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kuài zǒu
  • let's go;hurry;beat it;hie
  1. 要不快走,我们就得迟到。

    We 'll be late if we don 't hurry .

  2. 快走,别迈方步了。

    Hurry up . Don 't walk with measured steps .

  3. 我得快走,要不我该迟到了。

    I 'd better scoot or I 'll be late .

  4. 咱们快走吧!

    Let 's split !

  5. 快走比慢跑能消耗更多的热量。

    Brisk walking burns up more calories than slow jogging .

  6. 趁着雨还不大,咱们快走吧!

    Let 's go right now before it 's raining hard .

  7. 到点了,快走吧!

    The time is up . Let 's go quickly .

  8. 快走,要不你赶不上火车了。

    Be quick , or you 'll miss the train .

  9. 剧场里的人很快走空了。

    The theatre emptied rapidly after the show .

  10. 你不快走,还罗嗦个啥?

    It 's time you went . Why do you keep on chattering away ?

  11. 快走吧,别再磨时间了。

    Stop dawdling and get going .

  12. 嘿!快走吧!

    Hey , hurry up !

  13. 快走开,孩子们!车队要出发了。

    Cut away , children ! the motorcade is starting .

  14. 别卖呆儿了,快走吧!

    Don 't just stare ; let 's go !

  15. 快走,赶在商店关门前。

    Cut off now before the shop closes .

  16. 快走吧,再晚就什么也吃不上了。

    Hurry up , or we 'll be too late to get anything to eat .

  17. 别磨蹭了,快走吧。

    Stop dawdling and get moving .

  18. 但就在他快走到车门时,他突然停了下来,蹲下来看人行道上的东西。

    But just before he reached the car door , he suddenly stopped , crouchingdown to peer at something on the sidewalk .

  19. 6.dashaway飞快的离开,快走;开会已经迟到了,我得赶紧走了。

    I 'm already late for the meeting , I must dash away now .

  20. 对不起,我得赶快走。

    Excuse me , but I must be running along .

  21. 以前我们走路,现在我们快走。

    We used to walk ; now we speed walk .

  22. 汤姆,如果你不快走,上学又要迟到了。

    If you don 't stir your stumps , Tom , you 'll be late for school again .

  23. 或者就像约翰尼·卡森说过的,它是从曼哈顿交通信号灯变绿到后面那辆车的司机按喇叭催你快走的那一小段极为短暂的时间。

    Or as Johnny Carson once said , it 's the interval1 between a Manhattan traffic light turning green and the guy behind you honking2 his horn .

  24. 商容点点头,又说经过高大的老树要小步快走,老子回答说:“你的意思是说一定要尊敬老人?”

    Shang Rong nodded and added that when he passed an old tall tree he should walk fast in small paces . Laozi said , " Do you mean we should respect seniors ? "

  25. 当时我还不太清楚什么是getamoveon。现在才清楚她是让我赶快走,不然就要迟到了。

    LL : Right , OK , well , let 's get a move on then , it 's getting late .

  26. 基于AutoCAD的快走丝电火花线切割机床自动编程系统的开发

    Development of Auto-Programming System for WEDM-HS Machine Tools Based on Autocad

  27. 制造部门拥有快走丝车间、慢走丝车间、磨床车间、组装车间、CNC加工车间。

    Manufacturing sector is divided into high-speed wire moving shop , low-speed wire moving shop , grinning shop , composing shop and CNC processing shop .

  28. 快走我们要输了走干得好Lucas

    Come on , we 're losing . Let 's go . Good job , Lucas .

  29. 编制快走丝线切割3B程序的技巧

    The Technique in 3B Program of High-Speed WEDM

  30. 她的任期很快走到尽头,原因是Google总部发现她私自给政府官员送ipod作为礼物,并把送礼支出记在了谷歌的账上。

    Her tenure came to an end when Google discovered that she had taken it upon herself to give iPods to Chinese officials .