
  • 网络populist;narodniki
  1. 论唯物史观传承的一段重要历程&列宁在批判民粹派和经济派中对唯物史观的捍卫

    On the Historical Materialism of a Very Important Part in the Course of Transmission & Lenin 's criticism of populist and economic allocation of the defense of historical materialism

  2. 其二,这一提法容易被人混同于民粹派所主张的关于俄国可以避免资本主义发展阶段的思想;

    The hypothesis may be taken as an equivalent to the Populist claim that Russia may not undergo the stage of capitalist development ;

  3. 马恩的跨越设想与俄国民粹派的村社社会主义(上)

    The Over-leap Assumption of Marx and Engels and the Russian Mer-socialism of Populism (ⅰ);

  4. 何不“给民粹派一个机会”,让他们去兑现他们的承诺?

    Why not " give the populists a chance " to fulfil their promises ?

  5. 关于民粹派评价的几个问题

    Questions about assessment of Russian Populism

  6. 以往的民粹主义研究是建基于革命民粹派与自由主义民粹派两个概念上的。

    Previous studies have been focused on the two mainstreams : Revolutionary Nationalism and Liberal Nationalism .

  7. 如果你别无选择,那么赶在民粹派之前减少移民涌入。

    If you have no choice , reduce immigration before the populists do it for you .

  8. 俄国社会发展道路:恩格斯与民粹派思想比较研究

    A Contrastive Study of Engels ' and Populists ' Thoughts on the Road to the Russian Social Development

  9. 马克思、恩格斯跨越设想的提出直接与俄国民粹派的村社社会主义相关。

    The proposal of over-leap assumption by Marx and Engls is closely related to the Russian mer-socialism by Populism .

  10. 在天平的另一端,经济状况最糟糕的国家并不一定都会选举民粹派。

    At the other end of the scale , the countries that have suffered most are not necessarily electing populists .

  11. 俄国民粹派是近代俄国史上一个代表农民小生产者利益的政治团体。

    Russian populists are a political group which representative on the interests of the small producer and farmers in the modem history of Russian .

  12. 自从两种生产理论提出之后,学术界就对它有所争议,俄国的民粹派最早向两种生产理论提出批判。

    Since both production theory came out , On the whole it has been controversial academia . Russia 's national quintessence party first proposed critical to two production theory .

  13. 在俄国社会发展问题上,民粹派将俄国农村公社理想化、俄国农民神圣化、少数知识分子的作用绝对化,企图使俄国不经过生产力的累积而直接进入社会主义。

    In their discussions on the issue of the Russian social development , the populists idealized the Russian village communes , deified the Russian farmers and exaggerated the role of the intellectual minority .