
mín shì quán lì
  • civil right;private right;right in civil affairs;right relating to civil law
  1. TRIPS协议开宗明义便提出知识产权是私权,这种私权性质的定位,使得知识产权在民事权利体系中找到依托并得以进一步发展。

    The TRIPS agreement comes straight to the point that " the intellectual property rights are the private power ", this localization of private power nature , causes the intellectual property rights to find in the civil right system to depend on and can further its development .

  2. 人格权是民事权利体系中重要的组成部分。

    Personality right is an important part of civil right system .

  3. 第一百零五条妇女享有同男子平等的民事权利。

    Article 105 Women shall enjoy equal civil rights with men .

  4. 第二章公民(自然人)第一节民事权利能力和民事行为能力

    Chapter II Citizen ( Natural Person ) Section 1 Capacity for Civil Rights and Capacity for Civil Conduct .

  5. 宪法对民事权利具有深刻的保障意义。

    The constitution has deep guarantee meanings to the civil right .

  6. 而民事权利对于残疾人的有着更加重要的意义。

    Civil rights have more important significance for people with disabilities .

  7. 摘要自力救济是一种强化民事权利保护的法律制度。

    Self-help is the legal reinforcement to protect the civil right .

  8. 配偶权是受双重规范调整的民事权利,谨慎对待离婚和婚姻自由。

    Devoice and the rights of marriage freedom are exercised carefully .

  9. 论我国民事权利司法保护的疏失

    Defects and Omissions in Judicial Protection of Civil Rights in China

  10. 民事权利的诉讼时效适用问题研究

    On the Civil Rights ' Application to the Limitation of Action

  11. 因为是非洲人,他们不能通过民事权利法案。

    They don 't have to pass civil-rights bills for Africans .

  12. 生育权是公民的一项基本民事权利。

    Child-bearing right is a basic civil right of human beings .

  13. 形成权是一种重要的民事权利类型。

    Forming right is an important type of civil rights .

  14. 同时民事权利与宪政之间的关系大部分都是一种间接的关系而非直接的一一对应的关系。

    Meanwhile , the relationship between civil rights and constitutionalism is indirect .

  15. 西方宪政是在社会自身发展基础之上逐渐演变的结果,我认为这种演变的逻辑起点就是民事权利。

    I think the logical basis of the evolution is civil rights .

  16. 首先介绍了有关民事权利适用诉讼时效的两个不同概念:诉讼时效的客体与诉讼时效的适用范围;

    On Object of Limitation There are two different concepts .

  17. 罪犯享有财产、继承等方面的民事权利。

    Criminals enjoy certain civil rights , including property and inheritance rights .

  18. 任何民事权利都都有一定的边界,知情同意权也不例外。

    Any rights have boundaries , so does the right of informed consent .

  19. 在建商品房上民事权利的冲突与解决

    The Conflicts of Civil Rights on the Under-construction Commercial Housing and the Settlement

  20. 各学科体系对民事权利私力救济概念界定不一;

    Different concepts of private relief in many subjects ;

  21. 执行是生效法律文书确定的权利义务实现的过程,是当事人借助国家强制力实现其民事权利的过程。

    Enforcement is the realization of the rights given by the effective law .

  22. 民事权利冲突保护论

    Research on the protection of conflict of civil rights

  23. 民事权利在宪法层面上得到确认,为民法中这些基本的民事权利找到了最高位阶的保障。

    Civil right confirm by constitution , getting higher guarantee for civil law .

  24. 试论法人民事权利能力的特殊性

    Views of the specific characteristics of the juridical person 's civil rights capacity

  25. 一切自然人都具有民事权利能力和民事责任能力。

    Every natural person has the capacity for civil rights and civil liability .

  26. 时效制度最早起源于古罗马法,是对民事权利的一种限制。

    Aging system originated in Roman law is a restriction of civil rights .

  27. 新型民事权利的诉讼保障机制

    The Litigation Security Mechanism of the New Civil Rights

  28. 试论民事权利的特征与本质

    On the Features and Natures of the Civil Rights

  29. 民事权利能力若干问题研究

    Research on Some Problems about Capacity for Civil Right

  30. 他给我们光辉民事权利的法律;他给我们越固执。

    His brilliance gave us civil-rights laws ; his stubbornness gave us vietnam .