
  1. 专业研究机构Z-BenAdvisors编纂的数据显示,去年12月底,24家中外合资公司管理的资产,约占内地共同基金资产总额的40%,高于去年初的25%。

    Figures compiled by Z-Ben Advisors , a specialist research firm , show that the 24 Sino - foreign joint ventures accounted for almost 40 per cent of total domestic mutual fund assets at the end of December , up from a quarter at the start of last year .

  2. 刘小姐受雇于一个中外合资公司。

    Miss Liu is employed in a Chinese-foreign joint company .

  3. 珠海海关开始对这家只能中外合资公司的走私活动展开非正式调查。

    ZhuHai Customs begin an informal probe into smuggling activities of this Sino-Foreign operation .

  4. 涉及中外合资公司组织机构体制有两种立法取向:保证公司决策的效率、质量及公正性;

    As to organization system of sino-foreign joint venture company , there are two legislative tendencies .

  5. 中国市场上目前有69家基金管理公司,其中39家为中外合资公司。

    There are 69 fund management companies active in the China market of which 39 are foreign joint ventures .

  6. 合约表明,将建立一个中外合资公司进行施工。

    According to the contract , a joint venture company will be set up to carry out the construction .

  7. 目前中国约有58家国内基金公司(包括24家中外合资公司)正竞相吸引投资者的资产。

    Some 58 domestic fund houses – including 24 Sino-foreign joint ventures – are scrambling to attract investors ' assets .

  8. 2006年底,中外合资公司在1100亿美元国内共同基金资产中所占比例接近40%。

    Sino-foreign firms ac-counted for almost 40 per cent of the $ 110bn in domestic mutual fund assets at the end of 2006 .

  9. 中国允许国际基金管理公司在中国内地创办中外合资公司,但只能持有少数股权。

    Global fund managers have been allowed to set up joint ventures with Chinese partners on the mainland , but can only hold minority stakes .

  10. 然而,分析人士认为,未来两年,中外合资公司的市场份额也许会下降,反映出大型国内公司带来的竞争压力以及合资企业之间日益紧张的局势。

    However , analysts believe Sino-foreign firms will probably see their market share drop in the next two years , reflecting competitive pressure from big domestic rivals and growing tensions within joint ventures .

  11. 一家中外合资公司的基金经理表示,所在公司已被告知,不要发表任何公开评论,尤其是有关市场的负面评论。中国股市自去年见顶以来,已下跌逾50%。

    A fund manager with a foreign-Chinese joint venture said his company had been told not to make any public comments at all , particularly negative comments about the market , which has fallen by more than 50 per cent since its peak last year .

  12. 在过去两年里,包括德意志银行(deutschebank)与瑞信(creditsuisse)在内的欧洲投行也获准成立了中外合资证券公司,但经营业务只限于承销ipo。

    European banks including Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse have been granted approval to launch mainland securities joint ventures in the past two years , but these have been restricted to IPO underwriting .

  13. 尽管在23家中外基金合资公司中,大多数公司都一直处于亏损状态,但外国主要基金的利润率在2005年首次出现了增长。Z-Ben估计,今年这一趋势可能会持续下去。

    While the bulk of the 23 Sino-foreign fund joint ventures have been lossmaking , leading foreign firms saw their profit margins rise for the first time in 2005 - a trend that is likely to continue this year , according to Z-Ben estimates .

  14. 从中外合资企业公司治理谈中石化对外合资策略

    Research on Strategy of Sinopec Foreign Joint Investment through Corporation Governance

  15. 新成立的中外合资证券公司必须在经营5年之后,才能申请股票交易牌照。

    New foreign-backed securities ventures will need to wait about five years before applying for a licence to trade stocks .

  16. 麦格理和摩根士丹利退出这些业务的决定意味着,中国还剩下8家中外合资信托公司。

    Macquarie and Morgan Stanley 's decision to pull out of these businesses means that just eight foreign joint-venture trusts remain .

