
  • 网络visualization techniques;Visualization;VISC
  1. 可视化技术及视窗等软件在CT成像的应用

    Visualization Techniques Using WINDOWS and Relative Softwares in CT Imaging

  2. 在Eclipse中,您可以使用许多不同的可视化技术。

    In Eclipse , you can use many different visualization techniques .

  3. 虚拟GIS及其虚拟可视化技术研究

    Research on Virtual GIS and it 's Virtual Visualization Technology

  4. 三维GIS模型的分层表示及可视化技术研究

    Layered Representation and Visualization Technique for 3D GIS Model

  5. CT图像处理及可视化技术的研究

    CT Image Processing and Visualizing Technology

  6. 在DCS中实现炉内三维温度场可视化技术

    Technology for realization of three-dimensional temperature field to be visualized in DCS

  7. 基于IFS的3DFractal可视化技术研究

    Visualization and Generation of 3D Fractal Using IFS

  8. 基于OpenGL的三维地形的可视化技术与实现

    Visualization of 3-D terrain based on OpenGL and its implementation

  9. 数字减影血管造影(DigitalSubtractionAngiography,简称DSA)是在此基础上发展的一种广泛使用的血管可视化技术。

    Digital Subtraction Angiography ( DSA for short ) is a widely used technique developed from angiography .

  10. 基于OpenGL的输油场站运行仿真及可视化技术研究

    Research of Simulation and Visualization Technology in Oil Transfer Station Operation Based on OpenGL

  11. 基于OpenGL的可视化技术。

    Visualization technology based on OpenGL .

  12. 研究了LBS系统中基于SVG的地理空间数据可视化技术。

    The visualization technology of spatial data using SVG in LBS.

  13. 可视化技术在动载滑动轴承THD计算中的应用

    Application of Visualization Technology to THD Calculation of the Dynamically Loaded Bearing

  14. Fortran与VB混合编程及其在流动数值模拟可视化技术中的应用

    Study on Visual Basic / Fortran mixed-language programming and its application to visual technology for flow numerical simulation

  15. 同时,在聚类基础上进行了路径关联分析。最后,本文还对网站可视化技术进行了一定分析,将Web日志挖掘结果做了可视化处理,使网站管理者直观地发现网站可用性问题。

    After clustering , find association rules based on that . Finally , analyze Web visualization technology and visualized Web usage mining results so that the Website manager can find Website usability problem directly .

  16. 分析和设计了GPS数据预处理系统的体系结构,对系统的总体结构、系统的功能划分以及开发中采用的关键技术(如可视化技术、数据批处理等)进行了研究。

    The structure of data pre-processing system for GPS observation was analyzed . General structure and function of system and some critical technology used in the system development are studied .

  17. 相信面向组件对象模型(COM)、面向对象和可视化技术在电力自动化领域中将有很好的应用前景。

    The author believes that it has a good prospect to apply Component Object Model , Object-Oriented Technology and Visual Programming Method into the field of power industrial automation .

  18. 该研究利用X射线测定三倍体毛白杨木材各无性系气干密度,通过适当的数学模型,利用计算机可视化技术对木材密度的分布进行可视化分析,得到了木材横切面密度二维分布图。

    This study uses X ray to measure wood density of triploid clones of Populus tomentosa Carr . Based on suitable mathematical model , the distribution of wood density was analyzed by cumputer visible technology .

  19. 应用多Agent技术完成实时的通风网络解算与分析,为矿井的通风安全提供了辅助决策功能,也为虚拟现实与可视化技术在矿井通风系统中的进一步开发与应用奠定了基础。

    Real-time calculation and analysis of ventilation net was fulfilled by multi-agent technology . It gives auxiliary decision - making function for safety of mine ventilation , and also establishes a base for more exploiting by virtual reality and visibility technology .

