伐木工人对KsorLulong表示,他们是在意识到有人一直躲在旁边并乘机偷走他们的午餐后才将其女儿“抓获”的。

    The loggers told Lu that they caught her after realising that someone had sneaked up and taken their lunch .

  15. 伐木进度安排、重新造林计划、育林规定等都可以在基于超图GIS科技的系统中实现。

    Harvest Scheduling , Reforestation planning , Silvicultural Prescription modules and etc can be implemented in the system with the SuperMap GIS Technologies .

  16. 这家研究机构提供数据和森林伐木管理的专业知识,超图提供GIS技术和空间分析能力。

    The institute provided the data and the knowledge on forest logging management , and SuperMap offers the GIS technology and spatial analysis capability .

  17. 本文采用层次分析法(AHP)对影响油锯伐木作业的各种因素进行综合评价。

    A synthetic evaluation of the factors affecting the safety of chain saw felling operation is made using AHP .

  18. 总部位于美国阿肯色州的SuttleEquipment公司成立于1970年,业务范围是销售和维护伐木设备。

    Arkansas-based Suttle Equipment was founded in 1970 to sell and service timber harvesting equipment .

  19. 扩充的难民营大部分将在GrandGeddeh,两个最大的难民营在以前的伐木场和Duogee。

    Most of the camp expansion will be in Grand Geddeh county with the two biggest camps at a former logging compound and here at Duogee .

  20. 本文将博弈系统自身看成一个动态系统,提出了动态系统博弈的理论框架,并介绍了一个动态系统博弈模型&伐木工人困境(LD)模型。

    Then instead we look the game system itself as a dynamical system , and put forward the theoretical themes of the DS game and introduce one DS game model & the Lumberjacks ' Dilemma model .

  21. Asner说,伐木者建立的小路让农民可以进入新的森林区域并把该区域的树木完全砍伐掉。

    Asner says that the small roads loggers create give farmers access to new areas of forest to clear .

  22. 这两座瀑布都落在森林偏远处,要不是因为深山处的伐木活动,因该不会有一条开阔的泥路在Perdak河旁,让通往瀑布轻松很多。

    These falls are located far inside the forest . A logging track is built along the Perdak River and made the both falls are easier accessible .

  23. 综述的作者之一、来自剑桥大学的BhaskarVira指出了在资源的丰富性(诸如非伐木产品)与生物多样性之间的一个概念跳跃。

    One of the authors , Bhaskar Vira from the University of Cambridge , pointed to a conceptual leap between the abundance of resources such as non-timber products and biodiversity .

  24. 通常,伐木工人在冬天忙于伐树。

    Usually , woodmen are busy cutting down trees in winter .

  25. 伐木者的斧头问树要斧柄。

    The woodcutters axe begged for its handle from the tree .

  26. 伐木者的住所在森林。

    The woodcutter 's abode is a house in the forest .

  27. 一群环保主义者被发现在故意破坏伐木设施。

    A group of environmentalists were caught damaging the logging equipment .

  28. 最后一条直接到上面的伐木场。

    The other road does lead to the upper logging camps .

  29. 这片土地尚未开发,主要用于伐木。

    The land is undeveloped and mostly used for wood cutting .

  30. 把伐木和劈开木头当作工作的人。

    Cuts down trees and chops wood as a job .