
  • 网络geography of mountain
  1. 但是这些偏远地区的历史遗存拥有优美的自然环境,具有独特的乡土气息和传统文化特质,是山地地理环境与社会文化的结合体。

    However , the historical relics of the remote regions have beautiful natural environments , unique local flavor and traditional cultural characteristics , thereby being a combination of mountain geographical environments and social culture .

  2. 基于GIS的山地交通地理信息分析方法与技术

    Method and Technology of Geographic Information Analysis of Mountain Traffic-net Based on GIS

  3. 研究得到了基于GIS的山地交通地理信息分析方法在可视、实效等方面明显优于传统方法;

    The research gets the conclusion that the analysis methods of mountain traffic geographic information based on GIS are much better than traditional analysis methods in visualisation and actual effect .

  4. 在分析讨论传统山地交通地理信息分析方法弊端的基础上,对基于GIS及GIS-T的山地交通网的建设、管理使用等所需的相关地理信息的分析意义、技术方法等问题进行了探讨。

    Based on discussion of the abuses of traditionary analysis methods of mountain traffic geographic information , this paper discuses the analysis meaning and the methods of the information needed in the impolder and management of mountain traffic network by using GIS and GIS ? - T.

  5. 运用数学建模的方式,对山地丘陵地理环境中任意多点在特定高度的可视范围进行了研究。

    Using mathematics method , the visible range of points at a certain height in mountainous region was researched in this article .

  6. 冰川变化率所表现出的这种空间差异主要受不同山地冰川地理位置、大气环流条件以及冰川本身属性等因素影响。4、以气象格点数据分析南阿尔泰山区气候变化特点。

    These spatial differences of the glacier change are mainly affected by the location , atmospheric circulation and different glacier properties . Fourth , the climate change characteristics are analyzed based on the meteorological grid data .

  7. 山地遥感与地理制图的发展

    The development of mountain remote sensing and Cartography

  8. 秦岭山地的特殊地理状况,使得它具有浓缩的环境梯度和高度异质化的生境、相对较低的人类干扰强度的特点。

    Because of the special geographic situation of Qinling Mountain , it characterized by an obvious environmental gradient , habitat heterogeneity and relatively low human disturbance .

  9. 甘肃陇南山地羚牛的生态地理

    Ecological geography of Takin in mountainous regions of Southern Gansu

  10. 由于滨江山地城市特殊的地理条件,其广场的设计有别于其他平原城市。

    As limited by the special geography condition of the waterside-mountainous city , its square design differs from that of the other plain cities .

  11. 东北地区的地表结构,略呈半环状的三带,山地和丘陵地带地理分区明显区别于东北平原和内蒙古平原的生态地理分区。

    Influenced by the surface structure of the northeast , it presented half rings of three zones , and the mountainous and hilly terrain partition is obvious different from northeast plain and Inner Mongolia ecological geographic regions .