
duō xiànɡ xìnɡ
  • Multidirectional;pleiotropy
  1. 我们推测种系变异可促进MPN易感及表型多向性。

    We hypothesized that germline variation contributes to MPN predisposition and phenotypic pleiotropy .

  2. 低剂量的He-Ne激光照射可使多向性造血干细胞(CFU(-s))和粒系定向干细胞(CFU(-c))的增殖能力增加。

    The colony-forming capacity of haemopoietic stem cell and granulocyte committed precusor cell can be increased by lower dose He-Ne laser irradiation .

  3. 核转录因子NF-κB(nuclearfactorofkappaB)是调节细胞基因转录的关键因子。NF-κB具有多向性调节作用,可在多种因素作用下被激活,参与调控多种基因的表达;

    Nuclear factor of kappa B was the key gene which regulated the genes transcription , which could be activated by many factors , and could control many genes expressions , for example Immunologic reaction , embryogenesis , apoptosis , tumor genesis , metastasis , physiologic reaction , pathologic reaction .

  4. 正是这种多元性、多层次和多向性,使大学生的心态呈现出矛盾的两重状态。

    All these make them present the contradictory dual mentality .

  5. 他汀类药物:多向性效应的研究进展

    Statins : the Progress of Study about Pleiotropia Effect

  6. 规划理论作为一种制度创新&论规划理论的多向性和理论发展轨迹的非线性

    Planning theory as an institutional innovation : then on-linear trajectory of planning theory evolution

  7. 相比之下,中药以其高安全性和作用的多向性与多靶点性,具有明显优势。

    In contrast , Chinese traditional medicine have advantages of high safety and multiple effects .

  8. 他汀类药物的作用多向性效应及其临床应用

    Pleiotropic Effects and Clinical Application of Statins

  9. 由于风的多向性,使风沙作不规则的往复式摆动,造成铁路积沙;

    Sand accumulation along the railway is violent due to the irregular shift of wind sand .

  10. 论民族国家及其选择的多向性

    Nation-State and Its Multi-Directional Choice

  11. 利用大尺度环流确定2006年南海夏季风爆发日期南海夏季风爆发前后深对流传播的多向性

    Determination of the onset date of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in 2006 from Large-Scale Circulations

  12. 独特性与新颖性、多向性、现实性是创新思维的主要特征。

    The distinctive quality and the originality , the politropism , the feasibility are the innovation thought main characteristics .

  13. 中国画的发展应该适应画家的个性而呈现出多向性的发展趋势。

    The development of Chinese painting should fit the Chinese painters'characters and should make the paintings developed in varied ways .

  14. 管理活动中创新思维具有思维的独特性、多向性、突破性、前瞻性等特征。

    There are many characteristics of creative thinking in management such as particularity , radiation , breakthrough , and foresight .

  15. 以一题多用,形成知识网络,培养思维多向性。

    With multiple use of subject , teachers can form the network of knowledge and train pupils ' pleiotropism of the thought .

  16. 通过试验结果分析,讨论了堤顶高度、波浪方向、波浪多向性、堤前水深和波陡等因素对单位堤长平均越浪量和单波最大越浪量的影响。

    The effects of crest , angle , multi-directionality , depth and wave steepness on average overtopping discharge maximum overtopping per wave is presented .

  17. 一方面社会需求高素质的建筑专业技术人才,另一方面毕业生选择就业呈现多向性。

    On the one hand , the social needs high-quality , professional and technical personnel ; on the other hand the graduates has diversification choices .

  18. 结论胃癌孤立性转移淋巴结分布以胃周为主,呈随机性和多向性。不规则波浪模拟的基本原理

    Conclusion Solitary metastatic node is mainly in the peri-gastric region , and its distribution demonstrates a random and multidirectional type . Modelling of Random Sea Wave

  19. 用什么方法和手段把汉字字源语境的多元构成与儿童的心理、认知发展规律的多向性有机地、巧妙地结合起来?

    In what way can the multi-dimensional feature of Chinese character 's etymological proto-context be integrated with the multiple orientations of the psychological and cognitive development of children ?

  20. 近二十年以来,职业生涯的性质发生了巨大变化,逐渐呈现出动态性、难预测性和多向性发展的特征,无边界的职业生涯趋势不断加强。

    Nearly two decades , the nature of career has undergone tremendous changes , gradually showing dynamic , unpredictability and multi-directional development , borderless career trends continue to strengthen .

  21. 网络环境下的语文研究性学习是以网络技术、多媒体技术等信息技术为支撑的学习方式,它是以培养人的创造能力和创新意识为核心的多向性思维活动。

    Chinese Research Study on Internet is a way of learning , supported by the Internet and multimedia technologies . It is also a multidirectional idea activity to improve creativity .

  22. 下颌骨升支和体部的生长仍呈多向性,在面积增加的同时,旋转方向也各不相同,形状也发生了一定变化。

    The growth of the body and ramus of mandible was still politropism , and showed change of shape and direction of rotation as well as increase of the area .

  23. 该算法能保证寻优方向的多向性,并能避免模糊隶属度算法耗时过长的缺陷。

    By use of the proposed method the multidirectional property of searching can be ensured and the defect of fuzzy membership algorithm , namely the overlong computing time , can be avoided .

  24. 结果由于空间条件的综合诱变作用,其后代产生多样性、多向性的性状分离变异,并遗传重现于后代;

    Result Because of comprehensive space mutation , the characters of their progenies were segregated and varied in many aspects and directions , and the segregated and varied characters were found to be heritable ;

  25. 20年来,各类草地质心向东北方向偏移,不同阶段各类草地质心偏移表现出无规律性、多向性;

    In the last twenty years , the centroids of all kinds of grasslands moved towards northeast direction , and in different phases , the centroids change of each kind of grassland are irregular and multi-directional ;

  26. 运用委托&代理理论对旅游规划市场的业主与旅游规划编制方之间的关系进行了深入分析,指出信息不对称和利益的多向性是旅游规划产品质量问题的根源;

    The principal-agent relationship between employer and tourism planning provider was analyzed by applying principal-agent theory . This paper pointed out that information asymmetry and incentive incompatibility was the resource of the low quality tourism-planning products .

  27. 工业化和市场经济的冲击,使本村发生了显著的社会变迁,但另一方面,也看到了变迁由于本土文化所造成的适应性和多向性。

    As the impact of industrialization and market economy , the village has being undergone significant social change . But on the other hand , we should see the adaptive and multi-directions of changes caused by the local culture .

  28. 分析逻辑方法在中医学术理论构建中的作用,归纳中医学逻辑方法的基本特征是:多向性和多面性一体的特征、辩证思维的特征。

    The article has analyzed that the logic method took affection in the construction of the academic theory of traditional Chinese medicine , and sum up its basic feature : many-aspect , multidimensional character in a body and dialectical thought .

  29. 背景:由于神经干细胞分化的多向性和不确定性给临床应用造成巨大困难,因此,探讨神经干细胞增殖分化条件已成为解决这一问题的关键。

    BACKGROUND : Pleiotropia and indeterminateness of the differentiation of neural stem cells ( NSCs ) cause great difficulties for clinical application . Therefore , it is the key to solving the problem to investigate the proliferation and differentiation condition of NSCs .

  30. 20~100cm/s的底流速是发育沙丘的动力因素,水流的多向性和浪流的偶发性又常常制约沙丘发育的强度和迁移的速度;

    The bottom current at 20 ~ 100 cm / s is the dynamic factor for the development of sand dunes , and the multidirectional currents and occasional wave flow often restrict the intensity of dune development and also the speed of migration .