
lǐng kōng
  • territorial sky;territorial air space;aerial domain;air space
领空 [lǐng kōng]
  • [territorial air space;aerial domain;air space] 一个国家领域上面的整个空间

领空[lǐng kōng]
  1. 《国际航空过境协定》确定了飞越领空与技术性着陆两大自由;

    International Air Services Transit Agreement established two freedom of fly across territorial air space and technical land ;

  2. 那架喷气式飞机未经允许闯入中国领空。

    The jet entered Chinese airspace without permission .

  3. 这家航空公司还未获得飞越坦桑尼亚领空的许可。

    Permission has not yet been granted for the airline to overfly Tanzania .

  4. 各国对未经授权的飞越领空行为都会作出激烈反应。

    Nations react strongly to unauthorized overflights .

  5. 飞机飞离了英国领空。

    The plane left British airspace .

  6. 加拿大从今天开始允许波音公司的737Max机型在该国领空复飞。

    Canada is allowing Boeing 's 737 Max to fly again in the country 's airspace starting today .

  7. 周二,一架俄罗斯海上侦察机飞入爱沙尼亚领空。这是自冷战结束以来,俄罗斯政府对北约(Nato)领空的最严重侵犯。

    A Russian maritime spy plane flew into Estonian territory on Tuesday in the most serious violation of Nato airspace by Moscow since the end of the cold war .

  8. 国际危机组织(internationalcrisisgroup)的朝鲜专家丹尼尔品克斯顿(danielpinkston)警告说,如果禁止朝鲜船只进入韩国领海,可能会导致朝鲜方面关闭领空,尽管朝方每年从经飞经航班中赚取数百万美元。

    The decision to ban their entry could prompt Pyongyang to block flights even thought the North earned several million dollars each year in overflight fees , warned Daniel Pinkston , a North Korea expert at the International Crisis Group .

  9. 日本外务省(MinistryOfForeignAffairs)表示,对于没有逼近日本领空的飞机,日本不会采取行动;如果飞机只是飞越日本防空识别区,日本也不会要求其提交飞行计划。但外务省拒绝发表更多评论。

    Japan 's foreign ministry said the country doesn 't scramble for planes that aren 't approaching Japan 's territorial airspace , and doesn 't ask for flight plans when the planes are only flying over Japan 's ADIZ , but declined to comment further .

  10. 熟悉历史的人会想到1983年大韩航空公司(KoreanAirLinesCo.)007号航班被击落一事。当时正值冷战(ColdWar)高潮,这架迷航的飞机误入苏联领空,被苏联战机当作敌方军机击落,导致机上269人全部遇难。

    Old-timers point to the 1983 downing of Korean Air 003490.SE 0.00 % Flight 007 , which drifted off course into Soviet airspace at the height of the Cold War , and was shot down by a Soviet jet fighter that mistook it for a hostile military craft , killing all 269 people aboard .

  11. 在2012年,美国国会(U.S.Congress)通过法案,允许联邦航空管理局(FAA)草拟商用和警用无人机在美国领空的使用法规。

    In 2012 , the U.S. Congress passed a bill allowing the Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) to draw up rules for the use of commercial and police drones in U.S. airspace .

  12. Tuke表示,自初次航空禁令以来的研究鉴定了哪些领空是危险的,而哪些是可以安全使用的,从而帮助专家将禁飞区域降到最低。

    Tuke says research since the initial flight ban is helping experts to minimize no-fly zones by identifying which air space is dangerous for travel , and which may be safely used .

  13. 欧洲航空安全组织(eurocontrol)预计,亚菲亚德拉冰盖火山的灰云团漂移出法国、瑞士和意大利部分地区后,昨天在欧洲领空可执行大约1.3万航班,不到预定数量的一半。

    Eurocontrol , the air safety organisation , expected about 13000 flights , just under half of scheduled traffic , to go ahead in European airspace yesterday after the cloud of ash from the Eyjafjallaj kull volcano shifted from parts of France , Switzerland and Italy .

  14. 20世纪50年代末,技术间谍手段刚刚兴起,U-2飞机可以飞越领空,我们担心苏联人造卫星是间谍卫星,最后发现它根本不是,对核末日的猜疑和恐惧也是甚嚣尘上。

    At the very beginning of technological spycraft in the late " 50s , with the U-2 overflights , our fear was that the Sputnik was a spy satellite , which it turned out of course not to be , and there was also great suspicion and fear of nuclear holocaust .

  15. 一个国家的领空是该国领土不可分割的组成部分。

    Airspace is an inalienable part of a country 's territory .

  16. 我不要其他人进入我们的领空。

    I don 't want anybody eise coming into our airspace .

  17. 伊朗方面回应称,美国无人机入侵了其领空。

    Iran countered this saying the aircraft had entered its airspace .

  18. 其他所有印度尼西亚航空公司仍然被限制进入欧洲领空。

    All other Indonesian airlines remained banned from entering European airspace .

  19. 禁止波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那领空的军事性飞行

    Ban on military flights in the airspace of Bosnia and Herzegovina

  20. 但最近,中方表示它拥有这一领空的归属。

    But recently , China said it owns the air space .

  21. 火箭预计不会经过日本领空。

    The rocket is not expected to fly over Japan .

  22. 美将减少战机在国内领空巡逻

    U.S. is to reduce combat air patrol over United States

  23. 让那玩意滚出我家草坪的领空!

    Get the hell off the space above my lawn !

  24. 现在,睁大你的双眼向上看看你的领空

    Now , look upon your domain with your eyes wide open .

  25. 美国空军会更加嚣张,加强对伊朗领空周边的巡逻飞行。

    American aircraft will patrol more aggressively close to Iran 's airspace .

  26. 北朝鲜开放了领空作为商业航线。

    North Korea opened its air space to commercial airliners .

  27. 数以千计的武装飞机在领空巡航。

    Thousands of armed air marshals fly the friendly skies .

  28. 我们在敌人的领空大破敌军

    We had braved the enemy in his own skies ,

  29. 他们奉命加强巡逻,保卫我国的领空。

    They were ordered to intensify their patrols to protect our air space .

  30. 一架美军侦察机在苏联领空被击落

    when a US spy plane is shot down over the Soviet Union .