
  • 网络Animal painting;Animal oil painting
  1. 这里是工笔动物画基地。

    This is the base of Fine-Brush Animal Painting .

  2. 他们看到了画在墙上的动物画。

    They found pictures of animals on the walls .

  3. 这本书有颜色鲜艳的动物画彩页。

    The book had pictures of brightly coloured animals .

  4. 敦煌莫高窟唐代壁画中的动物画研究

    The Animal Paintings Study of Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang in the Tang Dynasty

  5. 他把那些我们想吃的。动物画下来。

    He would draw the animals . T hat we hoped to find to eat .

  6. 餐具、茶具、花瓶、花盆是实用性的,人物和动物画、摆设品是艺术性的。

    Tableware , tea sets , vases , flower pots are for practical use , and figures of persons and animals , and knickknacks for decoration are for artistic taste .

  7. 这些线条深深地刻在一个多石的大平原上,形成了约300幅包括鸟,猴子,蜥蜴等的复杂精细的动物画。

    These lines are deeply carved into a flat , stony plain , and form about 300 intricate pictures of animals such as birds , a monkey , and a lizard .

  8. 继承和重视花鸟、山水、人物、动物画的优秀传统,但又不被传统技法所限;

    He inherits and pays more attention to the excellent tradition relating to birds and flowers , landscapes , characters , and animal paintings , but is not restricted by traditional techniques .

  9. 他总是把观察到的人物或动物画个上百次,才永久地固定在画布上。据说他为了画农民,曾把集市上的农民带到家里,让他们喝醉,再作画。

    And he would draw a type or an animal from observation a hundred times before turning to his picture to fix it there for all time . He is said to have brought home peasants from the market and got them drunk in order to draw them .

  10. 画一幅动物张贴画并写上单词。

    Draw a poster of the animals , write the words .

  11. 他的关于农夫工作,工具以及动物的画,表现了一系列的对已美国中西部生活的尊重。

    His paintings of farmers at work , and of their tools and animals , demonstrate a serious respect for the life of the Midwestern United States .

  12. 我不喜欢第三个是因为我不喜欢有动物的画而且我认为它看起来太冷清。

    The reason I don 't like the third one is I don 't like animals on the pictures and I think it looks too cold and cheerless .

  13. 他热爱他的工作,而且非常了解大象,他说一些关于动物的画像画得非常好。

    He loves his job there and knows a lot about elephants.He says some of the animals paintings are very good .

  14. 一种人或动物形象的画,用图圈表示头部,用线条组合表示身体剩下的部位。

    A picture of a human or animal figure showing the head as a circle and the rest of the body as a combination of straight lines .

  15. 在内容丰富的敦煌壁画中,我们可以看到佛像、神怪、动物、山水画、建筑画以及装饰图案等,2004年与2007年佛山市城区高中生性相关行为调查

    The Dunhuang Murals contain rich designs of Buddhas , deities , ghosts , animals , mountains , rivers , architecture and a few decorative patterns . Sexual related behavior among senior middle school students in Foshan urban area between 2004 and 2007

  16. 多年来,我卖过一些关于野生动物的文章和画,而靠此维持生计的想法让我激动不已。

    For years I 'd been selling a few wildlife articles and drawings , and the idea of doing a living excited me .

  17. 本周三宣布的这一决定,给多年来关于联邦政府资助的灵长类动物实验的争论画上了句号。国家卫生研究院2013年曾决定,除50只黑猩猩之外,其他都放归动物保护区。

    The decision , announced on Wednesday , brings to a close years of controversy about federally funded primate experimentation , and follows a 2013 decision by the N.I.H. to retire all but 50 of its chimpanzees to animal sanctuaries .