
  • 网络derby;Derbi;Durbuy
  1. 尽管天气恶劣,德比马赛仍将举行。

    The Derby will be run in spite of the bad weather .

  2. 他从孩提时代起就是德比郡队的支持者。

    He has been a Derby County supporter since boyhood .

  3. 我当时正在德比的失物招领处打听。

    I was enquiring in Lost Property at Derby .

  4. 米德尔塞克斯队将德比郡队的所有队员都投杀出局,击败了对方。

    Middlesex defeated Derbyshire by bowling out the opposition .

  5. 他驾驭着这匹名副其实的“永不言败”夺得了他的第一个德比马赛冠军。

    He won his first Derby on the aptly named ' Never Say Die ' .

  6. 如果我们遇上持续下雨,塞西尔也能让“扈从”参加德比马赛。

    If we have a wet spell , Cecil could also run Armiger in the Derby .

  7. 得冠军的那位骑师在德比年度大赛上跑得很轻松。

    The champion jockey had an easy ride in the derby .

  8. 在很多国家,本地德比(localderby)或者德比(derby)都指来自同一个小镇、城市或地区的两支队伍之间的体育比赛,尤多见于足球联赛。

    In many countries the term local derby , or simply just derby means a sporting fixture1 between two teams from the same town , city or region , particularly in association football .

  9. 德比这个说法很有可能来源于1780年第12世德比伯爵在英格兰开创的赛马活动TheDerby。早在1840年时,德比一词就在英语里用作名词来指代任何一种体育比赛。

    The phrase most likely originated from The Derby , a horse race in England , founded by the 12th Earl of Derby in 1780 , since at least as early as 1840 ' derby ' has been used as a noun in English to denote any kind of sporting contest .

  10. 两支相互竞争的球队之间的足球比赛有时也叫做德比。足球比赛中的德比相当于北美体育比赛中的“同城竞技”。

    A soccer game between two rival teams is also sometimes referred to as a " derby . " A derby is the soccer equivalent of the sort of game that is called a " crosstown rivalry2 " in North American sports .

  11. 不过这完全不是中国,这是德比郡的山峰区(PeakDistrict)。

    Except this isn 't China at all ... it 's the Peak District , in Derbyshire .

  12. 两只幼鹿无声无息地跑出树林(南希M.德比乌斯)

    Two young deer ghosted out of the woods ( Nancy M. Debevoise )

  13. 她经营自己名为德比音乐(DerbyDiscMusic)的唱片公司,最近还雇佣了一名助手。

    She runs her own label , Derby disc music , and recently hired an assistant .

  14. 库珀率领国米杀入欧洲冠军联赛半决赛,历史性地与AC米兰一起上演了两回合的“欧洲德比”。

    Hector Cuper guides Inter to the semi-finals of the UEFA Champions League and a historic two-legged'Euroderby'with AC Milan .

  15. “格林戈•斯塔尔”(GringoStar,仿林戈•斯塔尔(RingoStarr))的法国鼓手格雷格•德比夸(GregDesbuquois)。

    and Frenchman Greg Desbuquois , who drums as Gringo Star .

  16. 研究报告发布的那天,德比大学(UniversityofDerby)的校园里正在拍摄招生影片。

    The day the study was released , a recruitment film was being shot on the campus of University of Derby , a middle-sized university in central England .

  17. 现在弗格森爵士的人马要把精力转向国内了。周日在OT将进行曼城德比。

    Attentions now turn to domestic matters when Sir Alex 's men entertain Manchester neighbours City at Old Trafford on Sunday .

  18. NPR新闻,倪瑟·奥德比报道。

    Neda Ulaby Y , NPR News .

  19. 华盛顿奇才主场对阵休斯顿火箭队的比赛是中国两大NBA球星21场比赛以来首次上演的中国德比。

    China 's two big NBA basketball stars faced each other for the first time in21 months as the Washington Wizards hosted the Houston Rockets .

  20. 马撒葡萄园岛时代他所珍视的t3德比-909孤独棒辘损失介于肠道和东海滩。

    Martha 's Vineyard Times-His cherished Derby T3-909 Orvis rod and reel was lost somewhere between the gut and East Beach .

  21. 大约一个月前,我访问了罗尔斯罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)位于德比的航空发动机工厂。

    About a month ago , I visited the aero engine factory of Rolls-Royce , in Derby .

  22. “周大福”刚刚与“德比尔斯”(DeBeers)达成一笔交易,在湖南省会长沙零售店推广其品牌。

    CTF has just struck a deal with De Beers to market one of the diamond company 's brands in its outlet in Changsha , the capital of Hunan province .

  23. 昨天位居榜首的阿森纳在白鹿巷,以3-1的成绩,又一次给以他们的北伦敦德比球队热刺和热刺教练MartinJol巨大的压力。

    Table-toppers Arsenal heaped the pressure on North London rivals Tottenham and their manager Martin Jol yesterday with a3-1 win at White Hart Lane .

  24. 利用60Co-γ射线辐照处理多年生黑麦草超级德比(DerbySupreme)的干种子,对植株过氧化物同工酶(POD)和酯酶(EST)同工酶酶谱进行分析。

    The effects of different doses of ~ ( 60 ) Co γ ray radiation on seeds of perennial ryegrass ( Derby Supreme ) were studied , and the POD and EST isozymes of plants were analyzed .

  25. 几个月前,我去了德比郡(Derbyshire)一个曾经的煤矿小镇博尔索弗(Bolsover),那里的经济数据看上去相当不错。

    A few months ago I went to Bolsover , a former mining town in Derbyshire whose economy looked fairly good on paper .

  26. 在EPL方面,维尔贝克和克里夫利在光明球场来了场曼联德比。

    In the Premier League , Danny Welbeck and Tom Cleverley came face-to-face as Sunderland and Wigan did battle at the Stadium of Light .

  27. 上个月,丰田(toyota)加入了英国汽车制造商的行列,在与德比附近burnaston工厂的员工进行谈判时发出裁员警告。

    Last month Toyota joined the ranks of UK carmakers warning of cuts in talks with its staff at its UK car plant at Burnaston near Derby .

  28. “我想这是精彩的比赛,德比战总是非常重要,”他告诉RTPN。

    " I think it 's fantastic because it is always a big derby ," he told RTPN , when asked about last weekend .

  29. Harford是典型的中锋,是当时最重口味的球员之一。当时有人猜想曼联打算把他从德比郡签过来。

    Harford was a no-nonsense centre-forward , reckoned to be one of the toughest players of his day , and there was speculation at the time that the Reds tried to bring him to Manchester from Derby County .

  30. 总部设在曼谷的人权组织东盟替代网络的协调员德比.斯托特德(DebbyStotherd)说,东盟应该考虑制裁缅甸,而不是坚持东盟的不干涉其他成员国内政的原则。

    Debbie Stothard , the coordinator for the Bangkok-based human rights group Altsean , says ASEAN should consider sanctions against Burma instead of sticking to its principle of non-interference in member states ' affairs .