
  • 网络Chinese porcelain;china
  1. 中国瓷器是中国陶瓷史上最重要的篇章。

    China 's chinaware is the most important chapter in the history of chinaware .

  2. 餐厅能容纳200人,厨房的架子上摆满了中国瓷器,但却全无西式餐刀的踪影。

    The dining room could feed 200 , and shelves of China line the kitchen , but there is not a knife to be found .

  3. 苏富比的中国瓷器专家仇国仕(NicholasChow)说,对于藏友来说,拥有一只鸡缸杯是至高无上的荣耀。

    ' This is the crowning glory for collectors , ' said Nicholas Chow , Sotheby 's expert in Chinese ceramics .

  4. 德国人J.F.伯特格尔一次偶然的机会发明了瓷器,但是,18世纪的欧洲仍然大量需要中国瓷器。

    The German J. F. Bett-ger accidentally invented porcelain , but the need for Chinese porcelain was very high in the stream of a China fashion in 18th century Europe .

  5. 沿着胡同,你能找到Ubi艺廊(UbiGallery),这里有手工制作的高档珠宝和中国瓷器,还有Li+U工坊(Li+UWorkshop),这里的漂亮皮包和钱夹都是在店里制作的。

    Down the lane , check out the Ubi Gallery for handmade designer jewelry and Chinese ceramics , and the Li + U Workshop for handsome leather bags and wallets , made right there in the store .

  6. 梅拉尼:这是真正的中国瓷器,工艺精巧。

    Melanie : It is very fine work and genuine Chinese porcelain .

  7. 中国瓷器在泰国的传播及其影响研究

    The Research on the Spread and Influence of Chinese Porcelain into Thailand

  8. 在那里几乎可以看到完整、详尽的中国瓷器史。

    There can almost see a complete , detailed history of Chinese porcelain .

  9. 他收集了一批中国瓷器。

    He assembled a rich trove of Chinese porcelain .

  10. 这个词就是用来指精制的中国瓷器。

    The word " china " is often used to describe fine Chinese porcelain .

  11. 中国瓷器的起源

    The study on the origin of Chinese porcelain

  12. 该设计还提到了中国瓷器出口到欧洲的传统。

    The design also alludes to the tradition of Chinese porcelain exports to Europe .

  13. 前剂量饱和指数法测定中国瓷器年代

    Thermoluminescence dating of Chinese porcelain using a regression method of saturating exponential in pre-dose technique

  14. 中国瓷器与土耳其陶器的相互影响

    The Influence of Chinese Porcelain in Turkey

  15. 欣悉你方是中国瓷器出口商。

    735 We are delighted to know that you deal with export of Chinese chinaware .

  16. 中国瓷器起源的研究

    Study of the Origin of Chinese Porcelains

  17. 日本所定国宝中的中国瓷器

    Chinese Porcelain Designated National Treasures in Japan

  18. 西方人认识中国瓷器也是从青花瓷开始的。

    And it is from blue and white porcelain that the western people first knew chinaware .

  19. 她是一个温和,敏感,细致,和脆弱的女人象中国瓷器。

    She is gentle , sensitive , delicate and frail , like a figure of Chinese porcelain .

  20. 本文拟以这些出版物为对象,说明法国当时对于中国瓷器的书写与鉴赏。

    This article aims to outline the French writings and criticism of the time on Chinese ceramics .

  21. 中国瓷器审美论略

    On Aesthetic Theory of Chinaware

  22. 这位名为罗杰·比尔金顿的农场主在20世纪50年代至60年代这十年间收集了100件中国瓷器。

    Roger Pilkington put together an array of 100 pieces of Chinese ceramics during the 1950s and 1960s .

  23. 目前在全世界的瓷器市场,都可以看到中国瓷器的影子。

    At present in China market , all over the world can see the shadow of Chinese porcelain .

  24. 受伦敦富商之讬设计以展示中国瓷器收藏的用餐间。

    Commissioned by a wealthy Londoner to create a dining room suitable to display a strong Chinese porcelain collection .

  25. 第一章介绍了中国瓷器对外输出的国内和国际背景。

    Chapter one introduces the domestic and overseas background of the export of porcelain in Ming and Qing dynasties .

  26. 并进一步繁荣于金元时期,最终影响了中国瓷器装饰的最终发展趋势。

    This decoration style flourished in Jin and Yuan dynasties , which influenced the development trend of Chinese ceramic decoration .

  27. 中国瓷器诞生于两千多年前,是中国文化最具象征意义的符号之一。

    Born more than two thousand years ago , Chinese porcelain is one ofthe most symbolic signs of Chinese Culture .

  28. 此后中国瓷器价格一路飙高,但鸡缸杯的尊贵地位自帝王时代以来从未被动摇。

    Prices for Chinese ceramics have skyrocketed since , but reverence for these cups has remained constant since imperial times .

  29. 河南宋代瓷器纹样装饰方法的广泛运用和不断创造,丰富了中国瓷器艺术语言,拓展了瓷器艺术的审美境界。

    The wide range and various creations enriched the art expressions of Chinese porcelain art and broaden its aesthetic realm .

  30. 中国瓷器与18世纪中西经济美术文化的交流和互动

    Chinese Porcelain and Exchange and Interaction of Economy , Fine Arts and Culture between China and Western World in 18th Century