
  • Power source;power supply
  1. 我公司为农机产品开发的动力源,该产品主要是用于收、、、等机械

    The gasoline 's machine is used for mowing , flooding , furrowing , every kind of machine power supply .

  2. 阐述了燃料电池汽车的结构及质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)是燃料电池汽车动力源的首选;

    This paper analyzes the structure of the fuel cell vehicle elaborates that proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) is the first choice of the vehicle power supply ;

  3. 元素是XML表示的结构之所以能够扩展的动力源。

    Elements are the extensible engine for expressing structure in XML .

  4. 试论动力源(MOTIVATION)在英语教学中所发挥的作用

    The Role of Motivation in English Study

  5. AGV(AutomaticGuidedVehicle)即自动引导车,是一种装备有独立动力源,有自动导向系统的无人驾驶运输车。

    AGV ( Automatic Guided Vehicle ) is an unmanned carrier equipped with an independent power source and automatic guidance system .

  6. 作为汽车主要的动力源,柴油机NOx的排放控制也逐渐成为研究热点。

    As the main power source of vehicle , the question how to purify NO_x emission for diesel has become one of the hotspots .

  7. 微机电系统(MEMS)的广泛应用推动了微型动力源的研究发展。

    The widely use of MEMS prompted the research of Power MEMS . MEMS Micro Power System the power ;

  8. 与跨国企业相伴随的国外(或者海外)直接投资(FDI)成为刺激世界经济增长的动力源。

    Accompanied by multi-national companies ( MNCs ), foreign or overseas direct investment ( FDI ) has become a dynamic source for international economy growth .

  9. 电动助力转向系统(EPS,ElectricPowerSteering)是将先进的电子技术和电机控制技术应用到汽车转向系统中,不以发动机作为直接动力源,而是用电机控制的助力转向方式。

    EPS ( Electric Power Steering ) uses advanced electronics technology and motor control technology in the steering system , the direct power source is not the engine but the DC motor .

  10. 超声波电机(ultrasonicmotor)不同于传统的电磁式电机,它是利用压电陶瓷的逆压电效应,将超声振动作为动力源的一种新型电机。

    Being quite different from the traditional electromagnetic motors , the ultrasonic motor is a new type of motor , which is based on the inverse piezoelectric effect of the piezoelectric ceramics and driven by the ultrasonic vibration .

  11. 电池是混合动力车的动力源之一,准确和可靠地获得电池荷电状态(StateOfCharge,SOC)是电池管理系统的主要任务之一。

    Batteries are one of power sources of HEV . It is the most basic and important task that obtain the state of charge ( SOC ) of the batteries accurately and reliably in the battery management system .

  12. 自动导引车(AGV)是一种以电池为动力源,有自动导向系统的无人驾驶运输车。

    Automated Guided Vehicle ( AGV ) is an unmanned carrier , which is equipped with battery as power source and automatic guidance system .

  13. 驱动电机是FSE赛车的机械动力源,对赛车的参赛成绩有重大影响。

    Drive motor is a mechanical power source FSE car , have a significant impact on the racing competition results .

  14. 微尺度燃烧是随着MEMS技术的发展,为了满足可携带电子设备的长时间供电和国防上微小型高性能动力源和电源的需求而开展研究的。

    With the development of MEMS , micro-combustion is studied to meet the demand of the portable electronic equipment and the need of efficient drive and electric power for the micro-system in military field .

  15. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)被认为是21世纪最有潜力的电动汽车动力源。

    Direct Methanol Fuel Cell ( DMFC ) is considered as a promising power sources with great potential for electric vehicle in 21st century .

  16. 然后,确定了PCB板定位夹紧的方案,根据PCB板夹紧时的具体要求,设计了以气缸为动力源的夹紧机构,选择了所需要的气缸。

    Then , we determine the program of positioning and clamping the PCB . According to the specific requirements , we design the clamp mechanism with the cylinder as drives and then we choose the right cylinder .

  17. 介绍了一种以PZT作动器为动力源,双平行弹性铰链为弹性变形元件的新型微进给刀架的设计理论及设计计算方法。

    The design theory and design calculation method of a new type of micro-feeding tool holder ( MFTH ), driven by PZT and taking double parallel four-bar flexure hinges as elastic deforming component , are presented .

