
  • 网络Civil liability for compensation;civil compensation responsibility
  1. 我国商标法对商标侵权民事赔偿责任机制的构建并非完善且较为原则化,增加了实践中操作的难度。

    The abstraction of civil compensation responsibility system of trademark infringement in Trademark Law causes the difficulties in practice .

  2. 第二章是对我国的道路交通事故及其民事赔偿责任的基本原理的全面阐述。

    Chapter ⅱ: The general expatiation of the basic principles of Chinese road traffic accident and the civil compensation responsibility for it .

  3. 董事责任保险(D&O),是董事和高级职员责任保险(Directors'andOfficers'LiabilityInsurance)的简称,是指以公司董事和高级职员向公司或第三者承担的民事赔偿责任为标的的一种保险。

    D & O is the abbreviation for directors ' and officers ' liability insurance . The insurance object is the civil compensate liability by the company 's directors and the senior officers for the company or a third party .

  4. B.民法中的公平原则与保险法中的损失补偿原则是奠定保险代位求偿权制度的两大基石;保险人依法可向负有民事赔偿责任的第三者请求赔偿。

    The insurer can claim damages from the third party of civil liability . B. The fair principle in civil law and the damage compensation principle in insurance law lay good foundations for the system of the right .

  5. 招股说明书中虚假陈述的民事赔偿责任与法律救济

    Civil Compensation Liability and Legal Relief of False Statement in Prospectus

  6. 失去控制或者不负责任。无过失民事赔偿责任

    Free from control or responsibility . no-fault civil liability for damages

  7. 本文重点要讨论的是公证民事赔偿责任。

    This paper is to discuss the notarial civil liability for compensation .

  8. 仲裁员的民事赔偿责任之比较研究

    Comparative study on the civil compensation liability of arbitrator

  9. 论注册会计师证券市场虚假陈述民事赔偿责任

    On CPA 's Liability for Civil Compensation of False Statement in the Capital Statement

  10. 本文结合本司法解释对虚假陈述及其民事赔偿责任予以探讨。

    Based on this judicial interpretation on the false statement civil compensation liabilities and .

  11. 我国海洋环境损害民事赔偿责任与赔偿制度研究

    Research on the Civil Compensation Liability for and Compensation System of Marine Environmental Damage

  12. 论船舶海上油污的民事赔偿责任

    The civil liability for pollution damage in Ocean

  13. 医疗事故的民事赔偿责任就其义务主体部分来说是替代责任,如何解决医疗事故民事赔偿是司法实践中的重要问题。

    How to resolve civil compensation for medical malpractice is a key problem in judicial practice .

  14. 恶意抵押中抵押人的法定代表人或直接责任人需要对受害人承担民事赔偿责任。

    The legal representative or direct parties concerned should be liable for damages of civil duty .

  15. 论注册会计师民事赔偿责任

    Civil Compensate Liability of CPA Audit

  16. 操纵市场民事赔偿责任问题探讨&从中国证券市场的现实出发

    Civil Liability in Controlling Stock Market

  17. 无过失民事赔偿责任

    No-fault civil liability for damages

  18. 论民事赔偿责任&兼述经济法课程中的赔偿责任教学

    On the Civil Compensation Duty

  19. 食品安全问题继续凸显,民事赔偿责任问题依然是一个不可回避的话题。

    Food safety problems continue to highlight , civil compensation liability problem is still an unavoidable issue .

  20. 第二章:中国注册会计师民事赔偿责任的法律制度。

    First , the chapter inspects the legislation generalizations of civil liability for compensation system of Chinese CPAs .

  21. 做到行政处罚责任民事赔偿责任刑事处罚责任整个法律责任链条的完整。

    Achieve " administrative penalty liability-civil liability-responsibility for criminal punishment ," the integrity of the entire chain of liabilities .

  22. 侵权损害赔偿责任是清算义务人怠于履行清算义务而应承担的对债权人的民事赔偿责任。

    Tort liability is the civil compensation liability to the creditors when liquidation obligors avoid and delay organizing liquidation .

  23. 证券欺诈案愈演愈烈的一个重要原因就是民事赔偿责任制度的缺位。

    The very important reason for the growing securities fraud law cases is the vacancy of civil compensation liabilities system .

  24. 本文认为,在有过错的情况下,独立董事和董事一样承担民事赔偿责任;

    The author maintains that both the director and independent director with faulty will have to bear the same civil responsibilities .

  25. 抑止机动车交通事故的发生、降低交通事故造成的损害,是民事赔偿责任制度的最为重要的功能。

    The main function of the system of civil damages liability is to reduce the accidents and damages caused by them .

  26. 论国家在国际民事赔偿责任体制中的作用&以跨国污染事件为背景

    On the Function of States in the Mechanism of International Civil Compensation Liability & Under the Background of Transboundary Pollution Damage

  27. 也就是说,行为人在承担刑事责任之外,还须负民事赔偿责任。

    In other words , the perpetrator , besides the criminal liability , he has to bear the civil liability aslo .

  28. 明星代言虚假广告的民事赔偿责任是我国广告立法中的薄弱环节。

    The system of civil liability for damages concerning star speak on false advertising is the bottleneck under Chinese advertisement legislation .

  29. 其标的是公司董事和高级职员在履行公司职务过程中因过失所引起的民事赔偿责任,本质上是一种不确定的风险,属于可保危险的范畴。

    Its object is the civil compensate liability caused by directors ' and senior officers ' negligence in performing the company duties .

  30. 道路交通事故中的民事赔偿责任的立法需要明确归责原则、免责事由,以及过失相抵等问题。

    The civil liability legislation in road traffic accidents needs to be clear in attribution principle , disclaimer subject and fault offset .