
zǒnɡ zhī chū
  • total expenditures;aggregate expenditure
  1. 未经批准调整预算,各级政府不得作出任何使原批准的收支平衡的预算的总支出超过总收入或者使原批准的预算中举借债务的数额增加的决定。

    In case budget adjustments are not approved , the governments at various levels shall not make any decisions making total expenditures exceed total revenues in the original approved balanced budgets or making an increase of the debts to be borrowed as compared with the original approved budget .

  2. 其次,指出了国际通用的恩格尔系数消费分层中存在的总收入难以获得和总支出难以计量等问题,因此很难得到真实有效的数据。

    Secondly , noting that it is difficult to obtain total income and measure total expenditures in the Engel coefficient of consumption stratification of internationally accepted .

  3. 公共事业总支出的1%最终应当花在艺术事业上。

    One per cent of total public spending should eventually go towards the arts

  4. 目前,教育在我们国家总支出中仅占4%。

    Education now only accounts for 4 percent of the country 's total expenditures1 .

  5. 实证研究表明,我国财政总支出对GDP有着显著的正影响;

    The empirical study indicates , the total government finance expenditure has remarkable positive effect on GDP in our country ;

  6. 全美零售商联合会(theNationalRetailFederation)最近进行的一项调查发现,美国81.1%的消费者在今年假日购物季节将购买礼品卡,总支出预计超过285亿美元。

    A recent study by the National Retail Federation found that 81 % of holiday shoppers plan to purchase gift cards this year .

  7. 用于iphone宣传的广告总支出从2008年的9800万美元猛增至2011年的2.26亿美元。

    Total advertising spending for the iPhone has grown from $ 98m in 2008 to $ 226m in 2011 .

  8. 义务教育经费投入不足表现为:义务教育财政性投入占GDP的比例偏低、义务教育经费总支出中政府承担的比例偏低、义务教育生均公用经费地区差异明显。

    The insufficiency of compulsory education funds investment displays mainly the following aspects such as an improper ratio between financial investment and GDP , and the area great difference of public funds per students .

  9. 血小板活化因子受体拮抗剂干扰实验性肾炎的疗效观察及机理探讨我国卫生服务个人总支出的PAF估计模型

    Effects of PAF receptor antagonist on the rat model of glomerulonephritis Study on PAF Model for Estimation of Expenditure from Individual Payment for health care Service

  10. 尽管他们的总支出能力不如美国的同龄人,但高盛(GoldmanSachs)预测,下一个十年中国这一群体的收入将增长3万亿美元。

    Although they command less aggregate spending power than their US peers , Goldman Sachs estimates that over the next decade the income of this group will grow by $ 3tn .

  11. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)称,发展支出占政府总支出(包括预算外项目)的份额从80年代中期的三分之二跌至今天的不足50%。

    The share of development expenditure in total government spending , including all off-budget items , has declined from about two-thirds in the mid-1980s to barely 50 per cent today , according to Morgan Stanley .

  12. 自然因素对林地变化影响并不明显,林地变化主要受GDP、固定资产投入、年末总人口、人均纯收入、财政总支出、工业产值这六个社会经济因素影响。

    Natural factors of forestland change influence is not obvious , Woodland change is mainly affected by GDP , Fixed asset investment , Year-end total population , Per capita net income , Financial expenditure , Industrial production in the social economic factors influence the six .

  13. 今年5月,北京表示,发达国家应支出年度GDP的0.5%至1%,用于帮助较贫穷国家减排。按照这一贡献额度,八国集团(G8)各发达经济体每年的总支出将超过3000亿美元。

    In May , Beijing said developed countries should spend 0.5 to 1 per cent of annual GDP to help poorer countries cut emissions a contribution that would cost the Group of Eight developed economies more than $ 300bn ( 210bn , 185bn ) a year .

  14. 但当英国财政大臣阿里斯代尔达林(alistairdarling)在先期预算报告中宣布,拟在私人需求严重萎缩之际实施保障总支出的适度措施,为什么财经媒体几乎一致予以谴责呢?

    But why has the financial press been almost unanimous in condemning the modest pre-budget measures announced by Alistair Darling , Chancellor of the exchequer , to protect total spending in the face of a massive collapse of private demand ?

  15. 铁路运输总支出预算管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Total Railage Expenditure Budget Management System

  16. 补贴在印度政府总支出中所占比例超过10%。

    Subsidies account for more than 10 per cent of total government expenditure .

  17. 地方财政支出占财政总支出的比重呈上升趋势;

    The local financial expenditure is going up ;

  18. 成员国已经同意在协议实施期间削减超过3%的总支出。

    Members agreed to reduce total spending by over 3 % for the period .

  19. 计入通货膨胀因素后,总支出实际上没有变化。

    Total spwnding was virtually the same in real terms after factouring in inflation .

  20. 莱恩:我还需要你计算出上个月的总支出。

    Ryan : I also need you to calculate our total expenses for that month .

  21. 该公司表示,届时广告总支出将增长15%左右。

    Total ad spending , it said , will rise by about 15 % in that time .

  22. 零售部门的销售额占消费者总支出的三分之一。

    Sales at retail level accounts for about 1 / 3 of the overall spending by consumers .

  23. 如果总支出超过总费用,看一下是否有不必要的支出,尽量控制一下。

    If your expenses outpace your income , look at some non-essential areas where you could curb your spending .

  24. 但圣诞节是否提高了一年中的消费者总支出,答案则没那么明显。

    It is less obvious whether or not total consumer spending is higher across the year because of Christmas .

  25. 所以我们发现,尽管他们削减了总支出,但与我们合作的花销却在增加。

    So we find that they actually increase their spend with us even as they decrease their spend overall .

  26. 评估知识产权价值的技术,包括成本法和研发总支出。

    The techniques for assessing value of intellectual property include a cost approach and the aggregate expenditure to develop it .

  27. 较低的价格令总支出下降;而入口数量上升则令总支出上升。

    The fall in price brings a fall in total expenditure , while the rise in quantity brings a rise .

  28. 所以我们发现,尽管他们削减了总支出,但与我们合作的花销却在增加。主播

    So we find that they actually increase their spend with us even as they decrease their spend overall . ANCHOR

  29. 在消费结构方面,消费总支出和各类商品价格无疑是最重要的两个因素。

    For the consumption structure , the total consumption expenditure and the prices of commodities are undoubtedly the most important factors .

  30. 至于社会福利,新预算数据表明,它们已占全国财政总支出的40%。

    As for social benefits , new budget figures show they already account for 40 per cent of all state spending .