  17. 由于担心管理有方的外资集团会主导中国证券业,中国一直对中外合资证券公司实施严密监管。

    Joint ventures between overseas groups and Chinese firms have been tightly regulated amid fears that better-managed overseas groups would dominate the industry .

  18. 在这个日益拥挤的市场,目前有58家国内基金公司(其中包括24家中外合资基金公司),正在争相吸引投资者的注意力。

    There are 58 domestic fund houses , including 24 Sino-foreign fund joint ventures , vying for investors ' attention in an increasingly crowded market .

  19. 张茵出生在广东贫困城市韶关的一个军人家庭,于1985年来到当时仍为英殖民地的香港,在一家中外合资贸易公司担任会计。

    Born into a military family in Shaoguan , a poor city inGuangdong province , Ms Zhang came to the then colony in1985 as an accountant with a Sino-foreign trading joint venture .

  20. 然而,这种极为糟糕的表现,或许会使指数型基金的销售人员感到高兴,对冲基金公司包括大多数中外合资基金公司可能要面对心存不满的投资者的严厉质问。

    While these stunningly poor results may put a smile on the face of the Index Tracker salesmen , mutual fund providers including most Sino-foreign joint ventures are likely to face tough questions from disgruntled investors .

  21. 针对我国租赁公司的现状,以监管对象的角度将其分为三类:金融租赁公司、中外合资租赁公司以及内资试点融资公司,并分别进行了介绍。

    From the perspective of supervised entities , according to the status of leasing companies , leasing companies are divided into three categories : financial leasing company , Chinese-foreign joint ventures leasing company and domestically funded pilot leasing companies .

  22. 他参与了两起外国投资者对国内上市商业银行的收购,并为在中国加入WTO后成立的第一家中外合资的证券公司的设立提供了服务。

    He has advised two foreign investors in acquiring stakes in two listed Chinese commercial banks and the first joint venture securities company since China 's entry into the WTO .

  23. 之所以选择中外合资企业AB公司作为研究对象,一方面是因为AB公司的主要业务是为客户提供全套的交钥匙工程服务,其中包括硬件、软件设计,生产线工艺调试和售后服务。

    One of the reasons to choose JV AB Company as the research subject is that the scope of supply of AB is complete set of customized turn-key engineering project which include hardware & software design , technology commissioning and after-sales service .

  24. 普华永道(PwC)最近对25家中外合资基金管理公司中的19家进行了一项调查。调查结果显示,在华外国基金管理公司担心,中国的沪深两市可能没有足够多的优质上市公司。

    Foreign fund managers in China fear there might not be enough good quality companies listing on the country 's two stock markets , according to a survey by PwC of 19 of the 25 joint-venture fund management firms operating in the country .

  25. 我们是一家中外合资的合资公司。

    We are a Sino-foreign joint venture company .

  26. 中外合资股份有限公司的设立;

    Establishing of Sino-foregin equity share companies ;

  27. 当前,我仍在一家大型中外合资的造船公司担任翻译工作。

    Currently , I still assume the translation position in the shipbuilding corporation of China-Singapore joint investment .

  28. 在中外合资基金管理公司,外方股东在给公司带来海外客户方面发挥着关键的作用。

    For Sino-foreign joint venture fund management companies , the foreign shareholders play a key role in bringing clients outside of China to the business .

  29. 中外合资基金管理公司不仅没有被独立的本土竞争对手压垮,反而获得了全部管理资产40%的市场份额。

    Far from being squashed by stand-alone local rivals , Sino-foreign ventures have grabbed a 40 per cent market share of total assets under management .

  30. 对外国独资汽车金融公司和中外合资汽车金融公司,由银监会负责颁发《金融许可证》;

    In the event of a solely foreign-owned auto financing company or a Chinese-foreign joint auto financing company , the Financial License shall be issued by CBRC .