
  • 网络individuality;individuation;Individualistic
  1. 五月带来完美化和享受你的个体性的想法。

    May introduces the concept of perfecting and enjoying your individuality .

  2. 第五是个体性与集体性相结合的劳动特点。

    The fifth is the laboring characteristic of individuality and collectivity .

  3. 虽然“普通的”男性大脑和“普通的”女性大脑略有不同,但你不能通过只看个体性的大脑扫描图就下定论。

    While the " average " male and " average " female brains were slightly different , you couldn 't tell it by looking at individual brain scans .

  4. 中华绒螯蟹人工培育幼蟹过程中,缺少必需的维生素C的添加,会导致约14%左右的雌性个体性早熟出现。

    During the process of artificial cultivating the young crabs of eriocheir sinensis , if lacking to add the essential Vc , then it will cause about 14 % female individualities to appear the pubertas praecox .

  5. 上述结果表明:45Srdna可以作为染色体的一个识别指标,对识别染色体的个体性具有一定的参考价值。

    Our results indicated that 45S rDNA could be used to identify individual chromosome .

  6. 审美人格具有个体性,有着与他人相区别的独特的精神特征。

    It has unique spiritual characteristic that differentiates one from the others .

  7. 儒家的价值实现方式与个体性原则

    The Forms for Materializing the Confucius Value and the Principle of Individuality

  8. 个体性视角中的公共性探议

    " Commonality " from the Angle of " Individuality "

  9. 具体分三个时期论述不同时期哲学家的个体性思想。

    It discusses the individual thought from three different times .

  10. 你的个体性始终潜藏在你的心灵里。

    Your individuality was always latent within your soul .

  11. 试析黑格尔从自我意识的起源论个体性存在的思想

    On Hegel 's Ideology on the Individual Beings from the Origin of Self-Consciousness

  12. 二是日常生活强烈的个体性所隐含的现代焦虑;

    Secondly , the intense individuality of the daily life implies modern anxiety ;

  13. 与理论性语文知识相比,更具主观性和个体性。

    Compared to theoretical knowledge on Chinese , it is more subjective and individualized .

  14. 我国传统基于财务报表的业绩评价制度存在着滞后性、片面性、短期性、个体性等问题。

    The traditional Chinese performance evaluation system based on financial statement has many problems .

  15. 真实的权利始终是个体性的权利;

    Real right is always individual right ;

  16. 审美的个体性不是超脱于社会之外的,而是包含着社会历史特征,是社会历史的生成物。

    Aesthetic individuality is not detached from society , but includes social and historical characteristics .

  17. 个体性这一环节首先建立起概念中各环节的区别。

    It is the element of individuality which first explicitly differentiates the elements of the notion .

  18. 最后马克思的个体性思想也为我们提供衡量社会发展状况的一个尺度。

    Finally , Individual Thought of Marx provides us with a standard test of social development theory .

  19. 教师个人教育观念是教师有关儿童发展和教育过程及其规律的个体性看法;

    Teachers ' personal educational beliefs are teachers ' personal view on children development and teaching process .

  20. 学生之间的关系存在有合作、竞争和个体性三种情境。

    There are 3 conditions in students ' relations , they are cooperation , competition and individuality .

  21. 它具有个体性,又具有广泛的群众性,不受场地器材限制,适合各类人群练习。

    They are individually , popular and suitable for all kinds of people without limitation of equipments .

  22. 鸟类鸣声结构的地理变异,有时也称鸟声方言,不仅具有一定的种群稳定性而且具有个体性。

    Geographic variation of bird song , sometimes called dialect , has species specific stability and individuality .

  23. 私力救济的主要特征有独立性、民间性、个体性以及程序的独立性。

    Self-help is the main feature of the independent , folk and individuality and program of independence .

  24. 今人所理解的个体性,基本上是西方义的原子式个体。

    To modem people , individuality is basically of atomic type in nature as defined in the west .

  25. 这既是出于生命社会性生存的需要,也是出于生命个体性生存的抉择。

    This was not only a need for social survival , but also a choice of individual survival .

  26. 第三是主体行为偏差,主要包含个体性行为偏差与群体性行为偏差两类。

    Thirdly , it is the behavior bias of decision-making subject , including individualism and collective behavior bias .

  27. 个体性的价值实现与普遍性的原则是密不可分的两个方面。

    The materialization of the value of individuality and the principle of universality cannot be separated from each other .

  28. 政治参与总体上体现了个体性与群体性的统一,目的性与手段性的统一。

    Political participation generally reflects the unification of individual and group , and the unity of purpose and means .

  29. 心理健康的标准应注重两种倾向&社会性和个体性的统一。

    The research of mental health criterion should put stress on the integration of two inclinations & sociality and individuality .

  30. 我选用“集体”一词,是因为无意识的这一部分不是个体性、而是普遍性的;

    I have chosen the term " collective " because this part of the unconscious is not individual but universal ;