
  • leadership;Leadership ability;Leadship
  1. 与人合作的能力是对领导能力的一种真正检验。

    The ability to work collaboratively is a true test of leadership

  2. 通过“群面”,用人单位可以对应聘者的沟通和人际交往能力、说服力、对别人的影响力、领导能力、任务分配技巧、组织与计划能力,以及团队协作能力等进行考察。

    The skills been observed include communication and interpersonal ability , persuasiveness3 and the ability to influence others , leadership and delegation4 , organizational and planning skills and the ability to work and contribute as a team-member .

  3. 首相被攻击缺乏领导能力。

    The Prime Minister was attacked as incompetent to lead .

  4. 欧盟(EU)领导人终于发出了他们可以展示领导能力的信号。

    Finally , European Union leaders have sent a signal that they can display leadership .

  5. MBA学员不可只盯住学位,他们应该学习怎样具备领导能力。

    MBA students should not only earn a degree , they should also earn leadership .

  6. 克里斯·顿维尔(ChrisDunwell)是顿维尔咨询(DunwellConsulting)的负责人,他怀疑性格内向或外向与领导能力是否真的有关联。

    Chris Dunwell , principal of Dunwell Consulting , expressed some scepticism over the relevance of extroversion or introversion to leadership .

  7. 如今,几乎每家商学院都在MBA课程中开设领导能力单元,还有大量专注于这一主题的短期高管课程。

    Almost every business school now has a leadership module on its MBA programme , as well as numerous short executive courses dedicated to the subject .

  8. 这一集中最出彩的地方是展示了埃琳娜(Elena)的强大和领导能力。

    The best thing about the episode is that it showcases Elena as a strong , capable lead .

  9. 在挑选候选人参与教育、医疗和经济发展等领域的一系列项目之前,IBM会对员工的绩效和领导能力进行审查。

    IBM vets its employees for performance and leadership qualities before selecting candidates to work on an array of projects in areas such as education , health care , and economic development .

  10. 当年,51岁的伯恩斯和前任CEO安妮•马尔卡希并肩作战,她们发挥各自的才华和令人称赞的领导能力,一个主攻工程技术,一个主攻销售,最终成功地挽救了施乐。

    Burns , 51 , and Anne Mulcahy , her predecessor as CEO , rescued Xerox by pairing their respective talents , engineering and sales , and their complimentary leadership styles .

  11. 第三世界科学院院长JacobPalis探讨了有关领导能力、共同承担南南科研合作的责任并一起分享美好未来。

    Jacob Palis , president of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences , talks about shared responsibility and a rosy future for South – South research collaboration .

  12. 在LinkedIn网站上,人们会贴出各种关于自己的无关紧要的信息(包括他们是否拥有所谓的“跨部门团队领导能力”这种“技能”),但他们从来不会提及自己的年龄。

    On LinkedIn people post all sorts of irrelevant information about themselves - including whether they possesses a " skill " called " cross-functional team leadership " - but they never state their age .

  13. 虽然你我不可能像通用克莱斯勒(GMChrysler)或美联储的领导者那样,动辄面对数十亿美元的全球挑战,但我们也会遇到个人和职业上的挑战,同样可以从中学习和培养新的领导能力。

    While you and I may never face multi-billion global challenges like the leaders of GMGM 3.62 % Chrysler or the Fed , we do face our own personal and professional challenges from which we can learn and forge new leadership skills .

  14. 阿什里奇商学院客户主管伊夫波尔(EvePoole)表示:该模块旨在让特易购的管理者们在逆境中更有主意,并就其领导能力方面的技巧和盲点发出预警。

    The module is designed to make Tesco leaders more resourceful in stressful situations and to give them early warning of skills and blind spots in their leadership abilities , says Ashridge client director Eve Poole .

  15. 朋友和成功的商业顾问给我的一致建议是:这将是一生仅有一次的机会和经历,但为了让全部投资有价值并拓展我的领导能力,我必须参加顶级mba课程。

    Friends and accomplished business advisers gave me unanimous advice : this would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and experience , but to make it worth the overall investment and to stretch my leadership abilities I would have to join a top MBA programme .

  16. PHEA把重点放在信息技术、高等教育研究和分析、研究和研究生训练的区域网络以及大学的领导能力。

    PHEA focuses on information technologies , HE research and analysis , regional networks for research and postgraduate training , and university leadership .

  17. 不过我不觉得那是缺乏领导能力。

    I don 't even think it 's lack of leadership .

  18. 举例来说,昨晚你展现了勇气、领导能力。

    For instance , last night you exhibited courage , leadership .

  19. 你的关系越深,你的领导能力就越强。

    No.3 The Deeper Your Relationships , the Stronger Your Leadership .

  20. 请给出能显示您的领导能力的例子。

    Tell me about a time when you demonstrated effective leadership .

  21. 让护士长成为具备优秀领导能力的管理者;

    Enable head nurse to become has the outstanding leadership superintendent ;

  22. 个人特征对女干部行政领导能力的影响显著。

    The background affects the female cadres ' administrative competence significantly .

  23. 这是最后一天的领导能力课程。

    This is the last day of the leadership course .

  24. 选举结果好于预期,这将平息对他领导能力的质疑。

    The results surpassed expectations and will quell murmuring against his leadership .

  25. 勒布朗的领导能力,已不再是一个问题。

    LeBron 's leadership ability is no longer a question .

  26. 你是否在集体活动中表现出很强的领导能力。

    Do you exhibit strong leadership skills in group activities ?

  27. 建立中国市场销售团队,有良好的领导能力。

    Help establishing China sales team and good leadership for sales team .

  28. 那么领导者和领导能力之间有什么不同呢?

    So what is the difference between Leaders and Leadership ?

  29. 大学会长的领导能力,

    the president of the university , the people in charge

  30. 管理能力在不同环境因素上有着不同的差异性,领导能力和创新管理能力在所有的环境因素上都具有显著性差异;

    Managerial competence significantly differed on different demographic factors .