
  • 网络possibilism;probabiliorism
  1. 法律何以能被信仰?&兼与法律信仰不可能论者商榷

    How Law Can Be Believed ?: Also a Discussion with the Law-Cannot-be-Believed Scholars

  2. 可能论认识到人的能动性在环境提供的可能性中的自由选择,从而也就走到了决定论宿命观的反面。

    Possibilists forsake determinist fatalism by being very aware of man 's activity and free choice before environmental possibilities .

  3. 讨论了“损失可能论”的理论缺陷和审计理论风险诸概念之间的关系,揭示了审计的本质;

    Next we discuss the theory faulty of LPV and relations among audit-related risks and disclose the audit essence ;

  4. 人地关系研究是近代地理学发展的基础,地理学中流行的环境决定论、可能论、文化景观学和人类生态学等都是聚焦于人地关系研究的不同学派。

    Man-land relationship research is the basis for development of modern geography . Various schools of geography such as determinism , possibilism , cultural landscape and human ecology are focusing studies on man-land relationship .

  5. 当你谈论小的污染级别,你可能会谈论它的ppm。

    When you are talking about small levels of pollution , you 're likely talking about it in terms of parts per million .

  6. 身份变形开启的可能&论《玉米》的叙事策略

    On the Narrative Strategies of The Corn

  7. 他们可能正在论讨这个问题。

    They may be discussing problem .

  8. 是什么使比较成为可能?&论比较教育中的可比性

    What Makes Comparative Study Possible ? & On Comparability of Comparative Education

  9. 别一种生活方式是可能的&论建设性后现代主义对现代生活方式的批判及启迪

    Another Possible Lifestyle & Critique and Enlightenment of Constructive Postmodernism on Modern Lifestyle

  10. 哲学的教化何以可能?&论从罗蒂、加达默尔到儒家的可能性

    How is Philosophical Edification Possible ? & on the possibility from rorty 、 gadamer to confucianist

  11. 对中国文化和经济发展感兴趣的海外人士也可能对这种论感兴趣。

    Foreigners who are interested in the development of Chinese culture and economics might also be interested in this discussion .

  12. 这便有可能把系统论的现代方法应用于我们的对象,从而开拓新的研究范畴。

    This makes it possible to apply the modern methods of system theory to our object , thereby introducing new research categories .

  13. 对于没有机会了解生物学或者自然科学的人来说,那些超自然学说信奉者的主张可能比进化论更令他们信服。

    For those who have never had the opportunity to find out about biology or science , claims made by those who believe in supernatural alternatives to evolutionary theory can appear convincing .

  14. 当然,若是我们在一百年之后再来建造这一节目,我们可能就闲谈论一些怪异有趣的叫做钱、纸币或是硬币的小工具,因为到那时我们概略只使用塑料卡了。

    And of course , if we were doing this program in a hundred years time we might talk about quaint little things called money , notes and coins , because all we 'd be using would be plastic card .

  15. 基于洛伦兹-狄拉克方程,本文介绍了计及辐射阻尼力后电磁场中带电单粒子(包括导体中的自由电子)受力平衡条件的一种可能的相对论协变形式。

    Based on the Lorentz-Dirac equation , an equilibrium condition of forces in relativistic covariant form for a charged particle ( it may be a free electron in conductor ) in electromagnetic fields is presented with the radiation damping taken into account .

  16. 走通断桥的方式&触摸、可能与寻找论电视剧《历史的天空》的爱情模式有小键盘,大键盘,触摸屏,手写等输入方式,甚至可以用耳机操作。

    Way to Walk Through the Broken Bridge-to Touch and to Seek On Love Pattern in Soap Opera Historical Sky ; Input text via the keypad , keyboard , onscreen keyboard or handwriting recognition , or go handsfree with speakerphone or wireless headset . You choose .

  17. 因而,缩写词可能是汉语纯净论者要攻克的最后一个堡垒。或许有人会想,下一个就该轮到“CCTV”了吧?

    Abbreviations may thus be one of the last bastions for language purists , leaving some people to wonder , will'CCTV'be next ?

  18. 结合微观作用机制的非连续性,讨论了EPR实验和薛定谔猫悖论,量子力学曲率解释,有可能为消除相对论与量子力学之间深层次矛盾提供契机。

    The present article , based on micro-action mechanism , discusses EPR experiments , Schrdinger theory and curvature explanation of Quantum Mechanism , in the hope of eliminating the deep contradictions existing between relativity and quantum mechanics .

  19. 它可能引起哲学本体论的变革。

    It may lead : to the revolution of ontology .

  20. 本文的主题是揭示叔本华如何使一个不可能的自然意志论成为可能。

    This essay shows how Schopenhauer made possible the impossible theory of will-in-nature .

  21. 割圆连比例不可能为清代级数论提供坚实的基础。

    The cyclotomic continued proportion is impossible to furnish Qing-times series with a solid basis .

  22. 用这种方法就有可能采用常规信息论的其它重要成分,如模棱两可信息和多余信息。

    With this technique it is possible to adopt other important components of conventional information theory such as equivocation and redundancy .

  23. 企业所面临的不确定因素将会层出不穷,突如其来的危机可能随时出现。论突发公共卫生事件财政补偿机制的建立

    The business crisis arises suddenly . The Setting-up of the Financial Compensation Mechanism of the Public Health Event Happens Suddenly in the The ory to Try

  24. 可能与限度&论中国现当代文学史研究与编纂中的还原热

    Possibilities and Limitations & On the Craze of Returning to the Original Condition in the Research and Edition of the History of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature

  25. 预期进一步的研究,终将表明达尔文的渐变进化论和现今提出的陨击灾变进化论的交替发展,有可能为完整进化论的统一创造条件。

    After further researching , it will be finally shown that is alternate development of Datwin 's gradual changed evolution and present calamity changed evolution of aerolite impact .

  26. 那种认为感觉经验是与命题唯一相关的实证主义成了一种不可能的唯我论,因为感觉经验本身在语言中可以被约简掉。

    Positivism who thought that sense and experience be exclusively related to the proposition became impossible solipsism , this is because sense and experience can be reduced in actual languages .

  27. 我发现自己无意中对着无数陌生人忏悔了,贾米森上个月在《卫报》上发表文章说,我开始觉得忏悔可能是唯我论的反面。

    I found myself becoming an unwitting confessor to countless strangers , Ms. Jamison wrote last month in The Guardian . I started to feel like confession could be the opposite of solipsism .

  28. 这种想法可能成为基督嗣子论,把基督看成是“逻各斯”赋予灵感的人,或者说“逻各斯”可以理解为相当于上帝的一个独立人,这样就有了两个上帝。

    It could become adoptionism , seeing Jesus as a man inspired by the " logos " . or the " logos " could be understood as an independent being equal to god , thus making two gods .

  29. 在税收政策的比较上,可能存在就税收论税收的专业局限性,缺乏足够的视野和理论深度来进行把握和比较分析,需要各位专家老师的帮助。

    Comparison of domestic and foreign policy , there may be a tax on the tax professional limitations , lack of vision and depth of the theory to grasp and comparative analysis ; you need the help of experts and teacher .

  30. 文章在转换生成语法框架内解释了论元在表层结构的可能线性组合、论元在深层结构的可能组合、逻辑性结构歧义三个方面解析了歧义句形成的原因。

    Within the framework of TG-Grammar , the article carries out the semantic interpretations of syntactical ambiguity : possible linear combination of arguments , combination of arguments in deep structure and logical form od ambiguity , and analyses causes of ambiguity .