
zǒng sī lìng
  • commander in chief;C-in-C
总司令 [zǒng sī lìng]
  • [commander in chief] 军队的最高长官,战时指挥整个战争,对全军发号施令

总司令[zǒng sī lìng]
  1. 在侵略巴拿马的战役中他是总司令。

    He was commander in chief during the invasion of Panama .

  2. 将军说:“我是你们单位的总司令。”

    The general said , " I 'm the General , Commander in Chief of your unit . "

  3. 他被派往开罗总司令部。

    He was posted to GHQ Cairo .

  4. 他只是名义上的总司令。

    He is commander-in-chief in name only .

  5. 过去五年里,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)得到了不情愿的总司令这个名声。

    Over the past five years , President Barack Obama has gained a reputation as a reluctant commander-in-chief .

  6. 驻伊指挥官约翰?凯西(JohnCasey)将军更上层楼,成为驻伊美军总司令。

    General John Casey , the commander in Iraq , has been booted upstairs to become the army chief of staff .

  7. 一名塞尔维亚法官判决,前波黑塞族军事总司令姆拉迪奇(RatkoMladic)的身体状况良好,可以转移到海牙国际刑事法庭。

    A Serbian judge has ruled that the former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic is fit enough to be transferred to the war crimes tribunal at The Hague .

  8. 与此同时,陆军总司令阿鲁蓬(AnupongPaochinda)在新闻发布会上敦促政客们找出办法以解决当前的危机。

    Anupong Paochinda in a news conference urged politicians to find a way out of the crisis .

  9. 与此同时,张学良对总司令还没有失去信心。

    Meanwhile , Chang had not lost faith in the Generalissimo .

  10. 她是部队三个师的总司令。

    She is the overall commander of three divisions of troops .

  11. 在总司令部却没人能找到实弹!

    While no one can find real bullets at army headquarters !

  12. 我可能不会因为是你们的总司令而感到那种骄傲。

    And I could not be prouder to be your Commander-in-Chief .

  13. 你们会被交给总司令大人

    and you lot will be passed along to the Lord Commander

  14. 他无权置他的总司令于危难之中而不顾。

    He had no right to abandon his Commander-In-Chief in distress .

  15. 他被任命为印度总司令,人们交口称誉。

    His appointment as Commander-in-Chief in India had been generally acclaimed .

  16. 总统的职责包括担任总司令。

    The President 's official duties include being Commander in Chief .

  17. 毕竟作为总统,他也身兼总司令之职。

    After all , as the President , he was the commander-in-chief .

  18. 再同时成立地球军,由球长兼任总司令。

    Earth re-established the Army , concurrently commander of the ball long .

  19. 那一年,黑格取代弗伦奇当了西线的总司令。

    That year Haig replaced French as commander-in-chief of the western front .

  20. 作为你们的总司令,我荣幸之至。

    It is an honor for me to serve as your Commander-in-Chief .

  21. 独立国家联合体武装力量联合司令部ph.1.(美国陆军)总司令部

    Unified Command of the Commonwealth of Independent States Armed Forces general headquarters

  22. 作为海、陆军总司令,

    As commander in chief of the Army and Navy ,

  23. 是这个步枪射手打死了敌方的总司令。

    It is this rifleman who shot the enemy commander in chief .

  24. 作为三军总司令,我为他们感到骄傲。

    As Commander-in-Chief , I am proud of their service .

  25. 她同意于4点30分在总司令部与他见面。

    She agreed to meet him at GHQ at four-thirty .

  26. 他现在下决心要当三军总司令。

    He now determined to become commander-in-chief of the forces .

  27. 总司令在此久留不是我们的责任。

    The Generalissimo 's prolonged stay here is not of our doing .

  28. 为什么总司令要见他?

    Why would the Lord Commander want to see him ?

  29. 但如果你继续让总司令做诱饵。

    But if you 're going to use the commander-in-chief as bait .

  30. 我竞选是要当美国军队总司令!

    I 'm running to be commander in chief !