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  • instant coffee
  1. 他用勺子把速溶咖啡舀入两个杯子中。

    He spooned instant coffee into two of the mugs .

  2. 我要杯速溶咖啡。

    I 'd like a cup of instant coffee .

  3. COSTA是一个进口的咖啡品牌,全新开发的速溶咖啡。

    COSTA is a imported coffee brand , The lastest development of instant coffee has come to market .

  4. 我解释道,由于时间还早,可爱的露辛达(Lucinda)还没有到,因此我只能提供速溶咖啡。

    I explained that as it was early , the Lovely Lucinda had not yet arrived , and so the coffee would be instant .

  5. 目前,亚洲生产的咖啡主要产自越南和印尼,以罗布斯塔(robusta)咖啡豆为主,这是一种用来生产速溶咖啡的较低品质咖啡豆。

    The bulk of coffee produced in Asia - mainly in Vietnam and Indonesia - is robusta , the lower quality bean used in instant coffee .

  6. 我们6点钟起床,喝了些Arlyne带来的很不错的速溶咖啡,吃了些昨天晚上剩下的鸡肉糯米饭,然后就开始出发了。

    Up at6 am , pack , enjoy some nice instant coffee Arlyne brought , some sticky rice with chicken left over from last night , and ready to go !

  7. 他定了250听速溶咖啡。

    He placed an order for 250 tins of instant coffee .

  8. 而另外10名测试人员则喝同样剂量的速溶咖啡。

    Ten other people drank the same amount of instant coffee .

  9. 同理适用于速溶咖啡的苦涩斥责。

    The same goes for the bitter reproach of instant coffee .

  10. 冻干技术在速溶咖啡生产中的应用

    Application on Freeze-drying Technology in the Manufacturing of Instant Coffee

  11. 那速溶咖啡质量上乘,味道好极了!

    That is uncommon instant coffee ; it tastes great !

  12. 星巴克拟在中国大规模增加新店,引入速溶咖啡文化。

    Starbucks to take China by storm with instant coffee .

  13. 而且,我也喜欢速溶咖啡。

    And also , I quite like instant coffee .

  14. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)新鲜咖啡比速溶咖啡好。

    The taste is great . Fresh coffee is superior to instant coffee .

  15. 速溶咖啡是将咖啡干燥后与热水混合调制而成的。

    That is dried coffee mixed with hot water .

  16. 她冲了一杯速溶咖啡。

    She make a cup of instant coffee .

  17. 卧室里有茶壶、袋茶和速溶咖啡。

    The bedroom has a kettle with tea bag and sachet of instant coffee .

  18. 如果你担心胆固醇的话,请坚持饮用过滤速溶咖啡。

    If you 're worried about cholesterol , stick to paper-filtered and instant coffees .

  19. 每个房间都配备了一把壶、袋茶和袋装速溶咖啡。

    Each bedroom have a kettle , tea bag and packet of instant coffee .

  20. 新鲜咖啡比速溶咖啡好。

    Fresh coffee is superior to instant coffee .

  21. 今天我一直在一边喝着加了皮特牛奶的速溶咖啡,一边欣赏着外面的雪景。

    Today I 've been drinking instant coffee and Pet milk , and watching it snow .

  22. 麦氏速溶咖啡滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。高速滴式生物过滤器

    " Maxwell House " instant coffee & good to the last drop . high rate thickling filter

  23. 有一段时间,速溶咖啡迅速受到大众喜爱,并且出现了许多品牌。

    At one point , instant coffee grew rapidly in popularity , and many brands were introduced .

  24. 讽刺意味的是,速溶咖啡竟然是咖啡出口里唯一能够找到的咖啡产品。

    Ironically , instant coffee is the only form of coffee available in certain coffee exporting countries .

  25. 而且用速溶咖啡制作冰咖啡也很,这在天热的季节里非常流行。

    Moreover , instant coffee is also convenient for preparing iced coffee , which is popular in hot seasons .

  26. 尽管速溶咖啡能够放置很长一段时间,但是如果不能保持干燥的话很快就会坏掉。

    Although it has a long shelf life , instant coffee may go solid if it is not kept dry .

  27. 冲一杯速溶咖啡就不需要花&只要加热水就可以喝了。

    No time is required for infusing the instant coffee-it is ready as soon as the hot water is added .

  28. 但几分钟之后,她重新出现在我面前,脸上充满希望地问:“速溶咖啡可以吗?”我说可以。

    But in a few minutes she reappeared , looking hopeful , with an offer : Could I take instant ? I could .

  29. 例如雀巢这些速溶咖啡产品在十多年前在美国很受欢迎,在欧洲和亚洲依然流行。

    Instant coffee products such as Nescafe were popular decades ago in the United States and remain popular in parts of Europe and Asia .

  30. 这杯咖啡来得非常高贵:一只装甜点用的玻璃高脚杯里,咖啡闪着水晶般的光芒。这是我喝过的最纯美的速溶咖啡。

    It arrived grandly - shining crystals in a stemware dessert glass - and proved to be the best instant coffee I had ever tasted .