
  • 网络French monarch;Monarchs of France;Kings of France
  1. 1815年,随着他的胜利,法国君主政体再次建立。

    Following his defeat in 1815 , the French monarchy was re-established .

  2. 他是法国君主史里最平庸的国王

    He is the least grand of the French monarchs , surely .

  3. 1799年,作为第一执政官,他实际上成了法国君主。1804年,他直接模仿查理大帝,称自己为法国皇帝。

    He became practically monarch of France as first consul in1799 , and he made himself Emperor of France in i804in direct imitation of charlemagne .

  4. 论法国七月王朝君主立宪制的建立

    On the Formation of Constitutional Monarchy of the July Dynasty of France

  5. 米拉波伯爵是18世纪法国大革命前期君主立宪派主要代表人物之一。

    In the early 18th century , Count de Mirabeau is one of the main representatives of constitutional monarchy faction in the French Revolution .

  6. 路易十五法国与纳瓦拉的君主

    King Louis XV , Monarch of France and Navarre ,

  7. 法国大革命中的君主立宪派是处于上升时期的、自我意识与使命感极强的资产阶级理想主义者,其理想具有双重性,应该据此来评价其历史地位。

    As rising bourgeois idealists with strong self-consciousness and sense of duty , the Constitutional Monarchists in the French Revolution have an ideal of dualistic nature , and their historical status should be evaluated on the basis of this .