
mó tuō chē yùn dònɡ
  • motorsports;motorcycling
  1. 父亲使乔恩了解了摩托车运动

    Jon was introduced to motorcycling by his father .

  2. 安妮:摩托车运动在全世界都很流行。

    Annie : Motor sport is very popular around the world .

  3. 墨尔本最受欢迎的一个娱乐活动就是摩托车运动。

    One popular pastime in Melbourne is motorcycling .

  4. 墨尔本附近的乡村有许多适合开展摩托车运动的好去处。

    In the countryside around Melbourne there are many fantastic places to go motorcycling .

  5. 中国摩托车运动协会

    Chinese Motor Sports Association

  6. 已退役的七冠王迈克尔·舒马赫可以在他的休闲时间参加摩托车运动。

    Retired seven time world champion Michael Schumacher can return to motor sport at his leisure with Mercedes-Benz .

  7. 王平:既然你们都喜欢,那就请你们介绍一下摩托车运动吧。

    Wang ping : since you all like it , would you please introduce something to us about the motorcycle sport ?

  8. 延安的青年运动是全国青年运动的模范。安妮:摩托车运动在全世界都很流行。

    It is the model for the youth movement throughout the country . Annie : Motor sport is very popular around the world .

  9. 1949年,改名为国际摩托车运动联合会,1959年国际摩联总部设在了瑞士日内瓦。

    In 1949 , it changed its name in-to the " International Motor Sports Association " . In 1959 , its head-quarters was set up in Geneva , Switzerland .

  10. 用振动参数判断摩托车发动机主运动件的磨损度

    Diagnosis on the Wear Condition of the Main Moving Parts of Motorcycle Engines by Using the Vibration Parameters

  11. 利用振动分析技术判断摩托车发动机主要运动件磨损状况。

    In this paper , the possibility to diagnose the wear condition of the main moving parts of motorcycle engines is discussed .

  12. 针对摩托车汽缸的运动特点,分析了激光处理工艺参数、光斑直径和硬化带面积、光束运动模式、硬式匹配等因素对激光处理的影响。

    Aiming at the motorcycle cylinder moving characteristics , the influence of the technological parameter , spot diameter and hardenability in the laser surface treatment .

  13. 而飞行摩托车主必需拿到运动飞行员执照才可驾驶。

    Owners will need a Sports Pilot Certificate to fly one .

  14. 用一辆自行车或摩托车进行旅行的运动。

    The sport of traveling on a bicycle or motorcycle .

  15. 要使摩托车有良好的运动平稳性和行驶通过性,就要做好摩托车传动部分和前后轮中轮辋、轮毂和轮胎的设计。

    Motorcycle to have a good and smooth movement of traffic through , it is necessary to do a good job in a motorcycle parts and transmission of rim , wheel and tire design .