
  • 网络Goat's Milk;Goat milk;goat
  1. 我不喜欢山羊奶。

    I don 't like goat 's milk .

  2. 另外有些时候得搬运装着食用油、水或是山羊奶的大木桶。

    And sometimes large barrels of cooking oil , water , or goat 's milk .

  3. 结果表明,牛奶乳糖含量显著高于山羊奶(P0.05);

    The result showed that the lactose content of the cow milk was markedly higher than that of the dairy goat milk ( P 0 . 05 ) . The contents of cystine . valine .

  4. 白语称为yondbap用牛奶或山羊奶制成。

    In Bai language it is called " yond bap , " which means making of milk or goat milk .

  5. 用山羊奶制品的人要比用牛奶制品的多。

    More people use milk products from goats than from cows .

  6. 由未经处理的牛奶、山羊奶或者羊奶制成。

    Made of unpasteurized cow milk , goat milk or lamb milk .

  7. 用山羊奶制成的质量最好。

    Milk pastry made of goat milk is of the best quality .

  8. 通常有多种方法可用于帮助提高山羊奶的产量和质量。

    There are several ways to help goats produce more and better milk .

  9. 山羊奶改善了全世界许多家庭的饮食。

    Goats ' milk improves the diet of many families around the world .

  10. 山羊奶应按照本法规的标准和要求加工。

    Goat milk shall be produced according to the sanitary standards of this Ordinance .

  11. 山羊奶的营养价值

    The Nutritional Value of Goats ' Milk

  12. 山羊奶的营养与开发利用

    Nutrition of Goat Milk and Its Exploiture

  13. 山羊奶的风味

    Flavor Characteristics of Goat Milk

  14. 有母山羊奶够你吃,也够你的家眷吃,且够养你的婢女。

    And thou shalt have goats'milk enough for thy food , for the food of thy household , and for the maintenance for thy maidens .

  15. 以零售包装销售的山羊奶,必须含有不少于2.5%的乳脂肪和不少于7.5%的非脂乳固体。

    Goat milk sold in retail packages shall contain not less than 2 ? percent milk fat and not less than 7 ? percent milk solids not fat .

  16. 奶山羊产奶性状候选基因的研究进展

    Advance in Candidate Genes Affecting the Milk Traits in Goat

  17. 于是就给它们喂山羊的奶来替代。

    Click on the link for Vita publications .

  18. 利用RAPD标记对12只波尔山羊与唐山奶山羊的杂交二代羊肉用性能进行了研究。

    The random Amplified Polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) of 12 upgrading offspring ( F_2 ) of Boer goat and Tangshan dairy goat was studied using 21 arbitrary primers .

  19. 波尔山羊与唐山奶山羊杂交改良后代的肉用性能

    Meat performances of upgraded offspring of Boer goat and Tangshan Diary goat

  20. 布尔山羊与关中奶山羊杂交改良效果分析

    Effect analyses on crossing improvement of Boer goat and Guan zhong daing goat

  21. 有些山羊似乎产奶比其他好。

    Some goats seem to milk better than others .

  22. 波尔山羊胚胎移植奶山羊应用技术研究

    Studies on embryos transfer in Boer goat

  23. 双胞胎小山羊开始产奶。

    The twins started producing milk .

  24. 波尔山羊与关中奶山羊级进杂交后代的生长发育研究

    Study on Growth and Development Traits in Descendants by Grading Hybridization from Boar Goat and Guanzhong Dairy Goat

  25. 正在尝试中的方法包括从具有额外蜘蛛丝基因的转基因山羊的山羊奶中获得纤维和改造例如蚕这样其它昆虫的丝。

    Approaches being tried include deriving fiber from the milk of transgenic goats with an extra spider-silk gene and adapting silk produced by other insects , such as silkworms .

  26. 不可用山羊羔母的奶煮山羊羔。

    Do not cook a young goat in its mother 's milk .

  27. 几千年来,家禽提供肉和蛋,牛、羊和山羊提供肉和奶,猪也是肉的来源。

    For thousands of years , poultry supplied meat and eggs , cattle , sheep and goats provided meat and milk , and pigs provided a source of meat .

  28. 从这里你可以看出区别所在。更让人困惑的是,还有另外一系列十诫称作摩西的十诫,其中包括“不可用山羊羔母亲的奶煮山羊羔”。[出埃及20]

    plete list of the differences here . To add to the confusion , there is also another set of 10 commandments called the Ritual Decalogue which includes laws such as " Do not cook a kid in its mother 's milk . " [ Exodus 20 ]

  29. 结果表明:4个微卫星标记在波尔山羊、太行山羊和河北奶山羊3个品种中存在多态性,可以用于山羊遗传多样性的评估;

    The results indicated that there are genetic polymorphisms at four microsatellite markers in three goat breeds .

  30. 对48只太行山羊(供体羊)、40只太行山羊和120只奶山羊(受体羊)进行了同期发情和超数排卵胚胎移植试验。

    Superovulation was conducted in48 Taihang Goats and synchronized estrus was induced by associated hormones and CIDR methods in40 Taihang Goats and120 Milk Goats .