
sù lǜ
  • rate;speed;tempo
速率 [sù lǜ]
  • [speed] 运动物体在单位时间内经过的距离

速率[sù lǜ]
  1. 这种接入方式降低了投入和应用的成本,又保证了ddn专线数据传输的速率和质量。

    The new way not only lowered the cost of investment and application but also ensured the speed and quality of DDN data transmission .

  2. 网页切换的速率和网页的互动性是WEB应用程序开发中重要的性能指标。

    Web switching speed and interactivity of web pages is a WEB application development key performance indicators .

  3. 水稻在拔节孕穗后期干物质生产速率最大。

    In the late of jointing and booting stage rice has highest dry matter productivity .

  4. 暗呼吸及光呼吸速率与叶水势降低的关系,呈现先升高而后下降的曲线类型。

    The curve pattern showed that the ratio of dark-respiration to photorespiration increased at first and decreased later on .

  5. 我们想知道食物接触被污染的表面的时间长度是否影响了细菌转移到食物上的速率。

    We wanted to know if the length of time food is in contact with a contaminated surface affected the rate of transfer of bacteria to the food .

  6. 温度驯化能导致速率补偿,表现为25℃驯化河蟹的呼吸率明显低于10℃驯化河蟹的呼吸率

    A respiration rate compensation throught thermal acclimation is demonstrated by E.

  7. 的柱头和雌蕊的失水速率均较低

    Monterey 's transpiration of pistils and stigmas are lowest . Monterey

  8. (当地的书店正在以每年五家的速率倒闭。)

    Local bookshops are going out of business at the rate of five a year .

  9. 在这种情况下发现有比这模型要高得多的氧化速率

    In this case an anomalously high oxidation rate is observed with respect to the model .

  10. 他们把岩屑和水的流动速率的不同归因为它们的粘性的不同

    They attribute the different flow rates of debris and water to their markedly different viscosities .

  11. 皮肤温度随着周围环境温度升高,香水中酒精的扩散速率也会加快。

    The rate of diffusion of alcohol in a fragrance increases as the skin warms to your surrounding temperatures .

  12. 结果表明:温度和挤出速率对挤出胀大比B值的影响较为明显;

    The results showed evident effect of temperatUre and extrusion rate on the die swell ratio B ;

  13. 有效速率k撇。

    With an effective rate k prime .

  14. 这里k撇包含这些速率。

    Where k prime contains these rates .

  15. 悬浮培养细胞生长速率与培养液的pH值存在一定的相关性。

    There are a certain interrelation between the callus growth rate and the suspension pH value .

  16. RNA合成速率有明显的动&植物极梯度;

    The rate of RNA synthesis has an obvious gradient of animal-vegetal pale ;

  17. 加载速率对大理岩动态断裂韧度(K(1d))的影响

    Influence of loading rate on dynamic fracture toughness of marble

  18. 黄铁矿在酸性溶液中溶解速率相对较快,并易达到溶解平衡。然而,部分由于反应产物形成的难溶物吸附沉积在表面,导致剩余黄铁矿表面Fe(Ⅱ)的溶解速率要缓慢地多。

    The dissolution of pyrite in acidic solution was relatively fast and easily reached to dissolution equilibrium .

  19. 基于速率的TCP友好多播拥挤控制

    Rate-based TCP-friendly Multicast Congestion Control

  20. 运动训练可以增加线粒体ATP生成速率;

    Athletic training may increase mitochondrial ATP production rate .

  21. TCP友好的速率控制

    TCP Friendly Rate Control

  22. 第三代移动通信技术(3G)的发展可以提供更快的无线下载速率。

    Third generation mobile communication technology ( 3G ) development can provide faster wireless download rate .

  23. GPRS网络传输速率与信道配置

    GPRS Network Transmission Rate and Channel Configuration

  24. 利用FPGA基于硬件的快速、并行处理的特点,可使系统数据处理和传输速率大为提高。

    Use of FPGA hardware-based rapid , parallel processing features , enables system data processing and transmission rate greatly improved .

  25. 这些细胞迅速分裂,分别发育形成不同阶段的体细胞胚,在这一过程中,DNA代谢呈现有规律的变化,到球形胚时,DNA合成速率达到最高峰。

    The changes of DNA metabolism took place in a certain pattern and the maximum rate of DNA synthesis occured during the formation of globular embryo .

  26. 结果表明,干旱条件下,冬小麦的平均灌浆时间T相对缩短,平均灌浆速率R相应增加;

    The results showed that the mean grain filling time of winter wheat was shortened while the mean grain filling rate was increased correspondingly .

  27. 研究了码分多址(CDMA)系统中下行联合功率速率分配问题。

    The joint power and data rate allocation in code division multiple access ( CDMA ) systems was studied .

  28. 使用强碱NaOH为助催化剂时,可提高氢转移加氢反应的速率和转化率;

    The addition of NaOH can increase the reaction rate and conversion of acetophenone significantly .

  29. 用速率散射比浊法测定72例多发性骨髓瘤(MM)血清与尿中单克隆蛋白(M蛋白)。

    Serum and urinary monoclonal proteins ( M protein ) were measured in 72 cases of multiple myeloma ( MM ) using rate nephelometry .

  30. 结果表明,阔叶红松林土壤CO2排放与表层无凋落物的土壤CO2排放速率在测定年度内具有相同的季节变化趋势。

    The results showed that there were similarly seasonal variation trends for soil CO 2 emission rates in soil and litter-free soil .