
  • 网络implementer;Enforcer;implementor
  1. 它的设计将最大化地重用协调的需求,支持标准开发者、实施者和用户对信息模型的重用。

    This supports reusability by the standards developer , implementor , and user .

  2. 基本风格:迅速开始,事实查找,实施者,贯穿型。

    Basic styles : Quick Start , Fact Finder , Implementor , Follow Thru .

  3. 从一开始,SOAPweb服务规范就为实施者和用户提供了很多选择。

    From the start , SOAP web service specifications have offered many choices for implementers and users .

  4. 这笔“理想”租赁实际上是一起存在已久的网络欺诈,实施者是一个网名叫“lestergold”的人。

    The " dream " rental was actually an Internet fraud perpetuated by a man named " Lester gold " .

  5. 该调查的实施者之一是生物技术研究所BiotechnologyInstitute,PaulHanle是该研究所的主任。

    Paul Hanle is president of the Biotechnology Institute , one of the groups that did the study .

  6. 为了纠正标准财务报告的不足之处,EVA的实施者可通过调整企业会计准则下的利润数字来得到更可靠的EVA估计。

    To correct the distortions of the standard financial report , the implementers of EVA can get the credible EVA estimates by adjusting the income figures under GAAP .

  7. SCCM方针实施者的挑战

    Challenges for SCCM policy enforcers

  8. 琳达•艾弗瑞特(LindaAverett)是微软一个小组项目负责人,是系统平静工作的主要实施者。她说,微软在Windows7中减少了这些信息,意在让用户觉得更舒服和更有控制感。

    In Windows 7 , Microsoft reduced those messages to make users feel more in control and comfortable , says Linda Averett , a Microsoft group program manager who was a chief enforcer of the system-quieting effort .

  9. 作者对老年慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者健康教育的方式、程序、实施者、宣教的内容及其效果评价进行了综述。

    This article discussed the form , procedure , people of implementation , content as well as effect evaluation of health education to the elderly patients with chronic heart failure ( CHF ) .

  10. 传统的SCCM方针实施者想要保持一个干净的过程是有原因的但是通常会发现他们自觉没有权力作为开发人员来干涉这个问题。

    Traditional SCCM policy enforcers want to keep a clear process for good reason but often find themselves powerless to intervene as developers force the issue .

  11. 自从那以后,实施者已经使问题增加了,并且QTI项目组对其进行了修订。

    Since then , a number of issues have been raised by implementers and reviewed by the QTI project team .

  12. 注意:一些实施者已经选择创建该图,但几乎没有显示出OV-4和余下的DoDAF视图之间的映射。

    Note : Some implementers have elected to create this diagram but show little , if any , mapping between the OV-4 and the remainder of the DoDAF views .

  13. 方法检索Cochrane图书馆、MEDLINE、EMBASE、CurrentContents、LILACS在研试验数据库,主题为α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂的综述的参考文献,并联系纳入试验的专家与实施者。

    Method We searched The Cochrane Library , MEDLINE , EMBASE , Current Contents , LILACS , databases of ongoing trials , reference lists of reviews on the topic of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors and we contacted experts and manufacturers for additional trials .

  14. 和平队是美国总统防治艾滋病紧急救援计划(PEPFAR)的重要合作方与实施者,该计划正在全球范围内开展努力以拯救生命,使世界变得更加安全。

    The Peace Corps is a key partner and implementer of the U.S.President 's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief ( PEPFAR ), which is working around the globe to save lives and promote a more secure world .

  15. 公钥基础设施的核心是公钥证书,核心的实施者是认证中心。

    The key implementation of public key infrastructure is certificate authority .

  16. 试析教师作为课程实施者的角色意识

    On Role Consciousness of a Teacher as a Practitioner of Curriculum

  17. 婚姻不和及不满(实施者和受害者)。

    Marital discord and dissatisfaction ( perpetrators and victims ) .

  18. 教师是学校教育工作的主要组织者和实施者。

    Teachers are the main organizers and conductors of the educational work .

  19. 指示该实施者希望成为生存期租约主办方。

    Indicates that the implementer wants to be a lifetime lease sponsor .

  20. 其中行为的实施者称为代理人,受影响的一方是委托人。

    The perpetrators called agents ; the affected party is the principal .

  21. 教师是学校教育职能的主要实施者。

    Teachers are the main implementers of school education function .

  22. 教师是素质教育的直接实施者,教师素质的高低是决定教育改革成败的关键。

    Teachers are the actor of quality - oriented education .

  23. 有害使用酒精(实施者和受害者)

    Harmful use of alcohol ( perpetrators and victims );

  24. 教师是课堂教学的实施者,同时也是课堂教学的决策者。

    Teacher is the implementer of classroom teaching , and also the decision-maker .

  25. 控球后卫是全队战术配合的组织者,战术方案的实施者。

    Organizing back fielder is the tactics organizer and actualized in a match .

  26. 较低的受教育水平(实施者和受害者)

    Lower levels of education ( perpetrators and victims );

  27. 在召回管理中,政府和企业是召回行动的监督管理者和实施者。

    In recalls , government and enterprises are supervisor and executors , respectively .

  28. “他夸”显示出粉丝无脑,这种行为的实施者也没有节操。

    Thirdpartybragging shows followers as brainless and perpetrators shameless .

  29. 目睹家庭暴力(实施者和受害者)

    Witnessing parental violence ( perpetrators and victims );

  30. 在对课程资源的认识和研究中,学生课程资源被学界和教育实施者忽视了。

    The student curriculum resource is ignored by researchers and teachers in the research .