
  • 网络Anaphylaxis;immediate hypersensitivity
  1. 医用生物蛋白胶致速发型过敏反应3例

    Immediate hypersensitivity from fibrin glue in three patients

  2. 肾上腺素能够快速紧急改善速发型过敏反应过程。

    Epinephrine is critical to rapidly improve the course of anaphylaxis .

  3. BN大鼠和豚鼠对清开灵注射液致速发型过敏反应的比较

    Allergic response to Qingkailing injection in BN rats

  4. 苍耳子对速发型过敏反应的抑制作用

    Inhibitory Effect of Xanthium sibiricum Fruits on Immediate Allergic Reactions

  5. 目前文献确定肾上腺素是卫生保健单位外的儿童速发型过敏反应急救治疗药物。

    The current review examines the use of epinephrine as first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children outside of the healthcare setting .

  6. 头孢菌素类抗生素中的高分子杂质是引发速发型过敏反应的过敏原,是药物分析研究的重点。

    The high molecular weight impurities in cephalosporins are the sensibilisinogen causing tacho-anaphylactic reaction and the emphasis in pharmaceutical analytical studies .

  7. 结论由于速发型过敏反应中,过敏性休克导致死亡的病例逐渐增多,因此探讨速发型过敏反应客观形态学诊断指标是非常必要的。

    Conclusions : It is very necessary to probe diagnosis target in objective formation for the death cases that it led to is gradually growing .

  8. 速发型过敏反应可能包括麻疹、搔痒、皮肤发红、呼吸困难、气急、喘鸣、晕厥、腹部绞痛及呕吐。

    Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include hives , pruritis , flushing , dyspnea , wheeze , stridor , syncope , crampy abdominal pain , and vomiting .

  9. 美国小儿科学会发布的临床报告推荐一项最佳治疗措施&采用能自我注射肾上腺素急救社区儿童速发型过敏反应。

    A clinical report by the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends best practices for administering self-injectable epinephrine for first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children in the community .

  10. 快速注射肾上腺素治疗速发型过敏反应几乎常常有效,延迟注射肾上腺素与包括死亡在内的不良预后相关。

    Prompt injection of epinephrine is nearly always effective in the treatment of anaphylaxis , and delayed injection of epinephrine is associated with poor outcomes including fatality .