
róng bù
  • lint;flannelette;charpie;motarium
绒布 [róng bù]
  • [flannelette] 有绒毛的棉布,单面或双面起绒,特用于内衣和睡衣

绒布[róng bù]
  1. 他割破了手,我用红药水,绒布和绷带替他包扎起来。

    He cut his hand , which I did up with mercurochrome , lint and bandages .

  2. 步枪的枪膛要经常有绒布擦拭。

    Rifles should be cleaned regularly by pulling a piece of flannelette through .

  3. 用干净的湿绒布擦去多余的化妆品。

    Wipe off any excess make-up with a clean , moist cotton flannel

  4. 我把天鹅绒布弄皱了。

    I wrinkled the velvet .

  5. 推荐为使用与EXTEC抛光绒布。

    Recommended for use with EXTEC Polishing Cloths .

  6. 至于住宿和餐饮,绒布寺是不错的选择。

    For the dining and accommodation , Rongbuk Monastery is recommended .

  7. 她想要知道要用绵布还是绒布。

    She needs to know if you want chintz or chenille .

  8. 一个水手正在用一块绒布摩擦他的四肢;

    A sailor was rubbing his limbs with a woollen cloth ;

  9. 精选高密度防绒布,防止细小绒球外漏。

    Selected high-density cover to prevent the leakage of small down .

  10. 条纹绒布挂肩长内裤连接柱子的长条的平木。

    Corduroy suspender longies a long horizontal timber to connect uprights .

  11. 液体硫化染料纯棉绒布印花实践

    A Practice of Printing Pure Cotton Napped Fabric with Liquid Sulfur Dyes

  12. 减少纬缩,提高起绒布质量

    Decrease Woof Shrink and Improve the Quality of Raising Cloth

  13. 棉的晨袍、棉上衣、棉被.条纹绒布棉织线毯长袍

    A wadded dressing-gown , jacket , quilt corduroy type cotton chenille robe

  14. 请勿用粗布、脏布擦拭,产品带有绒布,可作清洁使用。

    Only use the flannelette being provided with the product for cleaning .

  15. 涤纶起绒布,布面细腻,毛感均匀,风格独特。

    Polyester soft nap fabric , fine-knitting uniform hand feeling in unique style .

  16. 长方格运动粗斜棉布全棉色织绒布男女衬衫

    Plaid sport denim 100 % cotton yarn-dyed flannelette shirts for men and women

  17. 丝印:年画、绒布挥春及烫金印刷等。

    Screen Printing : Lunar New Year paintings , woolen decorations and hot-stamping .

  18. 印花绒布花色鲜度的分析

    Analyze the brightness of printed pattern on raised cloth

  19. 灯芯绒布加工工艺的生产实践

    Production Practice of Dyeing and Finishing Processing on Corduroy

  20. 涤纶起绒布,适合运动服,校服等。

    Polyester soft nap fabric , suitable for sports wear , school uniform etc.

  21. 条纹绒布棉织线毯长袍绒线编织条子羊毛衫

    Corduroy type cotton chenille robe striped wool worsted sweater

  22. 绒布层(1)是带绒毛的纤维层;

    The flannelette layer ( 1 ) is a fibrous layer with floss ;

  23. 叫她替我做件麻布衣衫全棉色织绒布男女衬衫

    Tell her to make me a cambric shirt

  24. 本工艺对传统的印花绒布工艺进行调整,成功解决了这些难题。

    All these problems were overcome through adjusting the traditional cotton flannel printing process .

  25. 车用纬编针织绒布的开发和生产

    Development and production of mobile weft knitting velvet

  26. 灯心绒布地毯之薄。

    The thinness of the cord carpet .

  27. 我们已在探索防水摇粒绒和常规的T/C绒布。

    We have been exploring water resistance in Polar Fleece and Regular T / C Fleece .

  28. 上罗拉清洁器包的绒布不当。

    Improperly clothed top roller cleaners .

  29. 平面绒布剪毛机是纺织后整理加工中的主要设备之一。

    The flannel shearing machine is one of the main equipments in the finishing process of textile .

  30. 针织立绒机异性异色毛绒均匀分布产品的工艺研究色织竹浆纤维/棉绒布工艺设计与生产

    Discussion on plush product processing technology on knitting velvet machine with different fiber and color uniformed distribution