
  • 网络Yamanaka;shinya yamanaka
  1. 英国人格登(JohnB.Gurdon)和日本人山中伸弥(ShinyaYamanaka)的试验表明,取自人体的成熟细胞可在实验室培养皿中转变为类似胚胎状态的细胞。这是一项令人震惊的发现,在生物学上相当于将时光倒转。

    Experiments by John B. Gurdon of the United Kingdom and Shinya Yamanaka of Japan showed that mature cells taken from the body could be changed to an embryonic-like state in a laboratory dish , a head-spinning discovery that is the biological equivalent of turning back time .

  2. 宣布约翰戈登和山中伸弥共同分享2012年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖对我来说意义非凡。

    The announcement that John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka are the recipients of the 2012 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine was a special treat for me .

  3. 山中伸弥在接受采访时说,没有格登的工作,我们永远不会在12年前着手这项有风险的项目。山中伸弥是日本京都大学(KyotoUniversity)教授兼美国旧金山格莱斯顿研究院(GladstoneInstitutes)高级研究员。

    ' Without [ Dr. Gurdon 's ] work we would never have started this risky project 12 years ago , ' said Dr. Yamanaka , who is a professor at Kyoto University and affiliated with the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco , in an interview .

  4. 山中伸弥有可能获得诺贝尔奖。

    Prof Yamanaka has a chance of winning a Nobel Prize .

  5. 山中伸弥在几年后得到了答案。

    Dr. Yamanaka had the answer a few years later .

  6. 这正是山中伸弥博士所做的研究。

    That was what Dr Yamanaka did .

  7. 2006年,山中伸弥利用老鼠的其它组织创造出了类似胚胎干细胞的细胞。

    In 2006 Professor Yamanaka created cells resembling embryonic stem cells from other tissue in mice .

  8. 无论是约翰格登还是山中伸弥所做的工作都是为了令这种可能成为现实。

    Sir John and Dr Yamanaka have both conducted work that should help make this possible .

  9. 最终,在2007年,山中伸弥博士尝试在人体细胞中找到相同的四个基因,从而生成人体多功能干细胞。

    Finally , in 2007 , Dr Yamanaka managed to switch on the same four genes in adult human cells , and thus generated pluripotent human stem cells .

  10. 在2005年,第一次进行的实验中,山中伸弥博士并没有得到健康的成年小鼠,但是他却将成熟的体细胞转变成多功能干细胞。

    In the first experiment , conducted in 2005 , Dr Yamanaka did not get complete mice , but he did turn the adult cells into pluripotent stem cells .

  11. 但是,如果效果显著,那么约翰格登先生和山中伸弥教授则开拓了一个全新的领域:再生医学。

    But if it works well then Sir John and Dr Yamanaka may turn out to have been the pioneers of a whole , new field : regenerative medicine .

  12. 山中伸弥博士,日本京都大学这一新的卷提供了干细胞再生和分化,从作者的专家小组规定的广泛的多样化的概述。

    Shinya Yamanaka , Kyoto University , Japan This new volume provides a broad overview of the regulation of stem cell renewal and differentiation from a diverse panel of expert authors .

  13. 剑桥大学的生物学家约翰爵士古尔与日本科学家山中伸弥一起分享了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,因论证细胞如何被再编程回到更年轻的状态。

    The Cambridge biologist Sir John Gurdon shared the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine with the Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka , for demonstrating how cells can be reprogrammed into a more youthful state .

  14. 山中伸弥今年50岁,他出生的那年格登正在做青蛙试验,而他也终将思考一个相关问题:格登的重新编程技术能否在不用卵子的情况下完成?具体到人类试验上,这一点很难做到。

    Dr. Yamanaka , 50 , was born in the year Dr. Gurdon did his frog experiment . Dr. Yamanaka would eventually ponder a related question : Could the Gurdon reprogramming trick be done without using eggs-which , in human cases , can be hard to come by ?