
  • 网络Blanc de Chine
  1. 韩国广州白瓷和中国德化白瓷之比较研究

    The Research about White China Guangzhou of Korea is Comparable with Dehua of China

  2. 福建省德化白瓷,莹白而带透明感,生产佛像相当有名。

    Fujian Dehua white , pale and with a clear sense of the production very famous statues .

  3. 近代德化白瓷的氧化铝含量比古代瓷器中高5~9%。

    The alumina content in modern Dehua white porcelain is about 5 ~ 9 % higher than that in ancient wares .

  4. 为了了解古代德化白瓷和作为重要技术因素之一的原料之间的关系,尚对两种当地产的瓷石作了研究。

    In order to understand the relationship between ancient porcelain and raw materials , two kinds of typical local porcelain stones were investigated as well .

  5. 分析鉴定了十五种历代德化白瓷和影青典型样品的化学组成、显微结构以及物理和陶瓷性能。

    The chemical composition , microstructure , physical and ceramic properties of fifteen typical specimens of Dehua white and shadowy blue porcelain ( Yingqing ) of successive dynasties were examined and analyzed .

  6. 历代德化窑白瓷的研究

    A study of Dehua white porcelain in successive dynasties