
  1. 试验于2008年和2009年在中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所作物需水量试验场内的日光温室中进行,采用常见的宽窄行方式种植。

    The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse in 2008 and 2009 at the water requirement experimental station of Farmland Irrigation Research Institute . Tomatoes were transplanted in wide-narrow row plantation method .

  2. 本试验以茄子(新乡青茄)为试材,于2008年3月~7月在中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所日光温室中进行。

    The experiment was carried out in the farmland of Irrigation Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences from March to July in 2008 ; Eggplants were cultivated in a small plot respectively .