
  • 网络Animal Nutrition;Principles of Animal Nutrition
  1. 根据近20年动物营养学的研究进展综述了当前动物营养学研究与应用的发展趋势。

    Animal nutrition development in the20 years show that the research field contain mainly ;

  2. 动物营养学正是一门研究营养物质摄入与动物生命活动(包括生产)之间关系的科学。

    Animal nutrition is just a discipline on relationship of diet intake and animal life activities .

  3. 金属硫蛋白在动物营养学上的应用

    To Be Animal SCIENCE The Application of Metallothionein in Animal Nutrition

  4. 最后提出了动物营养学研究和技术的应用应尊重生态道德的观点。

    At last , it is put forward that the application of researches and technologies on animal nutrition should respect ecological mortality .

  5. 在动物营养学上,胆碱、甜菜碱归属于维生素和维生素的前体物质,蛋氨酸是机体蛋白质合成所必需的氨基酸。

    In animal nutrition , choline and beet alkali belong to vitamin or predecessor of vi-tamin , and albumen acid is essential to the synthesis of protein .

  6. 随着动物营养学研究的深入,砷制剂在动物营养中的多功能作用已逐步被认识,在饲料中的应用逐渐得到推广。

    With the progress in animal nutrition research , the multifunction of arsenic preparation in animal nutrition is gradually recognised by people , and is applied gradually in feed .

  7. 类黄酮化合物在动物营养学领域具有重要的应用价值,与动物的内分泌、脂质代谢及抗氧化有着密切的关系,在促进动物生产性能及提高免疫力等方面起着重要作用。

    Flavonoids have an important value in the field of animal nutrition , it related the endocrine , lipids metabolism , antioxidative activity , and also improved animal performance and immunity .

  8. 本文从中医理论与现代动物营养学的基本概念与特点出发,结合我国中药资源的现状,就中医药学与动物营养学在学科结合中的问题进行了探讨。

    In this article , based on the theory of TCM and animal nutrition and short resources of Chinese herbal medicine , some problems of combining TCM with animal nutrition are discussed .

  9. 本文论述了动物营养学与生态学的关系、态营养的概念以及研究内容;着重论述了可持续发展应遵循的生态学基本原理对动物营养学的指导作用。

    This article elucidates the relationship between animal nutrition and ecology , the concept and researching content of eco-nutrition and , in particular , the instruction guidance of ecology fundamentals about sustainable development to animal nutrition .

  10. 水产动物分子营养学研究进展

    Research progress in molecular nutriology of aquatic animal

  11. 水产动物分子营养学是一门新兴学科,并已显示出良好的发展前景。

    The molecular nutriology of aquatic animal is a newly developed subject , which has showed favorable prospect .

  12. 文章综述分子营养学与水产动物分子营养学的内涵及其意义,以及水产动物分子营养学研究的新进展,并提出水产动物分子营养学的研究方向。

    This paper reviewed the meaning and significance of molecular nutriology and aquatic animal molecular nutriology , research progress in aquatic animal molecular nutriology , and put forward the key research direction in aquatic animal molecular nutriology in the future .

  13. 开发富含功能性养分的动物性食品,是现代动物营养学研究的一个重要内容。

    The exploration of functional animal food is a key content in the field of animal nutrition .

  14. 动物遗传育种与繁殖为农业部和甘肃省重点学科,动物营养学与生产学为甘肃省重点学科。

    Animal Genetics , Breeding and Reproduction Science is the key subject of both Ministry of Agricultural and Gansu Province .