
ɡè rén mèi lì
  • personal charisma
  1. 总统具有超凡的个人魅力。

    The President has great personal charisma .

  2. 他既无谋略又无个人魅力来鼓舞人。

    He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma to inspire people .

  3. 她一身兼备经商技巧与个人魅力。

    She unites keen business skills with a charming personality .

  4. 休·特伦查德完全凭着个人魅力就能随心所欲。

    Through sheer force of personality Hugh Trenchard had got his way

  5. 他凭借其个人魅力而当选掌权。

    He was elected to power on the strength of his charisma

  6. 他有超凡的个人魅力,是个伟人。

    He has enormous charisma . He is a giant of a man

  7. 团结全党所需的权威和个人魅力她两者兼具。

    She has both the authority and the personality to weld the party together

  8. 记者评论艺术家的个人魅力无可厚非。

    There is nothing wrong with journalists commenting on the attractiveness of artists .

  9. 他的个人魅力美化了他那其貌不扬的外表。

    He compensated his homely appearance with great personal charm .

  10. 第五个C:魅力,无论你喜欢与否,个人魅力是成功的重要因素。

    Charm : Likeit or not charm is an important ingredient of success .

  11. 极具个人魅力的eBay首席执行官梅格•惠特曼于2008年离开该公司。

    The trouble began with the departure of a charismatic chief .

  12. 石原慎太郎已与现年43岁、颇具个人魅力的大阪市长桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)结成了竞选联盟,并成为桥下彻的“日本维新会”(JapanRestorationparty)的领导人。

    He has joined forces with the charismatic mayor of Osaka , 43-year-old Toru Hashimoto , and assumed leadership of Mr Hashimoto 's Japan Restoration party .

  13. 当他需要推销某样产品时,比如一台NeXT电脑或者一部皮克斯(Pixar)出品的电影,他的个人魅力就会突然间再次聚焦到我的身上,

    When he had something to pitch , such as a NeXT computer or Pixar movie , the beam of his charm would suddenly refocus on me ,

  14. 但姿势依然僵硬,很像电影《绿野仙踪》(TheWizardofOz)中的铁皮人(TinMan),为首席执行官们开授个人魅力课程的奥利维娅輠克斯愠班(OliviaFoxCabane)如此说道。

    But he was still stiff , much like the Tin Man character in The Wizard of Oz movie , says Olivia Fox Cabane , who teaches charisma to chief executives .

  15. 据这部根据同名书籍改编的影片讲述,佩林之所以在2008年突然成名,是因为共和党的战略专家当时不顾一切地想要找个办法(随便什么办法)来对抗巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)的个人魅力。

    According to the film ( based on a Book of the same name ) , Palin shot to fame in 2008 because Republican strategists were desperate to find something anything to counter the charisma of Barack Obama .

  16. “这是一个很有个人魅力的演讲”彭斯告诉WTOV。

    " It 's a very charismatic speech ," Burns told WTOV .

  17. 富于个人魅力的约翰逊,是毕业于伊顿公学的老派保守党政界人物,今年5月份当选伦敦市长。他承诺将比前任肯•利文斯通(KenLivingstone)更严格地控制伦敦政府开支。

    The charismatic Mr Johnson , an Old Etonian Conservative politician , was elected in May promising tighter control on city spending than that of his predecessor , Ken Livingstone .

  18. 如果美国白宫认为总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)的个人魅力可以成为一项外交政策资产,那么这种理论将要在中国面对最严峻的考验了。奥巴马昨晚抵达中国他首次亚太之旅的最近一站。

    If the White House believes President Barack Obama 's charisma can be a foreign policy asset , that theory is about to face its toughest test in China , where he arrived last night , the latest stop in his inaugural Asia tour .

  19. 他最让人惊讶的一次举动是在2006年上任联合国秘书长——富于个人魅力的加纳人科菲褠坛(KofiAnnan)——任期结束的时候做出的。潘基文出人意料地宣布参加竞选。

    His most startling manoeuvre came in 2006 , when the term of the previous UN secretary-general - the charismatic Ghanaian Kofi Annan - ended . Ban unexpectedly threw his hat into the ring .

  20. 根据自己团队的研究,洛桑大学(UniversityofLausanne)组织行为学教授约翰褠东纳基斯(JohnAntonakis)说,学习了12种个人魅力特质——例如讲话声音生动活泼或者表达道德信念——的领导者变得“更具影响力、更值得信赖、更具有领袖气质”。

    Drawing from his team 's study , John Antonakis , professor of organisational behaviour at the University of Lausanne , says that leaders who learn 12 charismatic traits - such as using an animated voice or expressing moral conviction - become more " influential , trustworthy and leaderlike . "

  21. 卡班是《魅力的神话》(TheCharismaMyth)一书作者,她是越来越多向高管讲授“个人魅力”——存在感、影响力与激情的结合——可以习得的专家之一。

    Ms Cabane , author of the The Charisma Myth , is one of a growing band of experts making a living out of teaching senior executives that " personal magnetism " - a combination of presence , power and warmth - can be learned .

  22. 第三种偏见是,卡斯滕斯是个没有幽默感的技术官员,而imf需要一位兼具个人魅力和执行力、灵活机敏的政治家作为领导人,比如举止优雅的法国财长克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christinelagarde)。

    The third prejudice is that Mr Carstens is a humourless technocrat , when what is required at the head of the IMF is a nimble politician who can alternately charm or enforce , like the elegant French candidate and finance minister , Christine Lagarde .

  23. 用一种自然的方式显示个人魅力。

    To display personal charm in a casual and natural way .

  24. 他的智慧弥补了他的个人魅力的缺乏。

    His intelligence made up for his lack of personal charm .

  25. 个人魅力既不能修复医保问题也不能对付伊朗。

    Charisma will not fix Medicare nor deal with Iran .

  26. 你以为我留他在这里是因为他有个人魅力啊?

    You think I keep him around for his personality ?

  27. 最优秀的领袖总是依赖高标准而不是个人魅力。

    The best leaders rely on high standards more than personal charisma .

  28. 大一女生倾向于健身,男生倾向于个人魅力。

    Female tend to fitness and male tend to attractive . 2 .

  29. 教师应具备个人魅力。他具有(吸引人的)个人魅力。

    A teacher should be attractive . He has a personal magnetism .

  30. 个人魅力型权威的崛起重建了现代化所必需的秩序。

    The rise of the Charismatic authority rebuilt the necessary order for modernization .