  18. 微型旋转机械是MEMS中的重要动力源之一,微转子作为系统的主要驱动部件,其动力学特性直接影响到整个系统的稳定性和可靠性。

    Rotational micro-machinery is an important power source for a micro-electric mechanical system ( MEMS ), the main driving component of which is a micro-rotor . Dynamic characteristics of the rotor affect the stability and reliability of the whole system directly .

  19. 并采用与focus汽车同样的底盘和车身,用30kW质子交换膜燃料电池为主动力源,以铅酸蓄电池为辅助动力源。

    This electric vehicle powered primarily by 30 kw proton exchange membrane ( PEM ) fuel cells , with Lead-acid battery as assistant power , and with focus classis as virtual vehicle classis .

  20. 燃料电池电动汽车(FCEV,FuelCellElectricVehicle)以燃料电池作为动力源,通过电极反应将燃料的化学能转变为电能,由电能驱动电机使车辆运行。

    The fuel cell electric vehicle ( FCEV , Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle ) takes the power supply by the fuel cell , transforms the fuel chemical energy into the electrical energy through the electrode reaction , and causes the vehicles movement by the electrical energy .

  21. 蒸发器作为整个AMTEC回路的动力源和太阳能能量接收器,其设计和运行显得至关重要。

    As the power source and energy receiver of the loop , the design and operation of the capillary porous wick are very important .

  22. 介绍了该系统的结构、主要组成部分和基本工作原理,并针对AMT系统设计中的几个关键内容:电子控制单元ECU设计;液压动力源设计;

    The paper expounds the basic functions and the design requests of the AMT control system which is developed by the author , and introduces the structure , the main component parts and the basic principle of this system .

  23. 利用向量自回归模型(VAR)和误差修正模型(ECM)对我国保险业增长的动力机制进行探讨,得知经济增长和保险产业的自组织和自增长是保险业发展最主要的动力源。

    After probing into the dynamic mechanism of speedy insurance business growth of our country through VAR and ECM , we come to the conclusion that economic growth , together with the self-organization and self-propagation of insurance industry , is the main power source of insurance development .

  24. 传动系统用Q10Y-M液气大钳钳头改造而成,并采用大钳的液压动力源。

    The drive system is refitted from the tong head of Q10Y-M hydro-air tong and uses the hydraulic power supply of the tong .

  25. 用新型耐热火药为化学动力源构建的桥塞座封工具装药结构,在高温、常温条件下能可靠完成桥塞座封操作,其使用性能与美国Baker公司相应产品相当。

    Using the new heat-resistant propellant as the chemical motivity of the bridge plug sitting tool , the charge configuration is designed , the bridge plugging operation is reliably accomplished in high and normal temperature condition , and the usage property corresponds with the product of the Baker corporation .

  26. 描述了一种新颖的MEMS动力源概念,即微热光电(TPV)系统。该系统将使用氢气作为燃料,每立方厘米体积能够发出1~10W的电力。

    A novel power MEMS concept , a micro thermophotovoltaic ( TPV ) system , was first introduced , which use hydrogen as fuel and is capable of delivering 1 ~ 10 W electrical power in a package less than 1 cubic centimeter in volume .

  27. 此外,HEV至少由两种动力源(一般为发动机和电机/电池)驱动,通过适当的控制策略使两种或多种动力源都工作在高效率区间,显著提高整车的燃油经济性。

    In addition , HEV is driven by at least two sources of power ( usually engine and electric motor / battery ), and through appropriate control strategy , the two or multiple power sources are working in a range of high efficiency , significantly improving the vehicle fuel economy .

  28. ZTY265天然气压缩机是以二冲程发动机作为动力源的二级活塞式压缩机,针对此压缩机,本文作者研制了ZTY265天然气压缩机动态压力测试系统。

    This paper develops a dynamic pressure test system for ZTY265 natural gas compressor which is a two step piston type compressor and driven by two stroke internal combustion engines .

  29. 受众需要是传媒影响力发展的动力源

    Audience 's Demand Is the Motive Source of the Media Impact

  30. 煤锅炉蒸气与电两种动力源选用的讨论

    Discussion of Using Steam from Coal Boiler or Electricity for Power