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sù jì
  • shorthand;short hand;stenography;take sth. down in shorthand
速记 [sù jì]
  • (1) [stenography]∶用省略的或缩减的形式代替文字

  • 学习速记

  • (2) [shorthand]∶用速记文字书写或报道

  • 速记人员

速记[sù jì]
  1. 我被视为是一名能干的速记打字员。

    I was deemed to be a competent shorthand typist .

  2. 我用速记法把他的评论记录了下来。

    I took down his comments in shorthand .

  3. 本用速记法记笔记。

    Ben took notes in shorthand .

  4. 记者用速记记下了他的讲演。

    The reporters took his speech down in shorthand .

  5. 警察局速记员逐字记下了那个人的供词

    The police stenographer recorded the man 's confession word by word .

  6. 速记法已没有多大市场了。

    Stenography is no longer a marketable skill .

  7. 她可以不用手,而使用一种带键盘的机器进行速记。

    Instead of writing her shorthand by hand , she could use a machine .

  8. 这工作需要会速记和打字,她不久便学会了。

    This job necessitated a knowledge of stenography and typewriting , which she soon acquired .

  9. 中英文速记术原理与速成妙用法GPS在高速公路快速抢修中的应用

    Shorthand Skills and Quick Adoptions Application of GPS in Rapid Repair of Expressway

  10. 速记符在AutoCAD中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Shorthand Marks in AutoCAD

  11. 吻和X符号之间的这种早期的联系现在已经成为人们普遍所接受的用来表示爱的一种速记形式。

    The kiss and the cross became synonymous , and this early link has now become a universal shorthand of love and affection .

  12. 这是一种速记形式&文件名中在模型名前加一个m可帮助您记住文件的组织方式,而不必使用更长的前缀或后缀,如model等。

    It 's a form of shorthand & placing an m before the name of the model in the filename can help you keep things organized , without having to use a longer prefix or suffix like model_ .

  13. v.以另一种文字或符号写出n.transcript审判的记录由速记员的速记符号翻译出来。……

    transcribe The account of the trial was transcribed from the stenographer 's shorthand notes .......

  14. 一个法庭速记员必须能够一分钟写下二百五十个字以上。n.生动的

    A court stenographer has to be able to take down more than 250 words a minute .

  15. 介绍了一种对英文Pitman速记发声字进行在线分割识别的新方法。

    Presents a novel approach for segmentation and recognition of on - line vocalized outlines of Pitman shorthand .

  16. 许多年前,当我还是个初出茅庐的记者时,我学会了皮特曼(pitman)速记。

    Many years ago , when I was a rookie reporter , I learnt the pitman system of shorthand .

  17. 如果你只想得到一种级别的文章,如果你只是发展了PHP5,你可以使用速记。

    If you are developing for PHP5 only , then you can use shorthand , if you only want to get one status .

  18. 对我来说理由就是我的大脑很小,我不能记住很多,因此对于大事情用速记法-就像Bion的所有的团队如何工作的理论-这对我来说受益匪浅。

    For me the reason is that my brain is small , I cannot remember very much , so having a shorthand for a really big thing – such as Bion 's theory on how all groups work – is helpful to me .

  19. 我作为秘书的职务包括:速记、打字和整理档案。

    My secretarial duties includes taking shorthand , typing and filing .

  20. 有,我打字和速记相当好。

    Yes , I can type and take shorthand very well .

  21. 我在夜校获得了速记和打字证书。

    I gained a shorthand and typing diploma at evening classes .

  22. 他们的谈话由秘书速记下来。

    Their conversations were taken down in shorthand by a secretary .

  23. 索菲很快找了一张纸条,用速记法把它抄了下来。

    Sophie quickly found some paper and copied it down longhand .

  24. 速记和打字被说成是一对孪生技巧。

    Shorthand and typewriting have been described as the twin arts .

  25. 为什么不修速记和打字课程?

    Why not enrol in a shorthand and typing course ?

  26. 手写中文速记符中音符的动态规划识别方法

    Dynamic Programming Recognition of Pinyin Notations in Chinese Handwritten shorthand

  27. 我学速记!我不干!我不喜欢速记。

    Me learn shorthand ! Not me ! I should hate it .

  28. 他们准备用速记来记录他将说的话。

    They prepared to take down what he would say in shorthand .

  29. 一个合格的速记员不一定就是个称职的秘书。

    A qualified stenographer is not necessarily a competent secretary .

  30. 用速记(用录音机)录下一篇讲演。

    Take a speech down in shorthand ( with a recorder ) .