
kuài sù
  • fast;quick;high-speed;speedy;velocity
快速 [kuài sù]
  • [quick;fast;high-speed] 速度快,迅速

  • 快速切削

快速[kuài sù]
  1. 第四道的澳大利亚运动员正从后面快速追赶上来。

    The Australian in lane four is coming up fast from behind .

  2. 快速消除压力非常重要。

    It 's vital to zap stress fast .

  3. 她清脆快速地宣读了名单。

    She read out the list in sharp , clipped tones .

  4. 在经济发展快速的20世纪90年代,有才华的大学毕业生可以发展很快。

    In the expansive 1990s bright graduates could advance rapidly .

  5. 快速翻阅一下报纸便找到五则适合的招聘广告。

    A quick trawl through the newspapers yielded five suitable job adverts .

  6. 他出击时胳膊快速一晃,令人眼花缭乱。

    His arm was a rapid blur of movement as he struck .

  7. 我们已创造了快速处理订单的方法以便迅速将货物送达顾客。

    We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers .

  8. 购买十件商品以内的顾客可使用快速购物通道。

    Customers with ten items or less can use the express lane .

  9. 快速眼动睡眠称作“主动”睡眠。

    REM sleep is termed ‘ active ’ sleep .

  10. 他快速旋转着手里的帽子。

    He twirled his hat in his hand .

  11. 转数指针快速上升。

    The needle on the rev counter soared .

  12. 如果你想在伦敦快速出行,最好是乘地铁。

    If you want to get around London fast , the Underground is your best bet .

  13. 我要快速查看一下,看看那封信是否已经寄到。

    I 'll just have a quick check to see if the letter 's arrived yet .

  14. 我快速翻至索引部分。

    I riffled through the pages until I reached the index .

  15. 他们的车快速前行时,韦罗妮卡面带微笑地看着他。

    Veronica looked at him , smiling , as they bowled along

  16. 把底部在冷水中快速地浸一下后拿出来。

    Quickly dip the base in and out of cold water .

  17. 我们的任务是敦促联合国快速做出决策。

    Our task is to challenge the UN to make a swift decision

  18. 马克斯在客厅里快速地来回走动。

    Max zips back and forth across the living room .

  19. 糖能快速缓解饥饿感,但不能提供持久的营养。

    Sugar gives quick relief to hunger but provides no lasting nourishment .

  20. 这个时候应该果断行动、快速反应。

    This is a time of decisive action and quick thinking

  21. 将面包在水里快速蘸一下,然后将它挤干。

    Dip the bread briefly in water , then squeeze it dry .

  22. 她迈着淑女步快速穿过房间。

    She crossed the room with quick , ladylike steps .

  23. 政府一直积极宣扬旅游业是快速发展型产业。

    The government has been trumpeting tourism as a growth industry

  24. 他先快速地浏览页面,然后再细细阅读。

    He skimmed the pages quickly , then read them again more carefully

  25. 这款便携式摄像机可以使录像带快速倒回或前进。

    The camcorder winds the tape back or forward at high speed .

  26. 我有点儿喘不上气,心脏咚咚地快速跳动着。

    I was a little breathless and my heartbeat was bumpy and fast

  27. 他画图时先快速勾勒出大致的轮廓。

    He starts a painting by quickly drawing simplified shapes .

  28. 他快速穿过市区赶往州议会大厦。

    He raced across town to the State House building

  29. 快速开展工作的伯明翰警方已经开始发现间接证据。

    Fast work by the police in Birmingham had started producing circumstantial evidence .

  30. 我会快速地翻页,直到找到要找的那一部分。

    I 'll just flick through the pages until I find the right section