  20. Delaunay三角化在诸多应用领域具有极其广泛用途,也一直是计算机图形图像学和科学计算可视化技术的重要研究内容。

    Delaunay triangulation has been widely used in manifold fields and is long researched content in computer Graphics & Image and visualization in scientific computing .

  21. 目前兴起的Web服务技术、XML技术给地理信息Web应用带来了新活力,并与空间数据集成技术、空间数据可视化技术相结合,为解决地理信息孤岛问题提供了有力的支持。

    Now , web services and xml technology brings much spark to the geographic information application in web . The paper uses these new technologys , and combines spatial data integration and visualization technologys in order to provide supports for sharing geographic information .

  22. 随着可视化技术的发展和应用,计算机图形学的算法可视化也越来越受到研究者的重视,而且也提出了很多不同的可视化方法,如flash动画演示方法等。

    With the development and application of visualization technology , researchers have emphasized on the arithmetic visualization of computer graphics and also proposed a lot of different visualization methods , for example flash animation method .

  23. 原型对以统一规范方法采集的头颅CT图像数据进行预处理、数据格式转换,并在图像配准基础上,通过立体可视化技术,对断层图像进行三维重建和立体显示;

    The prototype can acquire the data of craniofacial CT images by standardized method , preprocess value of the data , convert the format of data . After the image data registered , the stereo visualization can render 3D craniofacial images .

  24. 在分析目前三维GIS建模策略的基础上,根据矿山地质三维数据的特征,提出了三维模型的分层表示策略和基于OpenGL的可视化技术。

    On the basis of analyzing present 3D GIS modeling methods , a layered representation method is put forward in corresponding to features of 3D data in geology , which can be visualized by OpenGL technique .

  25. 本文利用图像可视化技术,在小型火焰试验台上获得了Red=4335~11100范围内的燃气预混火焰的湍流热图像序列,并对2维湍流结构参数进行了测量。

    Applying the technology of combustion imaging visualization , the image series of freely propagating premixed turbulent flame over a range of Reynolds number from 4 335 to 11 100 are acquired and the two dimension structure parameters of turbulent flame are also measured .

  26. 该方法采用基于光线投射的体可视化技术,已在MITK(medicalimagingtoolkit,一个用于医学影像处理与分析的C++类库)中实现。

    This method is based on volume visualization technique with ray casting implemented in Medical Imaging ToolKit ( MITK ) which is a C + + library for medical image processing and analyzing .

  27. 本文以江西某汽车厂总装车间为应用背景,设计与开发了汽车装配MES系统,并研究了汽车总装车间MES中信息采集和可视化技术。

    This paper took an automobile assembly line in Jiangxi as the application background , researched and developed the auto assembly line MES , and also researched information collection , as well as visualization techniques .

  28. 利用Visualc++开发平台,结合三维数据场可视化技术和OpenGL技术,把由车削温度场数学模型计算得到的大量数据点转化为直观的、可交互的图形信息;

    The turning temperature field was visualized on the platform Visual C + + with the visualization technology of 3D data field and OpenGL . The calculated data obtained from mathematical model of turning temperature field was transferred to visualized and interactive graph information .

  29. 基于时域有限差分(FDTD)算法并利用计算机可视化技术,对目标系统进行电磁建模研究,并设计出一套具有丰富内建图形处理功能的网格生成软件。

    According to the electromagnetism modeling research based on the computation method & Finite Difference Time Domain and computer visualization technology , a FDTD MESH Generator System ( software ) is designed , which has abundant graphic processing functions .

  30. 研究了典型可视化技术的实现方法及其应用。其中包括:图形库OpenGL的用法、地形的二维渲染、三维显示、BiliBoard、Alaph、结合MFC(微软基础库)的计算机动画技术等。

    Implementation methods as well as applications are discussed of classical visualization techniques which include usage of the graphics library OpenGL , 2-D rendering of terrain , 3-D display , BillBoard , Alpha and computer animation technique based on MFC library .