
  1. 随着加入WTO后中国经济结构、产业结构的巨大变革,市场对人力资源的供求也将发生深刻的变化,因为教育结构在本质上是经济结构、产业结构的反映。

    With the great change of its economic structure and industrial structure , Chinese market will be increasingly in need of labor forces . Educational structure is in essence the reflection of its corresponding economic and industrial structures .

  2. 论中国经济结构调整及对策分析

    On the Adjustment of Economic Structure in China and Its Strategic Analyses

  3. 论中国经济结构转型理论中的制造业因素

    On the Manufacturing Factor of the Transition of China 's Economic Structure

  4. 中国经济结构和人民公社的体制问题;

    Our economical structure and the system of the people 's commune .

  5. 二元经济是中国经济结构的基本特征。

    Dual economy is a basic characteristic of Chinese economy .

  6. 最优金融结构理论与中国经济结构、银行业结构演变

    Optimal Financial Structure Theory and China Economic Structure 、 the Evolution of Banking Structure

  7. 外资参与中国经济结构调整的步伐进一步加快。

    The pace of foreign investors ' participation in China 's economic restructuring has been stepped up .

  8. 西部大开发是中国经济结构布局的又一战略性调整。

    The Development of West China is one of the strategic adjustments about the allocation of industrial structure .

  9. 因此,中国经济结构半个多世纪以来一直处于不断调整的非均衡状态。

    Therefore , the economic structure China has been readjusted continuously in an unbalanced state more than half a century .

  10. 来在亚洲发展银行的庄建说中国经济结构的改变已经使得失业率增长。

    Zhuang Jian from the Asian Development Bank says changes in economic structure have led to jobless growth in China .

  11. 本文通过聚类分析寻找与中国经济结构最为相似的经济体。

    By using hierarchical cluster analysis , we find another three economies whose economic structure is quite similar with that of China .

  12. 席卷全球的金融危机爆发,使中国经济结构发展失衡,资源配置效率低下等问题尖锐暴露出来。

    The financial crisis sweeping the world , it has exposed issues such as Chinese economic structure development unbalance and inefficient resource allocation .

  13. 论述了改革开放以来中国经济结构理论的新发展;

    And then it discusses the new development of China 's economy structure theory since the reform and opening to the outside world .

  14. 我们要对中国经济结构进行战略性调整。我们将努力扩大内需,促进经济增长向依靠消费、投资、出口协调拉动转变。

    We will carry out strategic economic restructuring to expand domestic demand and promote balanced growth driven by consumption , investment and exports .

  15. 调整产业结构是中国经济结构调整的战略性选择,是促进中国市场经济发展的重要措施。

    To adjust the industrial structure is one of the strategies for economic development and one of the measures to promote the market economy in China .

  16. 这种态度对于调整中国经济结构来说至关重要,改革的重点应该放在提升内需、改善民生和保护环境等方面。

    This is crucial for reforming the country 's economic structure , which should focus more on domestic consumption , people 's livelihood and environmental protection .

  17. 中国经济结构的调整、国民经济的发展以及企业的改革都与企业重组息息相关。

    In China , the adjustment of economic structure , the development of national economy and the reform of enterprise are closely connected with the reconstruction of enterprise .

  18. 两位作者建议,政府可出台一些政策来降低上述困难,这些政策能推动中国经济结构的转型,提高百姓收入,避免让经济转型的困难都落到就业者头上。

    The authors suggest the government could minimize those problems by policies that support the transition and boost incomes , rather than having the change forced upon workers .

  19. 同时指出,处于工业化中期阶段的中国经济结构正呈现出由满足基本需求转向逐步适应消费升级和需求多样化的趋势。

    Chinese economic structure in industrialization mid-term stage is presenting a tendency of change from satisfying basic demand to meeting consumer upgrading and demand variation step by step .

  20. 通过定位正向的总需求及潜在总供给效应,本文揭示中国经济结构失衡态的逆周期波动性质。

    Through identifying the positive effect of AD change on potential AS , this paper reveals the con - cycle movement of structural unbalance in China s economy .

  21. 迄今为止,对中国经济结构变动如何影响能源强度变化仍然缺少定量研究。

    By far , however , few works of quantitative research have been made on how the changes of Chinese economic structure influence the changes of energy intensity .

  22. 本文致力于在中国经济结构从二元到三元演变的背景下对中国城市化道路的选择进行深入的探讨。

    This thesis is aiming to carry out further exploration to the selection of urbanization path in china under the background of evolution from dual to triple economic structure .

  23. 2006年以来,作为中国经济结构调整、发展方式转变的重要手段,节能减排取得突出进展。

    Since 2006 , In China , energy saving and emission reduction , as the important action of economic structural adjustment and economic development pattern , has made a great progress .

  24. 经济学家们表示,要使此举成为真正的好消息,它必须是一场多重政策攻势的一部分,宗旨是调整中国经济结构,使其减轻对出口拉动型增长的依赖,转向国内消费。

    For this to be truly good news , they say , it must be part of a multi-pronged policy offensive to re-orient the economy away from export-led growth and towards domestic consumption .

  25. 随着中国经济结构的转换,有效规避不断升级的货物贸易争端,积极发展对外服务贸易必将作为我国未来对外贸易的突破口和主力军。

    With the changing of economic structure of China , effectively avoiding frequent goods trade dispute and active development of foreign service trade are the breakthrough of future foreign trade development of China .

  26. 作者对中国经济结构的调整和劳动力市场冲击进行了介绍,讨论了中国的高等教育体制及其新近在融资和扩招方面的改革措施。

    We provide background on China 's economic restructuring and shocks to parent employment , discuss the higher education system in China , and review recent reforms affecting both the capacity and financing of post-secondary institutions .

  27. 经济全球化对中国经济结构调整的影响表现在:经济结构调整的方向要符合国际分工发展的新趋势;

    Impact of the economic globalization on China 's economic structural adjustment lies in the following aspects : the orientation of the economic structural adjustment should be in harmony with the new development trend of the international labor division ;

  28. 考虑这一影响,中国经济结构调整应该确立开放的产业发展模式,调整产业政策实现机制,实施西部大开发,促进地区间协调发展等。

    Accordingly , China should establish an open industrial development model in its economic structural adjustment , improve the realization mechanism of its industrial policy , carry out the strategy of West Development and achieve a harmonious development among different regions .

  29. 从历史发展的眼光来看,中国经济结构的二元性有着其历史根源,是经济长期发展的结果,并且中国经济结构的二元性还将长期存在下去。

    Casting back from history , the characteristics of dual economy in China 's economic structure has its historical roots , it is the results of long-term economic development and the characteristics of dual economy of China economic structure will be lasting for a long time .

  30. 建设海南国际旅游岛,打造具有国际竞争力的旅游胜地,是海南加快发展现代服务业,推动经济社会发展的重大举措,同时对中国经济结构优化调整具有重要示范作用。

    Developing Hainan international tourism island , a tourist destination with international competitiveness , is an important measure to accelerate the development of modern service industry and promote economic and social development in Hainan . Meanwhile , it has an important demonstration effect on Chinese economy structure adjustment .